
作者&投稿:空琛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  1、Make haste in doing good, restrain your mind from evil. Whosoever is slow in doing well, his mind delights in evil?


  2、As from a heap of flowers many a garland is made even so many good deeds should be done by one born a mortal.


  3、Be tolerant among the intolerant, gentle among the violent, and free from greed among the greedy.


  4、As a beautiful flower that is full of hue but lacks fragrance, even so fruitless is the well-spoken word of one who does not practice it.


  5、If a man practices himself what he admonishes others to do , he himself , being well-controlled, will have controlled over others. It is difficult, indeed, to control oneself.


  6、To his ruin, indeed, the fool gains knowledge and fame, they destroy his bright lot and cleave his head.


  7、Better than a thousand utterance with useless word is one single beneficial word, by hearing which one is pacified.


  8、One should not pry into the faults of others, into things done and left undone by others. One should rather consider what by oneself is done and left undone.


  9、Deed divides beings into lower and higher ones.


  10、One should make his speeches free from caustic remarks against others.


  11、The words of a man who is reserved in his speech and talks wisely and rationally are delightful to the ear.


  12、Do not speak ill of others in their absence.


  13、Without learning, men grow as cows do increasing only in flesh not wisdom.


  14、With the intelligent, the wise, the learned, the devout and the dutiful --with such a virtuous, intellectual man should one associate.


  15、Be fond of sleep, fond of company, indolent, lazy and irritable-this is a cause of one’s downfall.


  16、Who strives not when he should strive, who, though young and strong, is given to idleness, who is loose in his purpose and thoughts, and who is lazy-that idler never finds the way to wisdom.


  17、Indulge not in heedlessness, have no intimacy with sensuous delights; for the earnest, meditative person obtains abundant bliss.


  18、Happy indeed we are without hate among the hateful.


  19、Happy is virtue till old age; happy is steadfast confidence; happy is the attainment of wisdom; happy is it to do no evil.


  20、Happiness consists in the realization of our wishes, and in our having only right desires.


  21、One is one’s own refuge, who else could be the refuges?


  22、Man is the master of his destiny.


  23、Health is the best gain; contentment is the best wealth. A trusty friend is the best kinsman; Nirvana (liberation) is the supreme bliss.

  健康是最佳的利益;满足是最好的财富。(名人名言 www.yjgdq.com)守信的朋友是最好的亲戚;没有烦恼是最大的幸福。

  24、Let your old age be childlike, and your childhood like old age; that is, so that neither may your wisdom be with pride, nor your humility without wisdom.


  25、Though one may live a hundred years with no true insight and self-control, yet better, indeed, is a life of one day for a man who meditates in wisdom.


  26、Sound health is the greatest of gifts; contentedness, greatest of riches; trust, the greatest of qualities.


  27、Let your diet be spare, your wants moderate, your needs few. So, living modestly, with no distracting desires, you will find content.


  28、Prevention is better than cure.


  29、Cordial friendship has a supreme taste.


  30、Just as the flattery of a friend can pervert, so the insult of an enemy can sometimes correct.


  31、One should spend reasonably, in proportion to his income, neither too much nor too little. He should not hoard wealth avariciously, nor should he be extravagant.


  32、Fools, men of little intelligence, give themselves overt negligence, but the wise man protects his diligence as a supreme treasure.



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