municipal mayor 什么意思

作者&投稿:爱媚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
municipal manager 是市长吗?怎么翻译合适?~

municipal manager可翻成“市政经理”

Yiwu City is a city of about 1,000,000 people in central Zhejiang Province in the People's Republic of China.

Yiwu was founded in the Qin dynasty, at or about 222 BC. Yiwu's long history flourished as early as the Neolithic Age. Yiwu first became a county in the year 222BC and was renamed Yiwu County in the year 624 AD. In May 1988, the former Yiwu County was upgraded to a county-level city. In 1995, Yiwu ranked the 47th among China's 100 most powerful counties/cities regarding comprehensive economic strength and in the same year listed as Zhejiang's sole city among the nation's experimental counties/cities of comprehensive reform. In 2001, the Yiwu overall economy ranked 19th of all counties (cities) of China.

Yiwu's early culture has given birth to many great figures in the fields of literature, art military, education, and engineering. Among these were Chen Wangdao, China's first translator of the Communist Manifesto; Wu Han, historian and former deputy mayor of Beijing; Zhu Zhixi, the meritorious engineer in harnessing the Yellow River, and Zongze, a well-known general from the Song Dynasty who resisted aggression by the State of Jin.

Yiwu is located 100 km south of the city of Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province. The nearest city to Yiwu is Dongyang. The area, as in most of the Province of Zhejiang, is in a mountainous region.

Yiwu is technically part of the greater Municipal region of Jinhua, although it has a distinct urban core. It has under its jurisdiction 15 towns and 8 villages, which covers 1102.8 square kilometers, 15 square kilometers of which are urban area of 650,000 people (2005 estimate).

Yiwu is famous in China as a commodities center. People from all over the world come to Yiwu City to buy commodities for resale in other parts of China or abroad. Yiwu's China Small-Commodity Market has for 6 consecutive years topped China's 100 top open markets and was for successive years listed as China's civilized open market. It has been named as the banner of China's market economy and with a large variety of quality but cheaper commodities, the market has become a shopping paradise for tourists.

Its 4C-grade airport has opened over a dozen of air routes to such cities as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shantou, Weifang and Shenzhen. The Zhejiang-Jiangxi Railway and Hangzhou-Jinhua Expressway pass through the city, making Yiwu an important local transportation hub. Express trains from Shanghai South Railway Station take less than three hours.

Yiwu boasts an Olympic quality stadium and a large Christian Church. Many events associated with trade take place in Yiwu City. Yiwu also has a sizable Korean and Middle Eastern population, mostly working in the import and export businesses. Yiwu is also known as the "sock town" as it produces over three billion pairs of socks for Wal-Mart, Pringle and Disney annually. Yiwu is also known as China's number one producer of fashion jewelry.

Planning to go there? Fly to Shanghai and take a train, bus, or taxi to Yiwu. It takes about 4 hours by taxi and costs 800 RMB (November 2006). There are trains and buses that leave Shanghai every day. The journey is 3 to 5 hours by train, depending on the type of train, and costs 50RMB or less (Sept 2006). Changing foreign money is simple at the several Bank of China branches around the city. Credit cards may be accepted at some hotels and restaurants, otherwise cash is needed.

municipal mayor
adj.市的,市政的; 地方自治的; 都市的,市营的,市制的; 内政的;

Municipal committee, vice mayor zhongping to participate in inspections.

Mayor's hotline office of kunming municipal people's government.

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伊沾肝宁: municipal和provincial的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同.一、意思不同1.municipal意思:adj. 市政的;市的2.provincial意思:adj. 省的;地方的;偏狭的 二、用法不同1.municipal用法:意思是“城市,都市,市”,多指较大或重要...

宝鸡市17796421693: municipal/public works是什么意思啊?? -
伊沾肝宁: 同学你好,很高兴为您解答!municipal/public works,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助.这个词语的汉语意思是:市政工程.希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道.高顿祝您生活愉快!

宝鸡市17796421693: 英语翻译1、必须是外文,不要中翻英再英翻中.2、最好能翻译好并整理好.3、出处、来源不能少.4、分值将追加 -
伊沾肝宁:[答案] Characteristics and Types Although there are special-purpose local government bodies (e.g.,school boards in the United ...prefect of the department to the municipality,which has a locally elected mayor and municipal council.The prefect,being both the ...

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伊沾肝宁: 首先确定你的主线任务已经坐到那一步了,然后: 开始说是电脑坏了,然后87门外电脑那里我等了一天也没刷NPC出来;和mayor对话,就是那个打扮的像巴顿的小P孩儿,也许需要先去后门和princess对话,然后找mayor表明自己一定要进入87,mayor就会带你去开门了.守门的“princess”嘴很臭,恨不得J了丫的……

宝鸡市17796421693: 什么是municipal park???
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伊沾肝宁: 1.因为在西班牙语中,形容词比较级有规则和不规则两种说法:比方说,规则变化,一般的形容词都可使用此方法,用lindo举例 原级: lindo 漂亮 较高级: más lindo que… 比……更漂亮 (同等级形式:tan+形容词+como) 同等级: tan lindo ...

宝鸡市17796421693: Municipal Bond是什么意思啊? -
伊沾肝宁: 同学你好,很高兴为您解答!MunicipalBond市政债券一个州、省、市或县政府发行的债务证券,目的在于筹集基本建设资金.美国的市政债券一般无需缴税,尤其是如果投资者是发行政府所在地的居民. 希望我的回答能帮助您解决问题,如您满意,请采纳为最佳答案哟. 再次感谢您的提问,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道.高顿祝您生活愉快!

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