
作者&投稿:裴泉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
问: 英语,翻译,求答案~~


I had an amusing experience last year. After leaving a village in the south of France, I continue to the next town. On the way, a young man waved to me. I stopped and he asked me for a lift. He got on the bus, I said good morning to him in French and he also answer me in French. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. We spoke during the journey. Will be arrived at the town, the young man suddenly open, said slowly: "I soon learned, he was English himself."

  1. 人们互相打招呼的方式 ways of【greeting】each other

  2. 一位亲密的朋友或亲戚 a【close】friend or【relative】

  3. 一名交换生 an【exchanging】student

  4. 在期末典礼上 at the【terminal】【ceremony】

  5. 去参加一位熟人的婚礼 go to a【acquaintance's 】wedding

  6. 下蛋【lay】an egg (lay【eggs】)

  7. 恭喜这对新婚夫妇 【congratulate】the new couple

  8. 在婚宴上 at wedding【ceremony】

  9. 坐在不同的区域 sit in【different】areas

  10. 鼓声喧天 【make】loud【trumpets】

  11. 通宵【stay up】night

  12. 冒犯别人 cause【offence】

  13. 努力适应那样做 try to【adapt】【to】【do】that

  14. 很难适应这种做法 have trouble【in】【adapting】【to】it

  15. 童年时篝火节的温暖回忆 【warm】childhood【memories】of Bonfire Night

  16. 大量的烟花 【lots】【of】fireworks

  17. 得体的行为 【decent】behavior

  18. 有着相似的外表 have a similar appearance

  19. 和……相似 be【similar】【to】

  20. 仅供娱乐 just for 【entertainment】

  21. 在独立日【on】【Independent】 Day

  22. 有着一些共同之处 【have】something【in】【common】

  23. 燃放烟花 【set】【off】

Sentence bank

  1. 公鸡被认为是用来辟邪的而母鸡则被认为能给婚姻带来好运。

  2. 【Cocks】are【considered】to【keep】bad【things】【away】from the wedding ceremony, and hens are【considered】to【bring】good luck for the marriage.

  3. 白酒是完全禁止的。

  4. 如果你们家住在婚礼举办地附近,你很可能睡不了多少觉。
    You probably wouldn't get much sleep if you lived near【to】a wedding reception【is】【being】【held】.

  5. 如果你在文莱,你进别人家门之前得脱鞋。
    If you【go】to Brunei, you【must】have to take off your shoes before【getting】into someone's house.

  6. 但真正有趣的是,即使都以英语为母语的人,他们之间的文化差异还是很大的。
    But【what】is really interesting【is】【that】there are sometimes great【cultural】【difference】even between【native】English speakers.

  7. 我们的风俗并不只是相似。
    Our【customs】are not always【same】.

  8. 我对那个特别的日子不了解。

  9. 如果私人不许放烟花,那人们觉得也行。
    If personal fireworks are not【allowed】, people will just【accept】【it】.

人们互相打招呼的方式 ways of greeting each other
一位亲密的朋友或亲戚 a close friend or relative
一名交换生 an exchange student
在期末典礼上 at the final ceremony
去参加一位熟人的婚礼 go to a friend's wedding
下蛋 lay an egg (lay, laid, laid)
恭喜这对新婚夫妇 Congratulate the new couple
在婚宴上 at wedding banquet
坐在不同的区域 sit in different areas
鼓声喧天 in loud drums
通宵 all night
冒犯别人 cause offense
努力适应那样做 try to adapt to doing that
很难适应这种做法 have trouble in adapting to it
童年时篝火节的温暖回忆 Warm childhood memories of Bonfire Night
大量的烟花 lots of fireworks
得体的行为 appropriate behavior
有着相似的外表 have a similar appearance
和……相似 be similar to
仅供娱乐 just for fun
在独立日 on Independence Day
有着一些共同之处 have something in common
燃放烟花 let off fireworksSentence bank
公鸡被认为是用来辟邪的而母鸡则被认为能给婚姻带来好运。Cocks are thought to keep bad luck away from the wedding ceremony, and hens are thought to bring good luck for the marriage.
白酒是完全禁止的。Spirit is totally prohibited.
如果你们家住在婚礼举办地附近,你很可能睡不了多少觉。You probably wouldn't get much sleep if you lived near where a wedding reception is being held.
如果你在文莱,你进别人家门之前得脱鞋。If you go to Brunei, you will have to take off your shoes before going into someone's house.
但真正有趣的是,即使都以英语为母语的人,他们之间的文化差异还是很大的。But what is really interesting is that there are sometimes great cultural differences even between native English speakers.
我们的风俗并不只是相似。Our customs are not always alike.
我对那个特别的日子不了解。I am not familiar with that special festival.
如果私人不许放烟花,那人们觉得也行。If personal fireworks are not allowed, people will just do without.

close relative
end-of-term ceremony
lay an egg
dram played loudly
over night
get used to
getting used to
recall, memory
plenty of
similar to
On Independence Day
have something in commen
set up
roosters are used to exorcise bad luck, used to bring
white wine is absolutely forbidden.
where,tooking place.
customs similar
i do not know that particular festival.
allowed,accept it.


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博爱县18864678106: 求翻译一个句子,我打算在家自学英语1年,请翻译这个句子,还有自学的英语单词是什么? -
达霭易妥:[答案] I intend to self-study English for one year,自学就是self-study

博爱县18864678106: 英语翻译1.你在写什么?我在写信2.他不在打篮球,他在看报3.学生们在搬苹果吗?不,他们在吃苹果4.谁在自学英语?李先生在自学英语 -
达霭易妥:[答案] 1What were you doing?I was writing a letter.2He wasn't playing basketball,he was reading newspaper.3Were students carrying apples?No,they were eating apples4Who was learning English by himself?Mr Li w...

博爱县18864678106: 初二英语求解答!翻译题cd -
达霭易妥: C 1.good telling2.sure enough3.found that4.keeps students'5.hate noisyD 1.hear until2.doing since3.It fly4.put used5.more有问题请追问,满意请采纳.

博爱县18864678106: 英语翻译To Swim the English Channel at 58.在自学英语中遇到了困难, -
达霭易妥:[答案] 在58岁时游过英吉利海峡

博爱县18864678106: 英语翻译我自学英语 (两种)1._________ - 2._________________ --
达霭易妥:[答案] I study English by myself I study English on my own

博爱县18864678106: 我在自学英语中.英语怎么翻译? -
达霭易妥:[答案] I'm self-teaching myself English right now. 或 I'm teaching myself English now.

博爱县18864678106: 想自学英语,做个英语翻译,难吗,各位,求解答 -
达霭易妥: 自学不会出翻译的 虽然自学用功的话 可以提高你的听读写能力..可是说呢 没人陪练啊 .一个张不开口或者发音不准的翻译 没谁会要的

博爱县18864678106: 初三英语求解答翻译题! -
达霭易妥: used to so thatprovided withhave regarded asMost inprortant is to

博爱县18864678106: 英语翻译,求解答 -
达霭易妥: a climate of accident-free operations isestablished where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum.气候事故建立在自由操作引起的时间损失

博爱县18864678106: 英语求解答.求翻译.
达霭易妥: 错在字上,但绝不能错在基本原理上.平时我不喜欢折腾语法,但这次不折腾也不行,句子就会出笑话了.我选 As much as,因为比较的不是原子本身,而是其重量,况且句中无重量单位.many不完全错. 翻译如下,供参考: 氢原子重量相当于氧原子的十六分之一.

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