
作者&投稿:藤党 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 定语从句是英语语法中非常重要的一部分,它可以用来修饰名词或代词,使句子更加准确和清晰。下面是五个关于定语从句的例句:
The man who is standing over there is my brother.(那个站在那里的人是我的兄弟。)
这个例句中,“who is standing over there"是一个定语从句,它修饰了“man”,表示这个人正在站在那里。
The book that I read last night was very interesting.(我昨晚读的那本书非常有趣。)
这个例句中,“that I read last night”是一个定语从句,它修饰了“book”,表示这本书是我昨晚读的。
The girl, whose mother is a doctor, is very intelligent.(那个女孩的母亲是一名医生,她非常聪明。)
这个例句中,“whose mother is a doctor”是一个定语从句,它修饰了“girl”,表示这个女孩的母亲是一名医生。
The restaurant where we had dinner last night was very expensive.(我们昨晚吃晚餐的那家餐厅非常昂贵。)
这个例句中,“where we had dinner last night”是一个定语从句,它修饰了“restaurant”,表示这家餐厅是我们昨晚吃饭的地方。
The car, which is parked in front of the house, belongs to my neighbor.(停在房子前面的那辆车是我邻居的。)
这个例句中,“which is parked in front of the house”是一个定语从句,它修饰了“car”,表示这辆车停在房子前面。

5.I only knew he was studying in a western country,but I didn’t know what country he was in.我只知道他当时在西方的一个国家读书,可不知道是哪个国家.6.He told me that he had told Mary about the meeting already.他告诉我他已经把有关会议的事情告诉的了Mary.现在:1.I think ...

3 校长及时赶到了,这使我们更有信心了.The principal arrived in time, which made us more confident.4 这两部电影, 都还没有在上海放映过,据说很恐怖.The two movies that haven't been showed in Shanghai are said to be very horrible.5 下周要测验5门功课,我大部分还没来得及复习.There ...

He borrowed the book that\/which was written by Lu Xun.他借走了那本鲁迅写的书先行词是book,关系代词that和which都可以 The trees ,which belonged to Mr. brown ,was plant three years ago那些属于布朗先生的树是三年前栽的。先行词是trees,关系代词是which,这是一个非限制性定语从句 The...

He says that he is reading a book now.(他说,他现在正在读一本书。)I‘m afraid that you are right.(恐怕你是对的)He didn’t tell me when we should meet again.(他没有告诉我什么时候我们能再见面。)I want to konw who is she that you told with.(我想知道她在和谁交谈)He...

I recognized him as soon as i saw him.Since it has cleared up, we can set off now.He worked day and night in order that he could finish the work ahead of time.He delivered such a brilliant speech that everyone admired him.An idea will come up if you use your head.\/You...

学习啦~ 时间状语从句用when · while · as · 引导的句子 造句,谢谢...
1.When my husband was going in to the dining room,he dropped some coins on the floor.(当我的丈夫正走进餐厅的时候,他掉了一些硬币在地上。)2.While we were having breakfast,our little baby was playing with the pet dog.(当我们正在吃早餐的时候,我们的小孩子正在和宠物狗一起...

3、Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment, not only about survival.生活是一串串的快乐时光,我们不仅仅是为了生存而生存。4、To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。5、Never frown,...

用that\/which\/when\/where\/why 造句,要求是定语从句
that指人时,相当于who或者whom;指物时,相当于which。在宾语从句中做主语或者宾语,做宾语时可省略。(5)The number of the people that\/who come to visit the city each year rises one million.(6)Where is the man that\/whom I saw this morning?which指物,在定语从句中做主语或者宾语,...

求宾语从句的造句 That whether\/if 和疑问词各1个 要自己造句不要复制的...
【that引导】John said that he was leaving for China on Wednesday.约翰说他星期三要去中国。【whether\/if引导】I wonder if \/ whether I can go with you.我想知道我能不能和你一起去。【what引导】I want to know what book you like to read.我想知道你喜欢读什么书。【which引导】I ...

主语从句:It is+名词+that 从句。 造句
可惜的是,你不能去与它是清楚的,他讲的是真话。据说他去过那儿很多次了。看来事情是可能的。it 英[ɪt] 美[ɪt]pron. 它; 他; 正好是所需的; 事实[情况];n. <美俚>傻瓜,笨蛋; <俚>绝妙的人; 理想的东西; 登峰造极;[例句]He saw the grey Land-Rover ...

正阳县18230066144: 五个定语从句的造句 -
源纪勤可:[答案] Is he the man who/that w ants to see you?他就是想见你的人吗 He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday 他就是 我昨天见的那个人 They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down.那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙 Please pass me the ...

正阳县18230066144: 造5个定语从句的句子 -
源纪勤可:[答案] The man who is playing basketball is my brother.

正阳县18230066144: 用定语从句造句 -
源纪勤可: ■有关定语从句的概念 (1)定语从句:就是在复合句里充当定语的从句,它通常紧靠在所修饰的名词或代词后面. (2)先行词:就是被定语从句修饰的名词或代词. (3)关系词:引导定语从句的词叫关系词.关系词有关系代词who, whom, whose, ...

正阳县18230066144: 五个定语从句的造句 -
源纪勤可: Is he the man who/that w ants to see you? 他就是想见你的人吗 He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday 他就是 我昨天见的那个人 They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙 Please pass me ...

正阳县18230066144: 用定语从句造五个一般疑问句 -
源纪勤可:[答案] Is there anyone that could give me a hand?Ain't I the right person that you have been looking for?Is that the girl you talked about the other day?Isn't he the one who always supports you?Is that the h...

正阳县18230066144: 用定语从句造句关于吃的方面(用who,whose,whom,which,that)急!要5句 -
源纪勤可:[答案] He is the person who always eats much.

正阳县18230066144: 帮我造5个定语从句 用who.whom.which.that.when.帮我造5个定语从句 用who.whom.which.that.when.答完给好评谢 -
源纪勤可:[答案] 1. Is he the man that / who sells the dog? 2. Do you know the boy whom / who / that I talked withjust now? 3. She was not on the train that / which arrived justnow. 4. What do you think of the photos that / which I tookin the park? 5. The book whose cover is ...

正阳县18230066144: 定语从句造句 -
源纪勤可: which:1. Football is a game which is liked by most boys.2.This is the pen (which) he bought yesterday. 3.My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden.4.Liquid water changes to vapor, which is called evaporation.5.The sun heats the earth...

正阳县18230066144: 用定语从句造句:1:他通过了考试,这是我们没有预料到的.2:我们站在山顶上,从那儿我们可以看到美丽的景色.3:我出生的日子是很特别的一天.
源纪勤可: He passed the exam which we did not anticipate. 他通过了考试,这是我们没有预料到的. We stood on top of the Hill where we can see the beautiful view 我们站在山顶上,从那儿我们可以看到美丽的景色 It was a very special day that I was born. :我出生的日子是很特别的一天 请采纳

正阳县18230066144: 定语从句造句:他是一个男孩,定语从句修饰男孩:我们认识对方(我们互相认识).以下四个句子我认为都不合适:He is a boy who we know each other.(... -
源纪勤可:[答案] He is a boy who knows me and whom i know.

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