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Jazz Dance
“Jazz dance,” an often contested term that generally refers to a fusion of European and African movement traditions performed to the rhythms of jazz music, has been a visible presence in Chicago since the early twentieth century—as both a social dance form and a theatrical art.

Jazz dance accompanied the northern migration of jazz music to Chicago in the period immediately following World War I. As this new music thrived in the Prohibition era, jazz dancing turned up in cabarets, nightclubs, and rent parties, especially on the city's South Side, and on vaudeville stages such as the Pekin, Regal, and Grand Theatres. During her company's Chicago engagements in the forties and fifties, Katherine Dunham further exposed audiences to popular jazz steps like the Charleston and the Black Bottom as part of her evening-length dance concerts.

By the 1960s, when jazz music had become less danceable, a new phase of jazz dancing, one which blended jazz-based vocabulary with ballet and modern techniques, emerged on the Chicago scene. The founding of local dance companies like Gus Giordano Jazz Dance Chicago (1968), Joel Hall Dancers (1974), Joseph Holmes Dance Theatre (1974–1995), and Hubbard Street Dance Chicago (1977) exemplified this trend. In the 1990s, the confluence of several events—the establishment of the Jazz Dance World Congress, held initially in Chicago, the relocation of the Jump Rhythm Jazz Project from New York to Chicago, and finally, the resurgence of swing dancing in local nightclubs—indicated Chicago's continuing role in the growth and development of jazz dance.


  Jazz Music (Jazz), one kind of musical forms of African origin, from folk songs evolved. Jazz in various forms showing a boom, the music style is extremely bright, rhythm generally clear, strong, and from roots blues, Ragtime (Ragtime), through the New Orleans jazz to Dixieland jazz, swing, mainstream jazz than pop , modern jazz to free jazz and electronic jazz.

  In less than a century of time, this is called jazz [1] (jazz music) (Jazz music) music, with significant U.S. featuring music from the unknown, originated in the folk music developed into the United States produced the most weighty kind of art. Today, almost every corner of the world there are people listening and playing it. Jazz to so many forms, and each form is very important, both to maintain its own unique characteristics and charm and has spread. If you want to enjoy a variety of jazz, and understand all the fun, you can not not need to have an open mind, compatibility and listening.

  During the 19th century American music, southern plantation life of black slaves and emotional self-expression, an important tool. From the 19th century, the Anglo-American traditional music with jazz, based on a mixture of blues , ragtime and other music genres, is a "hybrid" product. America 's black music saved a lot of the African character, rhythm features clear, but retains the characteristics of collective improvisation. This traditional and new live music - mostly vocal - combining the results of the birth of a new sound rather than just a new form of musical expression.
  The most famous of the African - American music is religious in nature. These whites are beautiful and moving songs to listen to, but more than rural black church in singing these songs a little more upper-class taste . Today people know gospel music (gospel music) more accurately reflects the early Afro-American people's sense of emotional power and melody, not the first decade of the twentieth century, the famous Fisk Jubilee Singers of religious music of inheritance.
  Other early music in the form of the system can be traced back to the era of slavery work songs, songs and dance music, these have become an important musical legacy, particularly taking into account the system at the time, music activities are quite restricted.

  Bruce was born
  In the slavery system was abolished, slaves have been liberated after the African - American music developed rapidly. Band of the abandoned musical instruments with the newly acquired freedom of movement to form the bedrock of jazz: brass music, dance , Bruce. Seemingly simple as a musical form, can have almost infinite real change, any kind of jazz has always been an important part, and it succeeded in maintaining its own independent existence. Can say that if there can be no blues today's rock . A brief description of the characteristics of Blues is generally: it every eight or twelve sections of the music for a segment composed music, lyrics closely, its "melancholy (blue)," the cause is the characteristic scale of the "mi" sounds and "si" sound down a semitone. In fact, as Bruce is corresponding with religious music as a form of secular music.

“爵士乐时期”是表示时代的专有名词,只要大写为 the Jazz Era 就可以,不需要大写。

庐江县17281377168: 在英语中中国乐器要不要加the
倪荣精蛋: 泛指演奏乐器通常在乐器名称前加定冠词the:He played the trumpet in a jazz band. 涉及两种或两种以上乐器时一般不用定冠词the:She teaches violin,cello and piano. 指流行或爵士音乐家的演奏通常不用定冠词the:Miles Davis played trumpet.

庐江县17281377168: roaring twenties 和jazz age有什么区别 -
倪荣精蛋: 不完全一致,但是基本上是重合的时间段.二者主要是看待这段时间的切入点不一样.the jazz age是一战之后到经济大萧条之间的时期,也就是大约1918-1929.而roaring twenties也就是咆哮的二十年代,这时间就很容易理解了,1920-1929.

庐江县17281377168: 什么是the jazz age -
倪荣精蛋: 就是爵士时代第一次世界大战结束了(1918),经济大萧条(1929)还没有到来,传统的清教徒道德已经土崩瓦解,享乐主义开始大行其道.美国著名小说家菲茨杰拉德说,“这是一个奇迹的时代,一个艺术的时代,一个挥金如土的时代,也是一个充满嘲讽的时代.”菲茨杰拉德称这个时代为“爵士乐时代”(一般指一战以后,经济大萧条以前的约十年的时间),他自己也因此被称为爵士乐时代的“编年史家”和“桂冠诗人”.

庐江县17281377168: 什么是冷爵士? -
倪荣精蛋: 冷爵士出现于四十年代末,盛行于五十年代,与“热爵士乐”相对应,也称“凉爵士乐”,它在演奏上偏于轻松从容,是一种柔美的爵士乐风格.由于集中在美国西海岸,故又称“西海岸爵士”(West Coast Jaz...

庐江县17281377168: 英语翻译我要上初中求英语自我介绍:早上好女士们,先生们,我叫.,今年12岁,来自.我喜欢运动我还会跳爵士舞,我是学校鼓号队的,曾多次参加升旗... -
倪荣精蛋:[答案] Good morning ladies and gentlemen,my name is...,I'm 12 years old and I'm from...primary school,class 2,grade 6.I like to play sports and I can dance the jazz.I was a menber of the Etiquette team,and I attended the flag-raising ceremony many times.I had ...

庐江县17281377168: 请问这句英语怎么翻译? -
倪荣精蛋: 到了二十世纪二十年代,爵士乐时代处于高潮(原谅我的双关语),这个时代,也是地下酒吧和轻佻女郎的时代 大概是这样吧

庐江县17281377168: 爵士舞 用英语怎么说 -
倪荣精蛋: Jazz爵士舞于二十世纪早期因循爵士乐自然伴随而演进下来,又因爵士乐在演奏上,一向相当热闹,"Jazz" (jazz up) 才会有喧闹,狂躁,活泼之意.最早的爵士舞蹈是由黑人的社交舞配上爵士音乐来表演的,盛行於美国南方的乡下,特别是纽奥良城的一些业余舞者,他们会在聚会上或俱乐部的场所表演爵士舞蹈.到了一九一七年,当时的流行舞者顺著歌词的意思来表演,有一位叫班顿欧尔斯崔(W. Benton Overstreet)写了一首歌叫 "The Jazz Dance",而这首歌里的 "Jazz Dance" 就变成爵士舞蹈的永久代名词,爵士舞的名称就此产生了.

庐江县17281377168: "what are you look at?""A photo of the jazz group I used to -- B.playing in -
倪荣精蛋: jazz group是玩爵士的一个群,而不是jazz,我在这个群里面玩,当然是play in

庐江县17281377168: phone加you中间要用to吗 -
倪荣精蛋: 1.家,住家[C][U] Now he has his home in Manchester. 他现在定居在曼彻斯特. 2.家庭,家庭生活[U][C] He is planning to establish a home. 他正计划建立家庭. 3.(动植物的)生息地,产地;发源地[the S][(+of)] New Orleans is the home of jazz. ...

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