
作者&投稿:佛盼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Keeping Healthy
As we know, good health is more important than wealth.
We need to have healthy eating habits. Breakfast gives us enough energy for the morning. So don't go to school without it. Fruit and vegetables are good for our healt, but fast food, like potato chips, will make us fat and unhealthy. So eat the right food to keep us healthy.
Playing sports can also help us keep fit. But sometimes it may cause accidents, so stay safe when we are playing sports. it's necessary for us to learn about first aid. Then we can help ourselves or others if an accident happens.
Happiness is important for our health. it is the best medicine. When we are ill, try to be happy and we'll feel better. On the other hand, we may feel sick if we are always unhappy. So, be happy to be healthy.
We should say no to smoking and drinking. Many students think that it is cool to smoke and drink. But they don't know smoking and drinking and cause many illness.
In a word, it's necessary for us to have healthy eating habits and living habits. And i hope you all have a happy life.
That's all. Thank you for your listening.

Low-Carbon Lifestyle, Our Best Choice
Comparing with the past, do you feel any warmer these days? Maybe you don’t take much notice of it. Nevertheless, on account of the burning of fossil fuels, the temperature has been increasing during the 20th century. In consequence, green house gasses(mostly CO2)trap heat from the sun and therefore warm the earth, causing both rising of sea level and terrible climate catastrophe. Presume that the temperature keeps on going up, no bright sunshine will visit us, unclear air will choke us and heat waves will kill us mercilessly.
However, much to our delight, nowadays countries and some organizations are aware of the importance of cutting the producing of carbon-dioxide. The U.N. Climate change conference opened in Copenhagen, Denmark on Dec.7th, 2009 arouses great concern from experts and officials, us included. Besides, in China, an effective law system has been set up to avoid producing too much greenhouse gasses.
Well goes a saying that protecting the earth is protecting ourselves. At the same time we are supposed to undertake the responsibility to lead a low-carbon lifestyle, which is of great significance. Needless to say, low-carbon lifestyle means a lot to our society. First of all, so great a method is it to control the global warming that we are bound to make good use of it. Moreover, to some degree, it contributes a lot to our health.
Absolutely there is a diversity of measures we can take so as to lead such an environmental-friendly life. For one thing, it is known to us all that large quantities of greenhouse gases are produced mostly by motor vehicles so that we, if possible, can walk or ride to school instead of depending on cars all the time. For another, we should spare no efforts to reduce energy in our daily life, for energy in the world today is decreasing rapidly. For instance, we can turn off electrical appliances if not necessary as well as using recycled materials. Furthermore, at our leisure, we can seek opportunities to plant more trees which can absorb carbon-dioxide. Last but not least, we are responsible for calling on others to lead low-carbon lifestyles.
In brief, low-carbon lifestyle is nothing but the best choice for us and only in this way can we form a harmonious relationship with the environment.

Teacher, I love you.
Early in the morning, I walk into the modern
I was greeted by a sound, sweet greetings
And a warm embrace
See, what a happy smile
Listen, what a happy song
I just came to the modern age I was two years old
Toys thrown all over the floor, will not manage their own
But also to cry for my mother
It's you, my dear teacher.
Hold me in my arms and feed me
Hold me to sleep
Today, standing here is my own
A handkerchief, socks, they will also sing, dance, play games
And know a lot of truth,
It is you, my dear teacher, teach me how to be a person, how to study, how to survive and innovate.
Today, let me on behalf of all of your children to say to you: "teacher, I love you!"

有关毕业演讲稿模板集合八篇 演讲稿的内容要根据具体情境、具体场合来确定,要求情感真实,尊重观众。随着社会不断地进步,演讲稿在演讲中起到的作用越来越大,如何写一份恰当的演讲稿呢?下面是我为大家收集的毕业演讲稿8篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 毕业演讲稿 篇1 尊敬的各位领导、老师、同学们: 大家上午好!很荣幸...

感恩母校,感恩母校让我们感受到了一种深刻的师生情,这种情不同于亲情,却胜似亲情。也感恩母校为我们带来了很多的同学朋友,让我们在他们的陪伴之下开心快乐的成长。母校带给我们的东西太多,就连那些逝去的时光都满带着回忆。母校,感谢你,感谢你带给我们的一切。以感恩母校为主题的演讲稿 篇2 尊敬...

因为我的付出,收获的是孩子们浓浓的师生情。偶尔,有几天外出学习,孩子们常在爸爸妈妈面前念叨:“老师去哪儿了,怎么还不回来?”有的甚至做梦也梦见老师。 星期一去东营参加海河幼儿园的半日开放活动,下午回到班里,小朋友们就像很久没见我一样,开心地喊起来:“刘老师。”有的则跑过来,亲热地跟我打招呼:“老师,你...

于是,在以后的教育生涯中,我认可了,爱是维系师生情的纽带。的确,一个积极热情,工作卓越的教师,总能将爱源源不断的注入学生心中,用自己的人格魅力取得学生的信任,去打开他们的心灵之门,激起他们的情感浪花,塑造高贵的灵魂。 谢谢大家! 教师梦想的演讲稿3 尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师们,大家好! 20__年的 国庆...

三年了,你们与美丽的幼儿园已经融为了一体,习惯了在幼儿园中看到你们熟悉的身影,习惯了倾听那一句句充满稚气的问候,,喜欢面对你们那一张张可爱的脸,喜欢你们的顽皮与率真,三年来我们朝夕相伴,形影不离,建立了深厚的师生情谊。 还记得,在我去厦门学习回来的第一天,孩子们跑到我的跟前问长问短,亲热地叫着我:“老...


此时此刻,回首曾经走过的三年初中生活、与师生情意、同窗岁月,我们都难以抑制住内心的激动,惜别难舍之情油然而生。 首先,我谨代表xx年全体毕业同学,感谢老师三年来对我们的辛苦教育与培养。如果说,三年的初中生活像繁星,零星撒在我们回忆中的每个角落,那么,老师便是那深邃的宇宙。正是它的衬托,才使得繁星更加璀璨...


回首往日,晨昏交替,寒暑易节,师生情,同学情,朋友情,情思万缕,织成高中生活的斑斓锦缎;求学心,成才心,感恩心,心事浩茫,写就青春书卷的动人篇章. 同学们,祝贺你们顺利完成了成长道路上一次艰难的跋涉和穿越;祝贺你们即将踏入一个更为广阔的追逐和实现梦想的舞台;祝贺你们将自己执着的精神和不懈的追求演绎成一道独一无...

不正是因为这一过程中有师生情和同学情,才刻骨铭心吗? 所有的点滴就像是一个个烙印,铭刻在我心,我相信也印在你们的心里。欢乐也好,痛苦也罢,离别以后,都会成为你我心中一朵美丽的涟漪,回忆起来,总会涌起阵阵暖意。 离别总是难免的,但是不离别又怎会有重逢?我们不必对此难以释怀。老师就像是园丁,你们就像是那...

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禹怕牛黄: 老师,我爱你 清晨,我走进现代 迎接我的是一声声,甜蜜的问候 和一个个热情的拥抱 看,多么幸福的微笑 听,多么快乐的歌声 刚来到现代我才两岁 玩具扔满地,不会管自己 还要哭着找妈妈 是您,我亲爱的老师 把我抱在怀里,喂我吃饭抱...

上思县19281174408: 急!!关于师生关系的演讲稿!!英语高手快进! -
禹怕牛黄: 演讲稿!--以下内容可以参考:)~~The teacher must exchange "the classmate" by "teacher" to the equality the transformation. The teacher must altogether construct the classroom with the student, should not pose as by "the knowledge ...

上思县19281174408: 急急急!!!初二水平两分钟关于师生关系的英语演讲稿.同志们帮帮忙,在线等 -
禹怕牛黄: The relationship between teachers and students, teachers and students in the education, the teaching process of frozen mutual relationship, including each other of the position, function and treat each other the attitude.The teachers and students ...

上思县19281174408: 跪求一篇赞美校园和老师的英文演讲稿 3 - 5分钟的 万分感谢 -
禹怕牛黄: my school is very beautiful.I like the structure and the environment of my school.Its structure is diferenf and its environment is very quiet and nice.We students all like our school,we never throw rubbish here and there.There are a lot of students in out ...

上思县19281174408: 感谢老师的英文演讲稿约五分钟 -
禹怕牛黄: 古人曾说:“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干.”这句名言已流传千古.老师你是辛勤的园丁,修剪着我们;你是蜡烛,奉献了自己,照亮了他人;老师你是……你对我们的爱,我们无法用语言表达呀! 回头想想,无论是成功后的喜悦,做错...

上思县19281174408: 急需一篇以感谢我的老师为主题的英语三分钟演讲稿,拜托 -
禹怕牛黄: 感恩老师英语演讲稿 Thanksgiving teacher Flowers gratitude, because rain drops moist it grow. An eagle gratitude acrothe vast sky let it fly; because Alpine gratitude, because the earth; let it towering I'm thankful, many people... I'm grateful for my ...

上思县19281174408: 三分钟英语演讲稿,题目;《我的老师》 -
禹怕牛黄: My English teacher My English teacher is slim and beautiful. She is in her thirties with curly,short hair. She has been teaching in this school for about ten years. She is kind,generous, friends and intellegent. Of course she is very strict with us. She ...

上思县19281174408: 关于校园生活的英文演讲稿,今晚就要,最好3到5分钟,尽量短一些,而且初中生要能读下来
禹怕牛黄: Good morning everyone , I feel very happy to talk about my school life. My school is so beautiful that I like it very much. My classmates are very friendly and lovely. I love them and I get very well with them.And I want to thank all my teacher. Without their ...

上思县19281174408: 谁能帮我找到一篇关于老师或校园生活的英语演讲稿?我将重谢!!! -
禹怕牛黄: 英文演讲稿,附翻译. Ladies and Gentlemen , Good morning/afternoon! I'm very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. I hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it. ...

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禹怕牛黄: I love English--英语演讲稿 As everyone knows,English is very important today.It has been used everywhere in the world.It has become the most common language on Internet and for international trade. If we can speak English well,we will have more ...

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