
作者&投稿:干股 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear head teacher,
I’m Liming,a student of the university,grade 2.
I want to give some advice to you.
First,the teach of the school should focus on learning.Because I think,it’s very important for us to learn about how to study well.
Second,I think the school should start more activities.The school is the family of the students.
I hope you can think about my advice,thanks a lot

第一, 学校的教学应该注重学生的学习方法。因为我认为,对我们来说知道怎样能学习好很重要。
第二, 我认为学校应该开设更多活动,学校是学生的家。

My Week
I go to school from Monday to Friday. I wake up at 7:00 in the morning.Then I wash my hands and face.
At 7:15, I eat breakfast. After breakfast, I brush my teeth and comb my hair.
Then I put on my clothes then go to school. I work hard at school.
Saturday and Sunday are different. I do not go to school on those days.

Dear Xinhua Computer Company,
I have just read the ad on the Internet and the moment I saw it I took an interest in becoming one of your employees.Now I’m writing here to apply for this opportunity.
My name is Zhang Lin,a warm-hearted man of 26 ,with a strong ability of communication.I graduated from Beijing Information Technology College in 2007 . For one year I have been working in HengTong Company .At that time,I was a computer engineer .Now,I am very familiar with computer technology.And I have a good command of English for I passed College English Test-6 ,I also got an excellent grade in Test of English as a Foreign Language of 629.
I’d appreciate it so much if you could possibly consider my application. I’m looking forward to your early reply .

Yours sincerely,

Zhang Lin


Hi!Xinhua Computer Company,

I'm Zhang Lin,and I'm 26-year-old.I'm graduated from Beijing institute of technology in 2007.Next ,I'm as computer engineers in Hengtong company one year.I'm by English six test. My Test of English as a Foreign Language result is 629. I'm honest and kindness. I have good communication skills.I'm really like the job.I thik I can do the job very well! I hope you can choose me.
Can you write to me soon,Please?
Candidates Zhang Lin

我是张林,我26岁. 我2007年毕业于北京理工大学.接下来,我在恒通公司做了一年计算机工程师。我英语6级。我托福成绩629。
我为人诚恳善良,沟通能力强。我真的很喜欢这个工作, 我认为我能胜任这份工作!我希望你们能选择我。


Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to apply for a position as a computer engineer in your company. First of all,......... the second...... the last but not the least.....
I would be pleased if you could offer me an opportunity
to interview me. Looking forward to your reply.
Sincerely yours
如果对你有帮助的话请采纳一下我的意见 谢谢啦


英文的大概意思:“你的计算机正处于危险状态 Windows安全中心已经检测到间谍(木马)的攻击 强烈建议使用有效(专业)的木马查杀程序(防火墙)来组织数据丢失 点击这里来安装最新的安保工具”你一定是安装了个什么安全软件 这种垃圾 我遇到这样的情况 我把那个杀毒软件删除了就没事了 这是他自己给自己...

巧夺天工:夺:胜过。人工的精巧胜过天然。形容技艺十分巧妙。功败垂成:功:成功;败:失败;垂:接近,快要;成:成功。指事情接近成功的时候却遭到了失败。 含有惋惜之意。程门立雪(汉语拼音:chéng mén lì xuě) 旧指学生恭敬受教。现比喻尊敬师长。比喻求学心切和对有学问长者的尊敬。学无止境...

古代的小故事!!! 在线等~~~


Feeling Stressed 求翻译啊~~~!!!在线等!!!不要翻译软件

题槿花 的翻译~~~在线等答案啊~!!

线路1: 从菊园出发,乘坐717路下行(东北旺中路-菜户营桥东),抵达菜户营桥东.约23.8公里 线路2: 从菊园出发,乘坐362路下行(城铁西二旗-西直门),在白石桥东换乘697路下行(颐和山庄-菜户营桥东),抵达白纸坊桥南.约23.34公里 线路3: 从菊园出发,乘坐743路下行(中央党校北门-西直河),在阜成门南换乘456...

一、所谓“乔韩窗口理论” 美国心理学家Jone和Hary提出关于人自我认识的窗口理论,被称为乔韩窗口理论。他们认为人对自己的认识是一个不断探索的过程。因为每个人的自我都有四部分:公开的自我,盲目的自我,秘密的自我和未知的自我。通过与他人分享秘密的自我,通过他人的反馈减少盲目的自我,人对自己...

the island is only accessible by boat 2、过了许多年他才知道谁在他困难的时候帮助了他。(before)it was years before he knew who had helped him in his difficult times 3、只有知道事情的真相以后,我们才能得出正确的结论。(not..until)we can not make a conclusion until we knew the ...

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