3)功课上的句子 请帮我中翻英!!!!!拜托了紧急!!禁止翻译软件!!寻求专业翻译 拜托了!!以下

作者&投稿:肥光 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
1)功课上的句子 请帮我中翻英!!!!!拜托了紧急!!禁止翻译软件!!寻求专业翻译 拜托了!!以下~

(Please note that I did not translate word by word. I tried to rewrite the sentences in English while preserving the meaning as much as possible while removing some unnecessary repetition. As it is for your homework, I hope that you can learn a bit how to translate instead of coping exactly word by word for submission. As I wrote the paragraphs in a rush, please feel free to make amendment as you wish.)

1. I chose this child for my survey report is because he comes from Iran, a very special place of which I know very little. I hope that through this survey I am able to learn more things about this country such as their culture and tradition.

2. This child, whose parents are both Iranian, is two years old. Since 2005 when they migrated to Canada, they have been here for ten years. They chose this country for migration because they thought that Canada was rich in resource, while the education system and remuneration were attractive.

3. They use Persian in their family, including speaking to Vafa. As Vafa is still developing his language skill at the age of two, they wish that he can learn and speak Persian. However, in the kindergarten, they hope that Vafa can communicate in English or French. As we all use these two languages in the school, Vafa naturally talk to us in them.

4. Vafa is the only child and also the first child of this family. Born in a normal family, he does not have any sibling.

5. Both his parents obtained their Master's degrees from their own country before moving to Canada and are now working. His father is a professor in university while his mother works in a trading company (her job allows her to work from home as she is mainly responsible of co-ordination and discussions via phone calls).

They are quite well off as both of them are working and thus there is no financial issue.

However, I find that in this circumstances, there could be some impact on the relationship between them and their child.

With his parents busy at work, and in addition to the adaptation to the new environment and languages, to a certain extend the child will have feelings of anxiety, insecurity and difficulty in adaptation, and will release his emotions by crying non-stop.

He and his family are Italian. There are 4 members in the family, including himself. He is the smallest kid and his sister is already in primary school. His parents take turns to bring him and pick him up. He has been in this kindergarten for 2 years. He is now the busiest and naughty boy in the class and a large porton of the children take him as an example and learn from him.

Brief assessment (summary):
I found that every time when the teacher tell a story in the circle time, this boy will climb on the floor and play and disturb other children in listening to the story. He will do a lot of things to get the teacher's attention. In free play time, he will grab other children's toys and will push or attack them. When the teacher askes him to apologize, he refuses. When the teacher punishs him, he will lose his temper and cry and scream. He is the naughtiest boy in the class and since he becomes the leader of a large portion of the children and they learn from him, I need to have some strategic plans to let him know that beating and pushing others are not correct and reduce this kind of problem and attitude.

Intervention plan/ Two strategies/:
1. In circle time, I will tell them stories about beating and pushing people is not good and will hurt. I will especially ask Marco if we should hit others with the toys, what will be the consequences and the feeling of the victim.
2. When I see Marco hitting or pushing others, I will bring him aside and seriously tell him the consequences of this kind of behavior. I will bring the victim and ask Marco to give him a hug or kiss and say sorry to him. In this case, he will know that it is wrong to hurt others. If he still continue with this behavior, I will repeat this strategy to change his behavior.

Summarize this observation/ assessment of benefit of the intervention:
After my intervention, and with the help of other teachers, he improves a lot in his attitude and behavior. When he does something wrong, he will apologize. When I show him the victim, he will hug and say sorry to him. There are still problems with his attitudes. I have some discussion with other teachers. Since he is the only boy in the family, they all love him too ardently that he has this kind of attitudes. I expect this can be further improved and stop hitting or pushing others with toys.

1 I don't think the family is any Enmeshed or Disengaged
If you really want to choose the words may be more biased Disengaged
It may be that I don't have a very deep understanding of the family, I can't see any strong family ties between the family, they have not shown a stifling, over sharing and caring
But it can be determined that their family cohesion is like a general family, each family member is appropriate to participate in each other's interaction and exchange, will not be too independent and will not be overly restricted to each other

2 they are biased towards collectivism, they attach great importance to the cultural tendency of individualism to emphasize individual rights and freedom, loyalty is the most important in collectivism culture. The women in Iran, including the young, the men and women, and the girls must wear a scarf. The atmosphere of the Iranian society is quite conservative, give an example, in the traditional family, women often as a key protection object, see very little of the outside world, coupled with religious emphasis sexual separation, the majority of small and medium-sized cities and towns of young people to marry is through the matchmaker and parents in the life, free love few, therefore, get married and move towards the society after the idea of marriage inevitable change a lot.
Although Iran women in marriage and family status is high and respected, but in Iran law, women's status is still lower than men. In a family, if her husband died but did not leave a will, his wife is not entitled to the name of the child and her husband's property; if the female initiative to divorce but no evidence of her husband's fault (such as not to living expenses, drug use, etc.), if the husband does not agree, the court will not accept.

3 because they are small families so that there will not be a special class system, there is no special boss in this family, because the father and mother are the main source of economic both of them are in the work
The mother and the father in the family's role is to go out to work and earn money
Most of the time by the mother to send their children to kindergarten, and his father if there is time, sometimes he is responsible for taking the children home, the two sides are playing the same role, no special who is responsible for children
And the role of children in this family is to be educated and slowly learn to be independent and independent.

4. I think there is no social transformation of transformation social for the family.
Because both father and mother have been in their country to get master's degree, so for them
What kind of work you want to do will not be too big to change and challenge.
Their jobs, the class of the class, may still be the same.
5 I learned from the child's country to their ideas is very traditional
Women are not allowed to have the skin of men outside of the family members.
They are serious about everything. They demanded that women in Iran strictly abide by the rules, face and hands completely banned from exposure, not to show off the figure and elegant long hair, need to wear a traditional black robe and a head dress in public, while the physical contact with a strange man is also strictly prohibited. Public places in Iran are even A Oman a modestly dressed is as in it's shell pearl. Women are not only hard to find a job and will be difficult
They are very strict in religion and the right of women.
For now the family has moved to Canada, so the child's mother does not have to be bound by the idea of their country.



I think this family is neither enmeshed nor disengaged.
If I had to make a choice I would be inclined to choose “disengaged”.
It’s probably due to my lack of in depth understanding to the situation of the family, but I can’t seem to see any strong family connections between the members of the family, or any suffocating or excessive sharing and caring they have shown towards each other.
The only thing I am sure of is that the cohesiveness of this family is just like that of any other families. Each family member is interacting and communicating with each other appropriately. They are neither too independent nor too reliant, and are not a fan of posing excessive restriction.


They incline towards collectivism. They however also pay much attention on cultures that embrace egotism and put emphasis on self-empowerment and freedom. Loyalty is the most important concept in collectivism. Women in Iran study in separated schools from boys since a very young age. Additionally, they have to wear scarves. This shows that the society is very conservative. An example is that in traditionally Iranian families, women have to be taken very good care of and are isolated from the outside world. Moreover, their traditional cultural beliefs do not allow them to have direct contact between men and women.Therefore, young people in small towns and cities find their partners and enter into their marriages through their parents’ requests. Their beliefs for marriages will thus change significantly after they are married and eventually enter into the society.
Although Iranian women have a relatively high status in the society and family after their marriages, they are still inferior to men according to the laws in Iran. In an Iranian family, if the husband passes away without leaving a testament, the wife will not be able to rightfully keep the children or handle those properties under her husband’s name. If a woman voluntarily asks for a divorce without any evidence of her husband being at fault, including not providing living expenses or doing drugs, then the court will not accept her petition for divorce if the husband is unwilling.


Since they only have very small families, there normally isn’t any hierarchy in the families. There isn’t an absolute “boss” in the families either, because both the father and the mother have a job and are both the important breadwinners in the family.
The mother is responsible for taking the children to kindergarten and picking them up most of the times. As for the father, he will pick the children up and take them home whenever he is available. So both of the parents have an equal role in caring for the children and there isn’t a single person who is entirely responsible for taking care of the children. As the children, their role is to be educated and gradually develop into independent young adults who can bring about personal development.


I think there isn’t any social transformation for the family. Both of the parents have obtained master degrees, so they can basically do any work they want without undergoing too many transformations or challenges. Their status in the society will probably remain the same anyway.


I have learnt from this country that they have very traditional beliefs including that women are forbidden from having direct contact with men, and that they are very serious and conscientious with this. They ask for Iranian women to strictly follow the dressing code, which includes covering all body parts except for their face and hands. They are also prohibited from showing off their beautiful figure and hair. In public, they need to wear traditional black robes and scarves; contact with strangers of the male gender is especially not allowed. There are even signs saying “A woman modestly dressed is as a pearl in it's shell” in public places. It is not only difficult for women to find a job, but they will also be bullied in work places.
They are extremely strict with women in terms of religious freedom.
Since this family has already migrated to Canada, the mother of the family is no longer restricted by the traditional beliefs of Iran and no longer needs to wear scarves or veils.

纯手工翻译 花了大概一两个多小时
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和龙市19554746038: 急!!请帮我中翻英几句话!
舟叛丹红: I did receive your letter and I'm sorry for late reply.I'm willing to accept your suggestions of some corrections. Here is my fax number.

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舟叛丹红: 谢谢老师这学期来对我儿子功课的关心与课堂上的监督.我希望老师能尽量提供他用英语来回答问题的机会.以便于口语水平的提高. Thanks to the instructor of the concern to my son's schoolwork and the guidance in class. I hope the instructor will take the opportunity of answering questions in English, so as to improve his oral English.

和龙市19554746038: 请帮我中翻英以下几个简单中文句子 拜托喔 紧急 不要翻译软体 -
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和龙市19554746038: 英语句子翻译,请把我写中文的翻译成英文,我写英文的翻译成中文. 1应该鼓励学生将书本知识运用到 -
舟叛丹红: 蔡老师专业解答来了,虽然不是第一位,但是肯定比楼上的答得好,希望采纳!1. We should encourage students to apply what they have learned on the books into the practices. 2. What he spoke in the meeting reminded me of the wonderful days on the farm. 3. You must attend the meeting no matter you will be busy or not. 4. 在要交易我们所需之前必须慎重考虑我们已经拥有什么. 望采纳~~~~~~~~

和龙市19554746038: 将下列中文翻译成英文【忙着做功课】. -
舟叛丹红: Busy doing homework

和龙市19554746038: 帮我翻译句子(中翻英)
舟叛丹红: 1. That is an unforgettable experience. 2. To our pleasure, the environmental pollution has been under control. 3. Good dictionaries can help you with your reading. 4. He is eager to succeed.... 5. As a student, we should concentrate our energy on ...

和龙市19554746038: 帮我翻译句子成英语,努力学习,功课很好,待人谦虚,乐于助人,耐心帮我学英语,大家都很喜欢他,我也很喜欢他
舟叛丹红: 英语就是 He studies hard and does well in his subjects. He is modest and ready to help others. He is very patient to help me learning English. Everybody likes him. So do I. 自己翻译,确保准确、正确.

和龙市19554746038: 请帮我翻译一下以下的句子,汉译英!要符合英语语法,不要用翻译工具, -
舟叛丹红: 1. The dream, I think it is just as movie The old boy says, dream is the same with classic that will never fade with time , instead...

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