如何帮助青少年戒除网瘾 英语作文

作者&投稿:仉婵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
关于一篇‘戒网瘾’ 的高中英语作文,词数100.以上,麻烦网友了,非常的感谢!!~

Dear Li Ming,
I am awfully (非常)sorry for the problem you have mentioned in your letter.
Network addiction not only destroys your health and affects your health, but also hurts your parents’ feelings. In the long run, you will lose confidence and goal for the future. I am glad that you have realized the danger of such addiction. As a friend, I have several advices for you. Firstly, whenever you want to surf the net, go to do some sports, such as running and playing basketball. If it is night, you can’t help touching the computer, listen to music. Maybe you can dance at the same time. Secondly, I think you need to make friends. Get in touch with old friends and your classmates, join their activities frequently. As long as you feel life is full of fun and wonder, you will be no longer lonely and boring. The temptation(诱惑) of net will be reduced.
In a word, I do hope you can give up the network addiction and resume(恢复) to your normal(正常) life and study as soon as possible. Please keep in mind, I am you friend, I will be here whenever you need.
Yours sincerely,

Dear Li Lei
I am sorry that you are adicted in the internet. It takes you too much time to surf the internet every day. Sometimes you don't go to school and you don't often finish doing your homework on time. I am worried about you a lot. It's my opinion that being a student, we should place our study, health and safety before other things. If you spend too much time on computer, it'll bad for your health and your study. So why not concentrate on your study and you'd better spend some time doing sports because it's good for both your health and your study.
Zhang Ming

  First, develop house rules constraint children online
  To help kids quit addiction, parents should maintain regular contact with the school teacher. This contact can not just pay attention to the child's academic performance, but also the child's other dynamic should be understood that if that child is abnormal, timely intervention to education. Followed by the computer as a learning tool, the child usually is not isolated, but strict rules children's online time, to develop the necessary "house rules." As specified child daily about Internet time, put their children online, and so what more appropriate time, this kind of strict "house rules", can effectively stop the child's online behavior disorder.
  Second, cultivate children's interest in hobbies
  Usually one or more children to cultivate wholesome hobby. Children than learning interests more naturally will no longer obsessed with the Internet. At the same time parents should try to get the child to play. Today's children, mostly only child. Playmate usually less, I do not know how to spend free time. For this reason, parents should try to take some time with the kids "were happy," the child feel happy at home, they will not uncontrolled access to the Internet.
  Third, do not take the computer on the child bedroom
  Lin's third grade junior high school children, usually a person living in a room, read the first two days because the learning needs of the children to buy a computer and installed broadband, placed within the child's bedroom. Later he found wrong, sometimes overnight in the child's room lights on, repeatedly found in the dead of night, when children are still bored with Internet access, leading to a decline in academic performance day by day. Then they put the computer from the child's bedroom moved out, children in turn learn to catch up. Parents give their children to buy a computer is necessary, but must be placed within the line of sight of adults can and scope, if placed in the child's bedroom, it is easy to control.
  Fourth, change the child's living environment
  Internet addiction has been dyed for children, to change the child's living environment, such as a belt, or send their children to go home, or to understand the relative comparative education, friends, who lives in a period of time, let the children experience a different life, to adapt to the field of environment, learn and communicate with others, and can do some meaningful activities in a new environment, fostering children's love and gratitude psychological, allowing children to quit addiction.
  V. psychotherapy
  For some children addiction is very serious, you can take advantage of the holidays to visit a therapist or counselor; or participate in relevant summer camp, training activities, give the child an improved opportunity to learn. But it should not styled, should first reliable and trustworthy institution advice.


1. 认知调整 青少年需要认识到过度上网的负面影响,如影响学习、损害身心健康等。只有真正意识到问题的严重性,才能有动力去改变。2. 设定目标与规划时间 制定戒除网瘾的具体目标,例如每天限制上网时间。合理规划时间,分配学习、娱乐和休息的时间,逐渐减少上网时间。3. 培养替代兴趣 寻找其他兴趣爱好,如...



4. 发展兴趣爱好:寻找并培养有益身心健康的兴趣爱好,如运动、阅读、绘画等。5. 增加社交活动:积极参与社交活动,与朋友交流,组织或参与各种扩展活动。6. 防止孤独感:避免因孤独和无聊而上网打发时间,寻找其他方式填充空闲。7. 寻求专业支持:如果上述方法都无法有效帮助戒除网瘾,应寻求专业人士的帮助...

怎样防止青少年沉迷网络游戏 防止青少年沉迷网络游戏的方法
以屏蔽不良信息,保护青少年免受其害。6. 断绝游戏依赖:如果青少年难以戒除游戏,家长可以考虑删除游戏或账号,期间提供其他兴趣满足,如美食、购物等,以帮助孩子度过适应期。7. 寻求专业帮助:若家庭关系因沉迷网络而紧张,可寻求心理医生帮助,进行适当的心理干预,有助于青少年戒除网瘾。

对于每个人来说,特别是青少年,一旦患上网络成瘾症,要戒除是会很困难。因此,预防是治疗上网成瘾的最好良方。一是提前打好“预防疫苗”。6、寻求帮助 当你自己无法解决上网成瘾问题时,一定要积极主动地寻求专业人员的帮助。一是可以找心理咨询师进行个体咨询,心理咨询老师会帮助你走出上网成瘾的困惑。



3. 如果家长和老师无法解决学生的网瘾问题,可以寻求专业人士的帮助。带孩子咨询心理咨询师,以疏导他们的心理,解决上网背后的心理问题。此外,也可以考虑将孩子送往专业的戒网瘾学校,如郑州晨枫教育学校,这些学校提供全面的教育和心理支持,帮助学生摆脱网瘾,改正不良行为,并培养良好的生活习惯。

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