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By the pond side, there was a crowd of frogs swaying and dancing. Look how exciting they were! Suddenly, a coral snake showed up and sneaked to the frogs. Seeing those fresh and juicy frogs, the snake dribled like a starving wolf which has just found a delicious rabbit. However, the frogs had flet away before the snake made her move. "This would be tough", the snake hesitated. "Bingo!" the snake blurted out with his eye blinking.
Later, the snake came to the middle of the pasture. Following the lark's graceful pace, she began to dance with her delicate body. By this moment, those frogs were completely charmed by her squamas shining under the golden sunshine.
"Wow, she's awesome!"
"Maybe we'd ask her to teach us."
"But she's a coral snake!"
"No harm for watching anyway", the frogs whispered.
Finally, the frogs walked toward the snake on a impulse. The snake chuckled to herself and went, "hey, my dear little frog buddies, how's my dance eh?"(挨千刀的小淫蛇还是个英国妞)
The leader frog nodded but he didn't know the snake had already seen through him.
The snake went, "Oh, sweetheart
【如果这故事是讲给小朋友听的请把sweetheart改成dear little friend】,
don't be panic, i'm not gonna bite eh
you know i've changed my taste, i'm a bugtarian now
【bugtarian是由vegetarian演变的再造词,意思是食虫的人,如果你觉得不保险请把这里改成'i eat bugs now'】 ."
"Oh, really?" the frog doubted her words. "You've really become a bugtarian
【正如我刚才说的,如果你觉得bugtarian不保险请改成"you do eat bugs now?"】
【这里如果你觉得sure这个词太普通了,你可以改成hell fucking yeah, hell yeah, no shit, you bet, you think i'm fucking with you bro?之类的,当然你还可以用比较文明的例如absolutely, definitely,之类的】,
form now on, you're my mates/friends/buddies/bros! I swear to the God(if snakes got one=.=)【这里如果你不喜欢用"I swear to the God"你可以换成you have my words或者"If i'm lying, i'd be raped by Justin Biber who ain't no dude(你敢用最后那句你就威武了)】
In this way, the snake proudly became the frogs dancing teacher. Everyday, the snake led the frogs to the pond side and taught them how to dance the disco, the yanko. See how wonderful they were!【你这个“可带劲儿了”搞得我很纠结啊,英语里面实在没有能完全贴切的短语或词语能翻译的,我只好用wonderful代替了】
Yet, what the frogs didn't know was that the tragedy would finally come.
One day, the snake dropped by to see the frogs' rehearsal. While the other frogs were dancing vigorously, the snake grabbed two of the dancing frogs and ate'em up in a blink of eye.
"So much for today, we shall continue tomorrow!" said the snake, wiping her mouth like nothing had happened.
That night, the frogs found that two of them had missed for no reasons.
"is this possible that the snake ate them?"
"can't be, the teacher coral snake promised remember?"
"Well, maybe they went to the squirrel's hosue."
"otherwise, they went to the little bunny's" the frogs mumbled.
The next day, the snake continued watching frogs' rehearsal as she did yesterday. A frog hid in jungle captured the whole process. He almost screamed out as the snake was neaking around and devoured another frog. Then the "jungle-frog" stumbled to the police station for help. The Captain Blackcat sent the police immediately as he got the news.
In the meantime, the tercel took a short path and reached the snake before the others. Realizing her danger, the snake began to run.
"Freeze!" the tecel took a dive and grasped the snake in his mouth then flew back to the station. The frog in jungle told everyone alive the whole story which astonished the whole frogs.
"You can never make a snake eat bugs"
"How'd we trust that posioned bitch!?"【如果你是讲给小朋友听的请改成"I can't believed that we trusted her"】
everyone grumbled.
On the thirday day, on the court, the fair Judge Owl asked
"how'd we deal with this heartless muderer?"
"Die! Die! Die!" all the animals shouted as soon as the owl finished his words.
The jury passed the resolution then the fair, noble Judge Owl claimed
"Alright, as the coral snake was found guilty, she will be sentenced to death immediately!"
The applause broke out as he finished his words...【我靠,就这么给小蛇整死了啊?畜生啊】
Ps: Oh my sweetest holy penguin maria! this story's the most crap one that i've ever heard. motherfuckers, somebody really'd teach that son of a bitch how to write stories for children. I won't let my children read this fking shit anyway. it's totally nonsense 'n totally FUCKING GAY! it has no bloody logic! i don't even know how'd a HUMAN make up such a bullshit story like this. If i meet that twat writer, i'd rip his balls off and fry'em in a goddamn fry pan then stuff the balls in his sorry ass. i'm gonna make him the biggest faggot ever!
PPs:It cost me over three hours to translate this inhuman story. I'd tell you responsibly that it's total my stuff. not a bit from the internet, so use it well.AND....it kills me, dude, i mean it. this story's bloody stool~i don't even know why i translated it for you. you gotta thank me, man.
PPPs: Dude, use my reply as the "best answer". for your own sake!
PPPPs:sweet juses, it's been 3:43....gotta get some sleep..

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you're under 你在远、你在近, You'll never have to wonder 你永不需要怀疑 We can always play by ear 我们总能贴近地玩笑 But that's the deal my dear 但是我亲爱的,那是个承诺 Lucky that my lips not only mumble 幸运的,我的嘴唇不单只能含糊地说话, They spill kisses like a...

夏奇拉 - whenever wherever
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宣萱资料:中文姓名:宣萱 英文姓名:Jessica Hester Hsuan 出生日期:1971年8月18日 籍贯:上海 身高:171cm 体重:49kg 嗜好:唱歌 教育程度:大学 University of London Materials Engineering 能操语言:国语、英语、粤语、上海话 最Hit歌曲:迷魂阵 最喜爱的演员:MegRyan 最喜爱的歌手:张学友、王靖...


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休桂复方: 你找到menu 然后如果有setup或者set的话,找到点进去 然后点击language 然后点 简体中文就好啦.

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休桂复方: 选Tools----Options,在弹出的窗口选General,然后右下脚会出现兰色的横条,再点Chinese即可.我从事西门子PLC编程十几年,有什么别的问题可再问我.QQ106533558

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休桂复方: 在设置菜单里选语言,选chinese simple

碑林区18787685618: 安卓版模拟人生3怎么将英文转化成中文 -
休桂复方: 1. 先按右下角三个点长条的那个按钮. 2. 左边一排中间那个按钮就是“设置”. 3. 将里面的“English”按住,会出现很多选项,找到“Chinese”点击就行了.

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碑林区18787685618: 安装英文版Wordpress如何快速转换成中文版 -
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碑林区18787685618: 电脑上打字怎么从英文切换成中文,按什么键? -
休桂复方: 可使用鼠标点击“任务栏”中英文切换 也可通过以下方法,查询切换快捷键 1、打开“设置”-“时间和语言”-“语言” 2、选择“首选语言”-“选项” 3、选择“键盘”-“微软拼音”-“选项”, 4、选择“按键”,查看“中/英文模式切换”确认快捷键

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