
作者&投稿:邱魏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我会继续努力的英语:I'll keep on trying.

一、keep on 读法 英 [ki:p ɔn]   美 [kip ɑn]  



keep watch on 监视 ; 监督 ; 引申为从上监视着

keep sb on 继续雇佣某人 ; 使某人

keep straight on 一直走下去 ; 正直的 ; 整齐的 ; 直的


He didn't come at all. It was silly of us to keep on waiting for him. 


二、trying 读法 英 [ˈtraɪɪŋ]   美 [ˈtraɪɪŋ]  


作动词的意思是:试图( try的现在分词);试验,尝试;审讯


Keep Trying 不断尝试 ; 继续尝试 ; 继续努力 ; 不断努力

Die Trying 至死方休 


I've been trying to give up smoking for getting on for two years now.











8、try and to/- v 与try to- v 意思基本相同,但try and to/- v 比try to- v 更带有迫切的意味,常用于口语,而try to- v 多用于书面语。try and to/- v 只能用于现在时、将来时、祈使句、过去时一般疑问句。

Although my English is not that good, i am still working hard on it.

尽管我们在实现我们的目标当面有困难,但我们还是会继续努力的。 Although we are achieving our goals in face to face difficulties, but we will continue to work hard.希望采纳

不错哦 继续努力的英语怎么讲
Good Job! Keep on !

...祝梦想成真,望幸福和快乐永远伴随你,我会继续努力.我不会放弃._百 ...
May your dream comes true and wish you happiness and pleasentness forever.I will keep on going,never giving up.

继续努力的高级表达如下:1、欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。出处:唐·王之涣·《登鹳雀楼》释义:这意味着如果你想看到无尽的美丽,你应该爬到下一层楼。 这个比喻就是要做出更多的努力来取得更大的成功。 如果您想在某个问题上取得突破,可以从更高的角度进行检查。 它还表示只有积极和前瞻才能有远见。...

...我学到了很多在学校学不到的知识 我会继续努力的学习和工作_百度知 ...
I have acquired tones of knowledge that cannot be learned from school through work and study over the last two years. I will continue to make efforts in studying and working. 或者 I have learned lots of knowledge that cannot be acquired from school over the past two years through...

继续努力下次一定会赢 英语怎么说
Keep tring,and you will win the next.

I'm working at customer serving centre,I have learnt a lot of knowledge during this year,I will study and work harder and harder,thank you!

"加油"的英语写法是 "Go for it!" 或者 "Keep it up!"Go for it解析如下:一、发音:英式发音:[ɡəʊ fɔːr ɪt]美式发音:[ɡoʊ fɔr ɪt]二、释义:口头鼓励的表达,表示支持、鼓励对方继续努力、奋斗或追求目标。三、含义拓展:"Go ...

He had nothing except the unconditional faith and love from his son For his son's future,he was working hard.After many difficulties,he suceeded and had his own company.If only you are hard-working today,the happiness will come tomorrow ...

东海县19371097808: 我会继续努力的 用英语怎么说? -
初梦立生:[答案] 我会继续努力的! I'll continue in my efforts to do anything I'll continue my good work in anything

东海县19371097808: '我会继续努力工作' 英文怎么说 -
初梦立生:[答案] I will keep on working hard

东海县19371097808: 继续努力用英语怎么说 -
初梦立生: Keep working.

东海县19371097808: 继续努力英语怎么说好 -
初梦立生:[答案] keep working go on working continue to strive carry on keep it up

东海县19371097808: (继续努力 )英文怎么写? -
初梦立生:[答案] 准确应该写为:Keep working/studying hard,

东海县19371097808: 努力翻译英文怎么说? -
初梦立生: 努力:[ nǔ lì ] 1.strive 2.great effort 3.try hard Relative explainations:Examples:1.他虽然没有通过考试,但他做了很大的努力.He didn't pass the exam,but it was a good attempt.2.他的所有努力都白费了.All his efforts were wasted.3.他为阻止她作出...

东海县19371097808: 我会努力用英语怎么说? -
初梦立生: I will do my best. I will try my best! I will work hard. I will do what i can . i will make it best.

东海县19371097808: 我会努力 用英语怎么说? -
初梦立生: I 'll try my best (to do sth)!I'll make great efforts (to do sth).I'll try hard(to do sth).I'll exert myself(to do sth).I'll exert myself to do sth.I'll do my endeavor (to do sth).I'll do my possible(to do sth). I'll do my utmost endeavour(to do sth).I'll strain every nerve (to do sth).

东海县19371097808: “继续努力”用英语怎么说
初梦立生: keep punching 或go on working hard 或 continue trying

东海县19371097808: “继续努力”英语怎么写 -
初梦立生: go on working hard 或 continue trying

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