
作者&投稿:紫骨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

用英语 说一般疑问句就是:
Are they going to see a film?
回答肯定句: Yes, They are.

勤学好问 天天进步!

Is he going to the movies?

They will go to see a film。或者是
They will go to the cinema /go to the movie.一般疑问句就是 Will they go to the cinema /go to the movie / go to see a film?肯定回答 Yes, they will. 否定回答 No,they won't.否定句
They won't go to the cinema /go to the movie / go to see a film.

Are they going to the cinema?或者 Are they going to watch the movie?

Yes,they are. 是的,他们会去。


Are they going to the cinema? Yes, they are

Will they go to see the movie?
Yes, they will.

Are they going to see a film?
Are they going to watch a movie?
Yes , they are.

原文:如果你们周末要去看电影,把我也算上 译文:If you go to watch the movie on the weekend, please count me in 重点词汇:watch 英 [wɒtʃ]释义:vt 观察;注视;看守;警戒 n 手表;监视;守护;值班人 vi 观看,注视;守候,看守 复数 watches 第三人称单数 watches ...

I will either go shopping on weekends or see English movies.

I went to a movie theatre to watch a movie with my friends.movie theatre 电影院是美式 如果你想用英式的 cinema 也可以

我们下周将去看电影和参观博物馆的英文翻译是:We will go to the cinema and visit the museum next week。是用一般将来时来表达。

汉译英 今晚我要去看电影
I want to go to the movies tonight

我们计划今晚看电影。We're planning to see a movie tonight.我们计划今晚看电影。We're planning to see a movie tonight.

看电影的英文可以表达为watch a film watch a film的发音为:[wɒtʃ] [ə] [fɪlm]表示看一场电影,看电影的意思 具体的用法如下:You can watch a film on the ceiling in Shanghai.你可以在上海看天花板上的电影。Tom: Terrible, I was going to watch a film ...

I don't think he will go to the cinema with us , will he ?

When will Tom watch films

Go to watch movie

遵义市17352093395: 去看电影用英语共有几种说法 -
麻爱脑血: 1. 去看电影 go to see a film 收藏 | 出自>实用交际英语 2. 去看电影 Going to the Movies 收藏 | 出自>哈利英语-脱口秀(八年级适用) 3. 去看电影 go to the movies 收藏 | 出自>初级追分片语525 4. 去看电影 go to the movies 收藏 | 出自>新起点小学...

遵义市17352093395: 要去看电影用英文怎么说 -
麻爱脑血: want to watch the film

遵义市17352093395: 去看电影用英语怎么说 4种 -
麻爱脑血: go see a movie/film go to see a movie/film go to the theater/cinema to watch a movie/film

遵义市17352093395: 去看电影的英文怎么说 -
麻爱脑血: 有没有the在语法上都是对的 意思上有区别 如果你说明我确定就去看那个《天堂口》 go to the movie 如果是觉得无聊了 说咱们去看个电影吧 go to see movies

遵义市17352093395: 他们准备去看电影,他们准备去电影院的英文 -
麻爱脑血: 他们准备去看电影,他们准备去电影院 They are going to watch a movie. They are going to the cinema.

遵义市17352093395: 后天他们打算看电影用英语will怎么说 -
麻爱脑血: They are going to see the film the day after tomorrow be going to 含有“计划,准备”的意思,而 will 则没有这个意思,be going to 表示近期、眼下就要发生的事情,will 表示的将来时间则较远一些 你确定是用will吗

遵义市17352093395: 你想和我一起去看电影吗用英语怎么说 -
麻爱脑血: Would you like to go to the cinema with me?有不会的可以再问我

遵义市17352093395: 他们决定去看电影.用英语怎么说 -
麻爱脑血:[答案] They decided to go to the movies. decide to do sth.决定做某事 go to the movies 去看电影,固定搭配

遵义市17352093395: Tony和Mark明天要去看电影用英语怎么说?要用will的句型是Tony and Mark……还是Tony……with mark嘞? -
麻爱脑血:[答案] Tony and Mark will go to cinema tomorrow. 都可以啊.如果用with 的话就是强调其中一个人 一般来说用and

遵义市17352093395: “今天中午我们去看电影”翻译成英语,去看电影是go to a movie 还是go to the movies 两者怎样区别使用 -
麻爱脑血:[答案] 有go to a movie和go to the movies这两个短语 他们的意思都差不多,是可以相互转换的

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