
作者&投稿:居咏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

She is not only an excellent actress, but also a great director.
This room is neither big nor comfortable.
When we pressed the doorbell, he pretended not to be at home.
I appreciate your spoken English very much.
Did you do it in the same way that I had told you?


He is not only a director but also a famous actor.


She is not only a good actress, but also a great.....

not only...but also 不但…而且…1. 不但…而且…He not only read the book but also remembered what he had read.他不仅读书, 而且记得住他所读过的内容 1.She not only plays well, but also writes music.她不仅很会演奏,而且还会作曲。2. Not only did he make a promise, but ...

现在我在韩国学了快一年的韩语,在韩国语老师和韩国朋友的帮助下韩国语有了很大的提高,我会不断刻苦学习,达到更高水准的韩国语交际能力。 对于任何人来说只有空想是实现不了梦想的,是付出代价后才终于能够到手的东西。因此在来韩国后我努力学习韩国语并积极融入韩国人的生活。通过本次申请和考核,如果成功地进入xxx...

1.两座楼之间有棵松树 there is a pine tree between two building.2.她面带微笑地点头 she is nodding to me with a smile.3.我第一次见他时觉得他诚实友爱 i thougth he was honest and friendly for the first time isaw him.4.他不仅学习好,还擅长踢足球 he is not only good at ...

用定语从句翻译下列句子 1 她就是个努力学习英语的女孩 2 这就是那 ...
1.She is a girl who works hard at English.2.This is the girl whose father is a policeman.3.In our class there are 50 students,two thirds of whom are girls.4.She is the nurse who takes care of these children.5.Yesterday he went to the school which he once attended.\/...

语言文化与翻译的论文 论文摘要: 语言和文化是密不可分的,语言有丰富的文化内涵,不具备文化内涵的语言是不存在的。跨文化的语言交际往往会受到文化差异的干扰。文化差异的存在常常成为翻译的障碍,译者必须处理好语言文化间的差异问题,使翻译真正成为传播文化的媒介。 论文关键词: 语言;文化;文化意识;翻译 翻译不仅涉及...

1.执竿入城 鲁有执长竿入城门者,初竖执之,不可入,横执之,亦不可入,计无所出。 俄有老父至曰:“吾非圣人,但见事多矣,何不以锯中截而入?”遂依而截之。 翻译:鲁国有个拿着长长的竿子进入城门的人,起初竖立起来拿着它,不能进入城门,横过来拿着它,也不能进入城门,实在想不出办法来了。 一会儿,有...

求翻译,我不仅擅长中文,还擅长英语。用not only...but also..倒装...
2、also通常可以省略,或换成too,as well(要置于句末),有时甚至连but also一并省略掉。3、为了强调,可将not only置于句首,此时其后的句子通常要用部分倒装的形式。例句 1、She not only wrote the text but also researched the photographs.她不仅写了文章,而且仔细研究了照片。2、Painters ...


3、下列各句中,没有语病的一句是A、他在英语国家工作一年,不但进一步提高了英语交际能力,还参加过相关机构组织的阿拉伯语培训,掌握了阿拉伯语的基础应用。 B、建立监督机制非常重要,企业对制度的决策、出台、执行到取得成效的每个环节都纳入监督的范围,就能切实有效地增强执行力。C、她对公益活动很有热情,并将这份...

She has to learn another foreign language besides English.

丽江市19621764546: 英语翻译1.她不仅是一名优秀的演员,还是一位很棒的导演.(not only.but also.)2.这个屋子既不大也不舒服.(neither.nor...)3.我们按门铃时,她假装不在家.(... -
时侄致平:[答案]She is not only an excellent actress, but also a great director. This room is neither big nor comfortable. When we pressed the doorbell, he pretended not to be at home. I appreciate your spoken English very much. Did you do it in the same way that I had ...

丽江市19621764546: actress什么意思中文翻译 -
时侄致平: actress 女演员 双语对照 词典结果:actress [英][ˈæktrəs][美][ˈæktrɪs] n.女演员; 女表演者; 复数:actresses 以上结果来自金山词霸 例句:1.At first I wanted to be an actress. 起初我曾想当一名女演员.----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

丽江市19621764546: 他是一个优秀的演员用英语怎么说 -
时侄致平: He is an excellent actor!

丽江市19621764546: 英语翻译他是一个很有爱心的人,不仅是一个演员,而且是一个慈善家,大家都十分敬重他.这种事情十分可怕,我们希望不会再有类似事件发生,希望社会平... -
时侄致平:[答案] He is a kind person with a good heart .What's more, he is not only an actor bur also a charitarian.All of us show respect to him.And what happened before is very terrible.We hope such things won't ha...

丽江市19621764546: 他是一个优秀的演员用英语怎么说快 -
时侄致平:[答案] He is an excellent actor!

丽江市19621764546: 英语翻译 他不仅是个演员还是一名学生 -
时侄致平: He's both an actor and a student. 或 He's not only an actor but also a student.

丽江市19621764546: 用英语翻译:Jay不仅是一名歌手而且是一名演员. -
时侄致平: Jay is not only a singer but also an actor

丽江市19621764546: 英语翻译呵呵`他不仅是一个出色的演员,唱歌也很好听.希望的家多支持他如果有一天我见到他,我一定会大声说 - 我喜欢你星的声音 维纳斯宾馆 -
时侄致平:[答案] Not only is he an outstanding performer,but also he sings very well,we hope that the more support. If one day I saw him,I will keep saying - I love you the voices of star Venus Hotel

丽江市19621764546: 他不仅是导演还是一个著名的演员英语翻译 -
时侄致平: He is not only a director but also a famous actor.他不仅是导演还是一个著名的演员.

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