
作者&投稿:诺婕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  polar bear

  sea bear

  white bear




  I have never seen an arctic bear.


  The polar bear's habitat is the icy waters of the Arctic.


  In spite of vigilance a polar bear escape from the zoo.


  I have never seen an arctic bear.


  Polar bear paws have thick fur and sharp claws.


  The polar bears are white and large.


  The polar bear is the biggest land predator of them all.


  The seals provide much of the fat the bears need for warmth.


  A polar bear has a preference for cold weather.


  Polar bears can live in extreme cold.

  polar bears, denizens of the frozen north 北极熊,在冰天雪地的北方生活的动物

  The white fur of the polar bear is a natural camouflage 北极熊身上的白色的浓密软毛是一种天然的伪装

  The Arctic remains the domain of the polar bear 北极仍是北极熊的领地

  The ivory gull often follows polar bears to feed on the remains of seal kills 象牙海鸥经常跟在北极熊的后面吃剩下的海豹尸体

  A polar bear has a preference for cold weather 北极熊喜欢寒冷的天气

  The polar region is the habitat of the polar bear 北极地带为北极熊的栖息地

  Alaska still is a land of iceberg and polar bear 阿拉斯加现在仍是冰山和北极熊的世界

  For a minute i thought it was pilsner's performing polar bears 刚才我还以为它是皮尔斯纳扮演的北极熊

  They'll lock him up, and you just stand there like Nanook of the North! 他们会把他关起来你还像一只北极熊那样站在那里!

  The melting has already threatened native animals like the polar bear 融化已经在影响着当地动物,像北极熊

  Wells was not likely to forswear the faith of a lifetime 威尔斯决不会背弃他毕生的信仰

  Today Howell's name is unknown to all but specialists 今天,豪威尔斯的名字除了一些专家外已经是鲜为人知了

  I have neglected this diary ever since our arrival in Lourdes 自从我们来到卢尔德以后,我就一直没写日记

  But Twain, Howells, and James were jeeringly described by Mencken as "draft - dodgers " 不过吐温、 豪威尔斯和詹姆斯都是被门肯讥诮地叫做 “ 逃避兵役的人 ”

  Eisenhower never have dreamed of calling on Stevenson in1952 or 1956. 艾森豪威尔在一九五二年或一九五六年做梦也没有想到要去拜访史蒂文森

  Mr Archibald did not give himself the trouble of making manyremonstrances 阿奇博尔德先生似乎不想自找麻烦多方规劝

  Once they had left Key Biscayne, Rogers and Laird quickly reversedthemselves 罗杰斯和莱尔德一离开比斯坎岛,很快就变了卦

  Actually, a number of other circumstances were responsible for Wilson'svictory 实际上, 许多其它情况对威尔逊的胜利起著更为重要的作用

  Wilson decided that the time for drastic action had e 威尔逊认为采取严厉措施的时候已到

  He would get rid of Rogers and Laird at the earliest opportunity 只要有机会,他就会尽早抛弃罗杰斯和莱尔德

  关于北极熊的英文阅读:北极熊的窘迫 适应冰冷环境的代价

  How Polar Bears Keep Their Cool on this moment of scene


  If you found youself instantly transported to the freezing Arctic , your first concern would be keeping warm. But one of the animals that make their homes on this vast fields of ice and snow , do polar bear need to warry about freezing to death ? Actually a polar bear's biggest problem is keeping cool, not keeping warm. Thanks to its thick coat of fur, it tough hide and four insul layer of blood , a polar bear is extremely well insulated.


  Indeed , for resting polar bear is photographed with infrared film , a kind of film which can measure the amount of heat escaping from a body . The polar bear won't show up at all, that doesn't mean polar bears are as cold as the surrounding ice. Their normal body temperature is about the same as ours. It simply means that polar bears retain their body very well. In fact , a polar bear can rest in a pit of icy snow at temperatures as low as minus 34 degrees F, without needing to burn any extra fat for warm. While the sensulation is great for keeping warm , they can lead to some serious overheating. As a result , polar bears don't like to run after their purchasing, a seal that only four and half miles an hour.


  A polar bear's temperature climbs to a fever's hundred degrees. It might have the laying back with it's feed in the air to cool down. Polar bears prefer to hunt by waitting in a hole in the ice, and letting diner e to them. It's the best way to conserve energe and keep cool in the Arctic North.










2. 初中文言文词汇翻译 下面的这些你看行不,能不能你点帮助,但愿!初中文言文词语大全 第一册 一、一词多义现象: 1、之(1)代词(人、物、事情) a、公与之乘(他)b、悉以咨之(他们)c、而忘操之(尺码)d、嘱予作文以记之 (修岳阳楼这件事) e、君将哀而生之乎(我)f、谨食之(蛇) (2)不译 ①主谓...

the most dangerous game 小说的中文全文翻译,急急急!!!
我到迅雷,天涯,找过,只有英文版本的~~我用谷歌翻译了一部分,效果不是很好,希望对你有帮助~“关那里的权利 - 地方 - 是一个大岛说,”惠特尼。“这不是一个谜 - ” “什么岛是什么?”兰斯福问。 “旧图称之为'船陷阱岛,”'惠特尼回答。“一个暗示的名字,是不是?水手们有一个奇怪的可怕的地方。我不知...

句子翻译 1、辄分果与之:总是分给他果子吃。2、然顾此熊,安得言无情哉:然而看这只熊,怎能说动物没有情义呢 4启发与借鉴 上文说的那头熊,极有人性,不仅不残害堕入坑中的猎人,还给他吃的,最后救他出坑。大多数动物是不会主动袭击人的,除非人惹怒了它。人与动物应该建立亲密共存的关系...

求<love is a fallacy>的全文翻译
词汇详解: love 一、读音 英[lʌv] 美 [lʌv] 二、释义 n、爱;热爱;慈爱;爱情;恋爱;喜好;喜爱 v、爱;热爱;喜欢;喜爱;很喜欢;很愿意 三、语法 for the love of God:(old-fashioned, informal) (表示愤怒和不耐烦)看在上帝的分上,哎呀,求求你 扩展资料: love近义词:like 词汇详解: 一、读音 ...

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已死的母熊小古文翻译:猎人进山打猎,用枪射中了一只母熊。正中要害,却坐着不倒下。走进了一看,熊已死,手抱着一块大石头,石头下有三只小熊,在水中嬉戏,母熊之所以死而不倒,正是怕石头落下伤到她的孩子。猎人非常感动,于是终身不再打猎。小学生学古文的益处 《已死的母熊》选自《小学生...

三三速记英语词汇法 目录:1.综合九种记法,不怕任何单词 2. 如此记单词,上瘾,越记越想记(1至6) 综合九种记法,不怕任何单词 无论任何单词,不管是词根词缀法还是奇特联想法,如果你在其它地方找不到某个难词的记忆窍门,你都可以在《三三速记英语词汇》丛书里面碰碰运气,说不定就有意外的收获。 说明:综合运用...


泌阳县13252294024: 北极熊的英文单词是什么? -
戴馨依达: 北极熊: 1. polar bear 2. sea bear

泌阳县13252294024: 北极熊英文是什么?
戴馨依达: 北极熊 [běi jí xióng] polar bearsea bear

泌阳县13252294024: 北极熊英文单词怎样造句?
戴馨依达: You can see polar bears in arctic region.

泌阳县13252294024: 关于 北极熊的资料 (英文,带翻译) -
戴馨依达: Polar bears are the world largest land carnivore, also known as polar bear. By zoological classification is mammalia, Bear Branch. Male polar bear in length about 240-260cm, weight is generally 400-800 kg. The shape of female polar bears than ...

泌阳县13252294024: 北极熊英文咋说???? -
戴馨依达: “北极熊”(POLAR BEAR)

泌阳县13252294024: 北极熊的英文单词为什么是polar bear而不是life bear?呵呵打成life bear了,对不起额,应该是arctic bear.. -
戴馨依达:[答案] 就象你的名字一样,取得呗

泌阳县13252294024: 英语翻译北极熊的视力和听力与人类相当,但它们的嗅觉极为灵敏,是犬类的7倍.麻烦帮我翻译成英语 -
戴馨依达:[答案] Polar bears and human vision and hearing quite, but they are extremely sensitive sense of smell, dogs are the 7 times. 给我分啊!

泌阳县13252294024: 北极熊跟小熊的英文怎么写?
戴馨依达: 北极熊polar bear 小熊Little Bear

泌阳县13252294024: 书面表达请根据所给提示用英语介绍北极熊是大熊一只成成年北极熊,重约,三百五十千克到七百千克北极熊住 -
戴馨依达: The polar bear is an adult polar bear, weighing about 350 to 700 kilograms. the polar bears live in cold and icy places in the polar . they like eating meat and mainly meat of seals. although they live on land, but they usually spend most of the time in ...

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