
作者&投稿:苏牵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Worldwide weird: Odd ways to ring in the New Year


  Drawing more than one million visitors in person and one billion viewers on TV, New York City’s Times Square ball drop is one of the most watched events in the world。

  每年最后一天的夜晚,纽约时代广场上的水晶球降落仪式都是万众瞩目的焦点,吸引百万游客驻足观看, 另有超过10亿的观众通过电视一同分享这一盛事。

  But many cities across the United States prefer to put their own spin on the now traditional event. From pinecones to pineapples, these regions lower their own oversized symbols as the last seconds of the old year tick away。


  Pinecone Drop, Flagstaff, Arizona


  Arizona is more likely to be associated with cactus than pinecones, but Flagstaff, in the northern part of the state, has the largest Ponderosa Pine forest in the continental United States. The 5ft-by-7ft gold and silver aluminium pinecone has dropped from the 112-year-old Weatherford Hotel since 1999.


  Great Sardine and Maple Leaf Drop, Eastport, Maine


  The only place in America where the New Year is rung in twice in one night, the easternmost city in the United States drops a 4ft-wide maple leaf at 11 pm to celebrate the New Year in neighbouring New Brunswick, Canada, and drops an 8ft-long sardine at midnight to ring in their own New Year, commemorating Eastport’s longstanding sardine canning industry。

  这里是美国唯一一个跨两次年的地方。作为美国最东边的城市,东港每年都会在12月31日晚11点,先落下一个4英尺宽的枫叶,庆祝邻边加拿大小镇新不伦瑞克的新年。 然后在午夜时分,落下一只长达8英尺的沙丁鱼,庆祝自己的新年。这只巨大的沙丁鱼同时也象征着东港经久不衰的沙丁鱼罐头产业。

  Moon Pie Drop, Mobile, Alabama

  阿拉巴马州的莫比尔 :月亮饼

  Though moon pies are made in Chattanooga, Tennessee, Mobile has had a love affair with the marshmallow-filled treats since they were first thrown in Mardi Gras celebrations in 1956. The 12ft-tall moon pie replica has only been dropping on New Year’s Eve since 2008, but the event already has its very own commemorative song。


  Walleye Drop, Lake Clinton, Ohio

  俄亥俄州的克林顿湖 :碧古鱼

  A 20ft, 600-pound walleye fish has made an appearance in this Lake Erie town since 1996. Residents hold an entire outdoor celebration (where the temperatures can often be well below freezing) with walleye chowder, sandwiches and even walleye-flavoured popcorn。

  自1996年起,伊利湖边的这个小镇上的降落仪式主角是一只长20英尺,重600磅的碧古鱼。人们举行隆重的户外庆祝仪式(气温经常低至0°C 以下)。庆典上有美味的碧古鱼杂烩,三明治,甚至还有碧古鱼味的爆米花。

  Pineapple Drop, Honolulu, Hawaii


  The last time zone in the US to leave the old year behind, Hawaii sends it off in style by lowering a 200-pound papier-maché pineapple from the 10-storey Kahala Resort in Oahu. The event can be seen from the beach or the hotel。


Silicon Valley is an area that "located on the San Francisco, California, peninsula, radiates outward from Stanford University. It is contained by the San Francisco Bay on the east, the Santa Cruz Mountains on the west, and the Coast Range to the southeast. At the turn of the century, when fruit orchards predominated, the area was known as the Valley of Heart's Delight "

as Carolyn E. Tajnai, manager of Stanford computer forum begins one of her Web-manuscript that is describing Silicon Valley history from some of WWW best personal viewpoint.

About 40 years ago, Stanford University had some financial problems. The authorities of university tried to solve the problems by leasing part of the university land to high-tech companies for 99 years.

Carolyn Tajna clarified this point of Stanford's history in more detail:

" In the 1950's, the idea of building an industrial park arose. The university had plenty of land over 8,000 acres....but money was needed to finance the University's rapid postwar growth. The original bequest of his farm by Leland Stanford prohibited the sale of this land, but there was nothing to prevent its being leased. It turned out that long-term leases were just as attractive to industry as out right ownership; thus, the Stanford Industrial Park was founded. The goal was to create a center of high technology close to a cooperative university. It was a stroke of genius , and Terman, calling it ``our secret weapon,'' quickly suggested that leases be limited to high technology companies that might be beneficial to Stanford. In 1951 Varian Associates signed a lease, and in 1953 the company moved into the first building in the park. Eastman Kodak, General Electric, Preformed Line Products, Admiral Corporation, Shockley Transistor Laboratory of Beckman Instruments, Lockheed, Hewlett-Packard, and others followed soon after."

位于硅谷地区的美国著名公立大学有: 1、加州大学伯克利分校University of California-Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校是美国最顶尖的公立大学,位于旧金山东湾伯克利市的山丘上。加州大学伯克利分校是加利福尼亚大学体系中最老的一所,也是美国大学协会的创始者之一。2003年,加州大学伯克利分校的学术排名被英国《泰晤士报》评为...

美国硅谷最喜欢招收的大学毕业生:1、San Jose State University圣何塞州立大学 2、University of California, Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校 3、San Francisco State University旧金山州立大学 4、Stanford University斯坦福大学 5、University of Washington华盛顿大学 6、University of California, Davis加州大学...


硅谷——位于旧金山东南的圣克拉拉谷地,是一个由十几所 大学和几千家高技术公司组成的新兴工业区。这里是激光技术、微处理机、影像游艺机、家用计算机、无线电话、袖珍计算机等 新技术和高科技产品的诞生地。是世界上最大的计算机和电脑软 件产地。因为制造电子元件的主要材料是半导体硅,所以人们称 这个...

9. 微软公司(Microsoft Corporation):比尔·盖茨和保罗·艾伦于1975年共同创立了这家软件巨头,以其Windows操作系统和Office办公软件系列闻名于世。10. 思科系统公司(Cisco Systems, Inc.):成立于1984年的这家网络技术公司,是全球最大的网络设备供应商,其路由器和交换机产品遍布全球。以上就是硅谷...

圣塔克拉拉大学(Santa Clara University),是美国的一所著名的非盈利私立天主教学校,坐落于美国加利福尼亚州硅谷的心脏地带已有167年。建立于1851年的圣塔克拉拉大学是在加利福尼亚州最老的一所高校,在美西地区有着极高的学术声誉。全美大学薪资调查显示,圣塔克拉拉大学毕业生薪资排名全美第8名。圣塔...


【发展简史】 百度公司(baidu.com,inc)于1999年底成立于美国硅谷,它的创建者是在美国硅谷有多年成功经验的李彦宏先生及徐勇先生。2000年1月,百度公司在中国成立了它的全资子公司-百度网络技术(北京)有限公司,随后于同年10月成立了深圳分公司 ,2001年6月又在上海成立了上海办事处。


1. 硅谷位于美国的加利福尼亚州。2. 硅谷是全球科技创新的摇篮,坐落于美国加利福尼亚州南部,靠近圣弗朗西斯科(旧金山)和圣何塞等城市。3. 这一地区因其丰富的科技产业,尤其是计算机和互联网相关领域,而闻名于世。4. 硅谷的得名源于其早期大量涌现的半导体公司,现已成为创业精神、创新科技和风险...

祁东县17067862715: 关于美国硅谷的英文简介 -
爱新觉罗曹余甘: Silicon Valley is an area that "located on the San Francisco, California, peninsula, radiates outward from Stanford University. It is contained by the San Francisco Bay on the east, the Santa Cruz Mountains on the west, and the Coast Range to the ...

祁东县17067862715: 美国硅谷简介 -
爱新觉罗曹余甘: 硅谷(英语:Silicon Valley),是高科技事业云集的美国加州圣塔克拉拉谷的别称.位於加利福尼亚州北部,旧金山湾区南部;一般包含圣塔克拉拉县和东旧金山湾区的费利蒙市.最早是研究和生产以矽为基础的半导体晶片的地方,因此得名....

祁东县17067862715: 谁有美国硅谷的英文资料,急等!! -
爱新觉罗曹余甘: silicon valley is the southern part of the san francisco bay area in northern california in the united states. the term originally referred to the region's large number of silicon chip innovators and manufacturers, but eventually became a metaphor for all ...

祁东县17067862715: 请问硅谷一词的来历
爱新觉罗曹余甘: 硅谷(英语:Silicon Valley),台湾、港澳称作矽谷,是高科技公司云集的的美国加州圣塔克拉拉谷地的诗意名称.位于加利福尼亚州北部,旧金山湾区南部;一般包涵圣...

祁东县17067862715: 谁能把这小段资料准确的翻译成英文?? 关于硅谷的!急!急 -
爱新觉罗曹余甘: Silicon Valley high-tech talent in the United States is concentrated, the United States is the focus on the information industry professionals, in the Silicon Valley, knowledge is the work that knowledge is wealth, science and technology for all ...

祁东县17067862715: 美国的硅谷是什么?
爱新觉罗曹余甘: 硅谷(Silicon Valley)位于美国加利福尼亚州的旧金山经圣克拉拉至圣何塞近50公里的一条狭长地带,是美国重要的电子工业基地,也是世界最为知名的电子工业集中地.

祁东县17067862715: 我想了解有关美国硅谷的情况
爱新觉罗曹余甘: 硅谷(Silicon Valley).位于加利福尼亚以北,旧金山湾区的南部.最早是研究和生产芯片地方,后来引申为所以高技术企业聚集的地方.是当今美国乃至全世界的资讯科...

祁东县17067862715: 硅谷一词源于哪个国家?该工业区以哪种工业为主 -
爱新觉罗曹余甘: 源于美国.英语:Silicon Valley.是高科技事业云集的美国加州圣塔克拉拉谷的别称. 硅谷位于加利福尼亚州北部,旧金山湾区南部;一般包含圣塔克拉拉县和东旧金山湾区的费利蒙 市.最早是研究和生产以硅为基础的半导体芯片的地方,因此...

祁东县17067862715: 硅谷在哪个城市啊?
爱新觉罗曹余甘: 硅谷:英语为Silicon Valley在美国,是一个长度大约32公里的工业区,位于加利福尼亚的Palo Alto(帕拉托)和San Jose(圣何塞)之间,许多制造和设计电脑晶片的公司位于此处,名称来源于用来制造这些电子装置的高纯度的硅.硅谷(...

祁东县17067862715: 硅谷为什么叫硅谷,蔡? -
爱新觉罗曹余甘: 硅谷的英文名字是“Silicon Valley”,Silicon 是“硅”的意思,valley是山谷的意思.硅谷这个词最早是由Don Hoefler在1971年创造的.它从1971年的1月11日开始被用于《每周商业》报纸电子新闻的一系列文章的题目——美国硅谷.之所以名字...

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