Are bigger lions than elepants什么意思?

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Bigger than bigger什么意思~

Bigger than bigger的意思是:越来越强大;岂止于大
big 读法 英 [bɪg] 美 [bɪɡ]

1、adj. 大的;重要的;量大的
2、adv. 大量地;顺利;夸大地
1、big tree 大树;巨杉
2、talk big v. 吹牛
3、big fish 大鱼;重要人物
4、big bang n. 宇宙大爆炸;创世大爆炸
5、big mouth 多嘴者

great, big, large这组词都有“大的”的意思,其区别是:
1、great 普通用词,可指具体东西的“大”,但更常指事物的重要,人的行为、品格的伟大等,带一定的感情色彩。
2、big 常用词,使用广泛,较口语化。多指体积、重量或容量等方面的“大”,有时也用于描写抽象之物。
3、large 普通用词,含义广,指体积、面积、容量、数量以及程度等方面的大,具体或抽象意义均可用
great 读法 英 [greɪt] 美 [ɡret]

1、adj. 伟大的,重大的;极好的,好的;主要的
2、n. 大师;大人物;伟人们
1、great honor 无上的荣誉,殊荣
2、a great amount of 大量的;许多的;大部分的
3、great leap 大跃进,大步前进
4、great event 大事;重大事件
5、great people 伟大的人民



Are bigger lions than elepants

南山区19898641277: 狮子的英文介绍 -
郦耍贝隆: 如下: Lions are large cats living in Africa and Asia, and they are the largest average weight cats in existence. 狮子是一种生存在非洲与亚洲的大型猫科动物,是现存平均体重最大的猫科动物. 狮子体型大,躯体均匀,四肢中长,趾行性.头大而圆,吻部较短,视、听、嗅觉均很发达.犬齿及裂齿极发达;上裂齿具三齿尖,下裂齿具2齿尖;臼齿较退化,齿冠直径小于外侧门齿高度.皮毛柔软.前足5趾,后足4趾;爪锋利,可伸缩.尾较发达.

南山区19898641277: 以“I Went to the zoo”写一篇英语作文,比较一下各动物的大小,身高,体重,年龄等. -
郦耍贝隆: I went to the zoo yesterday.There were a lot of animals.Elephants are bigger than lions.Giraffes are taller than other animals.,they have very long necks. Monkeys are smarter than bears.Pandas are cuter than dogs,I think the parrots are the cleverest,...

南山区19898641277: lions are they big. 对么? -
郦耍贝隆:[答案] 不对,这是中国式英语,英语中语序是主语+谓语+宾语 此话应用are lions big 疑问句或lions are big陈述句

南山区19898641277: 初一英语题~~ -
郦耍贝隆: 在初一或初二时老师会给同学们讲~the~的问题,现在就由我来讲一下它的用法吧! ~~the~~ 1)名次第一次提到 eg.1.He bought a new car.The car is very expensive. 2) 特指 eg.1.The man in blue is my uncle. 3) 说话者双方都知道的 eg.1.Please...

南山区19898641277: your eyes are as bigger as mine 为什么用bigger -
郦耍贝隆: 根据你的问题,这里不应该用bigger,用bigger是错误的.这里用到的结构是:as+adj+as,表示“和...一样”,as和as之间的形容词应该使用原级,不应该是用比较级.使用比较级一般是在more ...than结构里面的.As...as的用法 一、基本用法 as ...

南山区19898641277: 骄傲的狮子 用英语翻译是Pride of lion 还是Pride of the lion 还是都不对?正确的呢 -
郦耍贝隆:[答案] Pride of lion 和 pride of the lion 都是狮子的骄傲,后者是特指某只狮子. 骄傲的狮子 应翻译为,The Arrogant Lion,这也是寓言故事的名字.

南山区19898641277: whatarethey?theyarelions,Theyarebig请问是什么意思? -
郦耍贝隆: What are they?=== 他们是什么?They are lions.=== 他们是狮子.They are big.=== 他们好大.

南山区19898641277: “The Lions are a great team.”中为什么用“are”?可后面还有个“a”啊! -
郦耍贝隆:[答案] team是由多个个体组成的,很多只狮子才组成一个队.狮子不止一只,而呆在一起只有一个队,所以狮子用复数,队用单数,be动词是看主语狮子的单复数情况的,所以用are.

南山区19898641277: Elephants has got four legs.They are big than lions.They like take baths in the water.They are friendly and can help us do something a lot.这 -
郦耍贝隆: Elephants has ( got 删除 ) four legs.They are ( bigger ) than lions. They like ( taking ) baths in the water. They are friendly and can help us do ( a lot of things ).

南山区19898641277: It was().I went to the zoo. -
郦耍贝隆: It was .I went to the zoo.It was raining..I went to the was that i went to the zoo 这里可以填很多答案

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