lanch sb on sth例句?

作者&投稿:谷容 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Cngratulation to sb 和congratulation sb on Sth 的区别~

相信很多小伙伴也会遇到题目这两个短语,下面我就讲讲它们的区别ヾ(✿゚▽゚)ノ,Congratulations to sb表达一种更泛化的、不特定的祝贺;而Congratulations sb on sth 则明确了祝贺的具体事由,因此在具体性上有差异。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:

了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧ლ(・∀・ )ლ
Congratulations to sb一般用来直接传递祝贺的意愿,但没有指出具体祝贺的原因;而Congratulations sb on sth 则明确了祝贺的原因,译为祝贺某人在某事上。
①Congratulations to you. 向你表示祝贺。
②Congratulations to you on your graduation. 祝贺你毕业。
Congratulations to sb表达一种更泛化的、不特定的祝贺;而Congratulations sb on sth 则明确了祝贺的具体事由,因此在具体性上有差异。
①Congratulations to all the winners. 恭喜所有的获奖者。
②Congratulations to all the winners on their success. 祝贺所有获奖者获得成功。
Congratulations to sb只对某人表示祝贺,但没有表明具体的祝贺事由,信息量较少;而Congratulations sb on sth 则提供了更多的信息,包括祝贺的对象和祝贺的事由。
①Congratulations to Jessica. 向杰西卡表示祝贺。
②Congratulations to Jessica on her promotion. 祝贺杰西卡晋升。

He impress me with his excellent drawing skills
sth impress sb = sb be impressed by sth
impress sth on sb
其实意思区别不大 注意介词

lanch sb on sth
比如:lanch me on riding
on是介词 后面加动词要用动词ing形式。

launch her on read

嵩明县13919361072: lanch sb on sth例句? -
丁肩普特: lanch sb on sth 比如:lanch me on riding on是介词 后面加动词要用动词ing形式.

嵩明县13919361072: blame sb on sth,造句 -
丁肩普特: 一般是 blame sb for sth 和 blame sth on sb,没有你说的 blame sb on sth blame sb for sth 因为某事责备某人 比如:He blamed me for telling a lie.blame sth on sb 把某事归咎于某人 再如:Don't blame your failure on me.

嵩明县13919361072: 用See sth造句 -
丁肩普特: l see a little girl cry in front of a store. 我看见一个小女孩在一个商场前面哭.

嵩明县13919361072: 用 tell sb to do sth 造句5个 -
丁肩普特: Our teather tell us to finish this work at home.老师让我们在家完成这些作业.

嵩明县13919361072: 是congratulate to sb on sth还是congratulate sb on sth 区别 -
丁肩普特: congratulate是vt动词,即可直接接宾语.congratulate sb on sth 例句:Let me congratulate you on your achievement.请允许我为您的成就向您表示祝贺.

嵩明县13919361072: 有没有help sb on sth -
丁肩普特: 没有,只能用help sb with sth,或help sb (to) do sth.希望能帮到你.

嵩明县13919361072: teach sb to do sth 怎样造句 -
丁肩普特: Miss Wang teaches us to learn English. 王老师教我们学英语

嵩明县13919361072: 用"enable sb to do sth"造句 -
丁肩普特: His failure in this exam will enable him to study hard. 他这次考试的失败将会激励他努力学习.

嵩明县13919361072: 英语造句1send sb.sth/send sb.(把某物寄给某人)2show sb.sth/show sb.(把某物拿给某人看)3plan to do sth.(计划要做某事)4spend time ... -
丁肩普特:[答案] 1 the postman sends the packages to their owners day after day. 2 could you show me your ticket? 3 we're planning to go to the countryside for our vacation. 4 i'm used to spend the happy time with my boyfriend. 5 i forgot to do my homework yesterday. ...

嵩明县13919361072: 初中英语(造句)1、buy sb.sth./buy sth.for sb.(共五句)2、something+形容词/to do(共五句)3、enough+名词/形容词+enough(共五句)4、seem+to do/... -
丁肩普特:[答案] My mother buy me a guitar for my birthday. My mother buy a guitar for my birthday. Lily buy some flowers for her teacher on Teacher's Day. Lily buy her teacher some flowers on Teacher's Day. Can you buy a T-shirt for me? I have something to do. There is ...

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