
作者&投稿:卷全 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




Foreign trade has become an important pulling force for China's economic development. To maintain the current momentum of growth and development must be in accordance with the characteristics of China's foreign trade, establish a development strategy. 1. Comparative advantages into full play, vigorously develop the manufacturing sector. The huge capacity of the domestic market. a high level of skills and adequate resources for the cheap labor provided favorable conditions for China's manufacturing, ensuring the competitiveness of the manufacturing sector in the international market. 2. Actively expanding imports to make up for inadequate domestic resources. Imports will actively explore the international market, to expand imports of primary products and resources-important energy imports, guarantee the sustainable development of the national economy. Continue to increase technology transfer, and make full use of international resources to vigorously promote technological progress in leading industries. promoting industrial upgrading. 3. Create competitive advantages that enhance innovation in the enterprise system. Apply the comparative advantages into competitive advantages foothold in the international market is the key to long-term products. Therefore, we should actively explore various channels and make full use of various resources, and increase international competitiveness. Encourage enterprises to participate in international competition, mobilize the initiative to open up the international market, continuously improve our competitive strength. ability to fundamentally solve the problem of opening up the international market. 4. The positive development of foreign trade and trade in services and high-tech industries. Use foreign services to enter the Chinese market opportunity, seize the opportunity and re-integration. vigorously develop modern services and the promotion of industrial upgrading. Focus on cultivating high-tech industries, foreign trade and economic development as the main engine of the future. 5. Improving the international economic environment, trade expansion space. In trade with the developed countries, continuously improve its product market share at the same time, those to faster economic development of developing countries, a relatively stable trade environment, a market with huge potential market. thus diversifying market trading pattern of foreign trade and ensure the continuity and stability, decentralized international market risks.

The foreign trade has already become an our country the importance of the economic development to pull amount of motive, keeping and developping the current growth power head has to be foreign trade according to the our country of characteristics, establish development strategy.
1.Well exertive compare advantage, develop a manufacturing industry strongly.Huge native market capacity, the higher technique horizontal provided good condition for the our country manufacturing industry with abundant cheap labor force resources, promising a manufacturing industry in the competition ability in the international market.
2.Expand inlet actively, make up local resources shortage.Expand an international inlet market actively, expand the resources type the primary commodity inlet and important energy inlet, promise the national economy can develop continuously.The technique of go on the enlargement ushers in strength, making use of an international resources well, pushing the technique progress of the predominant industry strongly, promoting the our country industrial structure upgrade.
3.Created competitive advantage actively, strengthen business enterprise system innovation.BE the key that the product captures an international market over a long period of time for the competitive advantage than the advantage conversion.So the our country wants to expand various outlets actively, making use of various resources well, the international competition ability of the exaltation product.Encourage the business enterprise participates an international competition, transfering the aggressive that the business enterprise expands an international market, raising real strenght continuously in the competition, resolving a problem of expand the international market capability by the root.
4.Aggressive development service trade and high new the foreign trade of the technique industry.Opportune moment made use of the opportunity that the foreign servicing business enters the our country market, grabbinged a market to re- integrate, develop modern servicing business of our country strongly, promote the our country industrial structure upgrade.The point grows high new technique industry, making the main motivation that it becomes in the future a foreign trade and economic development.
5.Improve international economic environment, expand the trade space.Be strengthenning with the trade of the flourishing nation, raise the product market share continuously in the meantime, value those economic developments of developing country compare quickly, trading environment opposite stabilization, the market potential huge market, forming a market diversified trade structure and form thus, assurance foreign trade of the sustain and stability, scatter international market risk.

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蒙自县15168022556: 翻译!!急~~ -
钦伯培元: 公孙弘盖的是布被,吃的东西不注重肉类.汲黯说:“公孙弘的官位在三公,俸禄很多;然而还盖布被,这是诈骗.”汉武帝问公孙弘,公孙弘向汉武帝道歉,说:“有这事.你的九卿和臣最好的无非是黯,然而今天在朝廷上责问我,确实击中了我的短处.我担任三公但是还盖布被,和小吏没有区别,确实是用来欺骗,想用来沽名钓誉,就像汲黯所说的一样.而且我没有汲黯忠诚,陛下怎么听到这些话的!”汉武帝认为他是谦虚忍让,越来越尊重公孙弘了 〖简要评析〗 这篇文章讲的是汉武帝的手下的一名位在三公(指西汉王朝中掌军事、内政、礼制的三位大臣)的大臣,公孙弘.他廉政爱民,却被汲黯诬陷,并报告给了皇帝.公孙弘用了反话来反驳汲黯的诬陷并为自己脱罪,从中可以看出公孙弘的聪明才智

蒙自县15168022556: 英语翻译,急!!! -
钦伯培元: 1. I know (that) you are a little fatter than John.2. The teacher asked whether they were going to the Great Wall.3. Could you tell me who(m) he is waiting for?4. No one believes (that) you are a thief.5. The teacher said that the sun rises in the east.

蒙自县15168022556: 急!英语的翻译
钦伯培元: Both... also既.......也 Not only... and不但......而且

蒙自县15168022556: 英语翻译!!急! -
钦伯培元: 政策环境的重要性常常被我们忽略,于是眼睛紧盯着的机会从一开始就远离了阳光雨露.人是环境的产物,企业更是如此.The importance of environmental policy are often overlooked by us, so keep a close eye on the eyes of the opportunity from the beginning to stay away from the sun and rain. Person is the product of the environment, especially enterprises.

蒙自县15168022556: 英语翻译 急 -
钦伯培元: Li Li is higher than me, but I am bigger than her. I'm as friendly as Li Li. Li Li studies harder than I do, but I prefer reading to her. I am more shy than Li Li, Li Li is more active than me. Li Li is smarter than me but I prefer sports than Li Li.求采纳

蒙自县15168022556: 英文翻译!急!!!!!
钦伯培元: Hello,teacher Xiang,I`m Mingming!Your qzone is so beautiful!I cheer you on!!!! 希望采纳!!!!

蒙自县15168022556: 翻译!急 -
钦伯培元: 呵呵 楼上的是机器翻译的吧Disneyland is a beautiful place, there are beautiful scenery and lovely cartoon personage,and there is a railway of Disneyland Resort inside each Disneyland.Because...

蒙自县15168022556: 英语翻译!!!急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -
钦伯培元: Brush all the doors and windows red Use ornamental door of paper-cut and window Buy the new clothes Cut the hair Set off the firework Paper-cut Lantern Antithetical couplet Sweep the room Remove bad luck Shopping Get the food ready Study the...

蒙自县15168022556: 急:翻译英语!!! -
钦伯培元: 倒着翻译,先译厂房号,接着译门牌号,再译街道名最后译工业园区.比如中国上海浦东工业园区解放路1号1号厂房可译为Plant 1,No.1 Jiefang Road,Pudong Industrial Park Plant,Shanghai,the People's Republic of China

蒙自县15168022556: 翻译.急.!! -
钦伯培元: Bear爸爸妈妈打算去Grizzly Mountain Lodge这个地方渡第二个蜜月.然后他们让Bear姐妹去和Gran还有Gramps度一个周末.

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