英语高手进 把一篇英文对话复述成英语短文 急啊!0.0对了 还有这对话的翻译也帮下 谢了啊!!!!

作者&投稿:丙童 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
先将下面几个句子翻译成英语,然后连成一篇小短文。 1.在这条河流的两岸有许多?~

There are many …on the two sides of the river.

Bund Liu Shaoba the letter newspaper, spring returned, the fish fishtails cuts down the level of the lake, the cloud swings in the wave, the jungle deep place book sound bang-bang bird has been drunk, the mischievous thrush leaps to jump onto the branch, blinks looking at secretly, the campus is happy, everywhere has fragrant grass to treat to the Ming Dynasty hundred flowers displays beautiful colors the scenery to be more enchanting. under the eaves built new nest the swallow to fly young to shake the wing psst to treat nurses Aunt actually not to dismiss works full garden students profusion of color the bee humming sound to call the a little bit dewdrop to reflect multi-colored sunlight to emit rainbow thousands of strip campus happy everywhere to have fragrant grass to treat to Ming Dynasty laden with fruit scenery more enchanting

Peter came home very sad. His father fell peter was not happy and asked why . and he know his son will fail a math test .Of course
His father was surprised and asked him the reason .Peter thought for a moment and told his father He missed the bus and had to walk to school,he was not allowed to get to class late , and there was a big test today。he should be allowed to take the test later。
。It's not fair.Peter thinked. His father is very confused and thought for a while and told him
the school has to have rules 。but,Peter had always think that this is not fair .Finally,his father told him should find the teacher to explain .Peter agreed。

怎么了 彼得?
爸爸我的数学要挂科啦 ,
啊 为什么啊?
我没赶上车 然后走着去学校的,
今天是不允许迟到的 因为有个重要的考试
是啊 我必须得参加考试晚一点了 这不公平
彼得学校是有规定的 你是知道的啊
我同意 也许你放学后应该找这个老师谈谈
嗯 也许我该解释一下发生了什么 她会明白的

上面的短文很简单 楼主就不用我解释吧

Peter did not catch the bus and had to walk to school this morning. Thus he is probably going to fail an important math test. As his teacher did not know what happened, she did not allow him to take the test later.

One morning Peter got up late in the morning.When he came to the bus stop to take a bus to school,the bus had already gone.There wasn't any bus that morning.Peter felt very sad for he was going to have a maths test.He tried to walk to school as fast as he could.But unfortunately,he was thirty mimutes late when he arrived there.He was not allowed to have the exam.Peter told his father about that the next day.He said he should be allowed to take the exam later,or it was not fair to him.His father tried to calm him and asked him to talk to his teacher.Peter accepted his father's advice and decided to explain what happpend to him.














会同县18418715083: 英语高手进 把一篇英文对话复述成英语短文 急啊!0.0对了 还有这对话的翻译也帮下 谢了啊!!!! -
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