
作者&投稿:坚砖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My dream is to study abroad in the future. I am always that kind of life can come true soon. But, before I realize my dream, I have to do some preparation. I think the most important thing I need to do first is to adapt the life there. It is said that there is a big difference between the eastern and western culture. If I know nothing, it is easy for me to have culture conflict. It will put me into an embarrass place. For example, dragon is the leader for all animals and it has holy good meaning in china. But it means violence in the western country. I need to learn as much the cultural conflicts as possible to make my oversea life become easier.

解答 :

5. 沿着这条路走,在熊猫馆的北面你能看见狮子,狮子是万兽之王,要记住,它们很危险,不要靠近它们。
10. 鸟世界是猴子的森林,猴子聪明有趣,它们跳来跳去的逗人笑。




5. 沿着这条路走,在熊猫馆的北面你能看见狮子,狮子是万兽之王,要记住,它们很危险,不要靠近它们。
10. 鸟世界是猴子的森林,猴子聪明有趣,它们跳来跳去的逗人笑。向右走,在猴子森林的东边你会看见长颈鹿,它们特别高,长长的脖子能帮它们吃到树叶,长颈鹿馆的东北边是桥,穿过桥你会看见大象,它们的大耳朵像打开的扇子在这里你能看见所有的动物,旅途愉快

car \/kA:(r)\/ n.小汽车cold \/k«Uld\/ adj.冷的thanks \/TQNks\/ n.(口语)谢谢take \/teIk\/ vt.拿走;取,抓racket \/5rQkIt\/ n.球拍her \/h«(r);hÎ:(r)\/ pron.她的bed \/bed\/ n.床dress \/dres\/ n.长裙teddy bear \/5tedI be«(r)\/ 玩具熊stick \/stIk\/ vt.粘住Unit 8do \/d«;dU...

calculator计算器,cell phone移动电话,chalk粉笔,paper纸, ruler尺子,satellite TV卫星电视,no没有, no one 没有人, farm农场, holiday假日, rain雨, weather天气, wind风, so因此 , flying飞行, cheap便宜的, fuel燃料,

牛津英语九下u4 Reading翻译
尼尔•阿姆斯特朗 尼尔•阿姆斯特朗,第一个在月球上行走的人,1930年8月5日出生在美国的俄亥俄州。自从他在六岁时参加第一次飞行以来,他就一直对飞行感兴趣。他在15岁时开始上飞行课,而且当他16岁时就获得了学生飞行员执照,甚至比他获得汽车驾驶执照还早。阿姆斯特朗学习过工程,后来在1949...

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