order in和in order for的区别

作者&投稿:始购 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

order in:命令(某人)进入;订购(货物)。in order for:(某事必须发生)…才能…。表示“命令”“吩咐”,可用作动词或名词;注意相应的宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句等用虚拟语气(should+v.)。

order in和in order for的区别

(一)order名词“秩序 ”是不可数名词

It is the business of police to keep order .


(二)次序, 可数名词也可以作不可数名词

Please arrange the things in order of size.



soldiers must obey orders .



Shall I order a taxi for you ?


敖汉旗17155555484: in order that和in order to有什么区别 -
务馥郝智: in order that后面接句子 in order to后面直接接动词原形,in order to do sth. 意思都是"为了...,以便." 例句与用法: 1.In order to maintain physical well being,a person should eat wholesome food and get sufficient exercise. 为了维持身体健康,一...

敖汉旗17155555484: on order ,in order分别什么意思?造句,谢谢 -
务馥郝智: on order: 定购中,定制中 例句与用法: 1. Several out- of- stock items have been on order for week. 几个星期以来一直有人订购几种脱销的产品. 2. Please send me the articles on order by goods. 请将我所订的货物经铁路运来. 3. The capital ...

敖汉旗17155555484: to,so as to,in order to,so that,in order that的区别 -
务馥郝智: to,so as to,in order to,so that,in order that 的主要区别: 1、to,in order to,in order that 既可用在开头,也可用在句中.so as to ,so that 只能用于句中.
 2、to,so as to,in order to 后面接动词原形,in orde that,so that 后面接从句. 具体用法:

敖汉旗17155555484: In order to和In order that 是同义词吗,另外问下so that和它们的区别,希望有中文翻译.谢了! -
务馥郝智: in order to 是说为了……,是个词组,后面跟do sth in order that 可能说的差不多的意思,但这不是词组,in order 和that 要分开理解,in order 本身存在命令或目的的意思,而that 则是为了跟结一个句子(从句).in order to 和 so that 所能表达的意思很相似,但用法不同.如上,in order to 跟 do sth, so that 跟句子,如:表述我出去时为了踢球 用 in order to:in order to play soccer, I go out 用 so that: I go out so that I can play soccer

敖汉旗17155555484: In order that in order to so that so as to的区别和用法(越具体越好)最好有例句~~ -
务馥郝智: 1. in order that- = so that- , No difference at all. e.g. I got up early in the morning in order that / so that I could catch the first bus.2. in order(not) to + do sth = so as (not) to do sth, No difference at all. e.g. I got up early in the morning in order to/ so as to ...

敖汉旗17155555484: in order to ,in order,in the order 和in order that的区别和用法 -
务馥郝智: in order to 为了,后接动词原形,做目的状语.i get up early in order to catch the early bus.in order that为了,后接从句,做目的状语i get up...

敖汉旗17155555484: in order to ,in order that ,so that ,so as to,to do他们有什么区别,再造几个句子 -
务馥郝智: 这么和你说吧 in order to/ in order that /so that/so as to do 意思是一样的都是 【为了】的意思 但是 in order that 和so that 后面加句子的.而 in order to和 so as to do 后面加动词原形 ,所以in order that 和so that 是完全一样 在句子中可以互换的;...

敖汉旗17155555484: to,soasto,inorderto,sothat,inorderthat的区别 -
务馥郝智: to不定式做目的状语,后接动词原形 inorderto意思是“为了”,约等于to,但比to的目的性更强,后接动词原形 soasto目的是...,后接动词原形,等于inorderto 在一般情况下,to、inorderto、soasto可以互换,但soasto不能用于句首,而inorderto既可以位于句首,也可位于句中 inorderthat后加从句,引导目的状语从句,从句中一般有情态动词 sothat约等于inorderthat for加在不定式前面,不等式的发出者为for后面的名词 在一般情况下,sothat前后两句主语不同,而inorderthat前后句主语一致

敖汉旗17155555484: so that, so as to, in order to 怎么区别?分别有什么用法? -
务馥郝智: so that 后面跟目的状语从句.in order to和 so as to后面跟动词原形,in order to可以放在句首但 so as to不行. You must speak louder so that /in order that you can be heard by all. The doctors gave her a general checkup so as to/ in order to find ...

敖汉旗17155555484: ln order to和be in order -
务馥郝智:[答案] in order to放句首或句中,引导的是状语,跟动词原形,为了...,be in order to放在情态动词后,后跟动原,是为了

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