
作者&投稿:恽邹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

七年级,是一个新的开始, 英语 作文 也是。下面给大家分享一些 七年级英语 作文,希望对大家有帮助。


It is true that no one can goes on well all the time. We will meet some difficulties now and then. The one who runs away from the test may be a loser and the one who has the courage to face the challenge may make breakthrough. It is important to have confidence, and never to be afraid of meeting difficulty. When it comes, we should not run away. Regardless of the result, we will gain precious experience and become stronger. My parents stand by my side all the time, and they give me the confidence to fight. I am so thankful for them. They give me the confidence, which is the very important thing in my life.


Every year, March 8th is women's day. The purpose of this day is to remind people of the equality between men and women. In the job market, it is the open secret that women are paid less than men on the same work, which is not fair. So in order to change this situation, more and more people join the activity to advocate more rights for women. Today, the situation has been improved. Some laws are made to protect women's rights, but it is still the long way to go before the real equality. Women manage the work and the family chores. They are doing the great work and deserve to be respected.


Every child has an idol in their heart. They chase the famous star and dream to be part of them. Look at those idols, they are young and beautiful, and the most important thing is that they are favored by a lot of fans, so I dream to be a star. If I were a star, first, I could make a lot of money. With these money, I could make my parents have a better life and return their love. The most exciting thing is to have a lot of fans. They will support me all the time. I also could see my talents and feel so proud of myself. But being a star means lacking of time to company our families.


Nowadays, the environment has been polluted seriously. Take my hometown for example, when I was very small, I could swim in the river and catch fish, but now, the water is very dirty and there are full of trash. The government has made many action to return the green and it is everybody's duty to bring the world some green. March 12th is the tree planting day and students are called to plant trees. I take part in this activity all the time and the trees I grew last year have grown much taller. I am so proud of making the world green. Without it, we could not live for long.


A few days ago, the movie Red Sea Operation was very hot and people were very impressive about the policemen, who saved the citizens' lives in a very urgent situation, some even sacrificed their lives as the price. We live in a peaceful country. This is because policemen protect us all the time, and they are the great persons. March 14th is the policemen's day, people make this day for them and show respect. They deserve the public's praise. They sacrifice so much, such as the time to accompany their families. Many children's future dream is to be a policeman, as this career brings the public hope and future.

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