
作者&投稿:右罡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
is to so Tim why school early going 怎么连词成句?~

why tim is going to school so early

1.That is why he was absent from school.
2.You have better drive slowly
3.Who is going to look after our bird when we are out?

1. 问题解答: 这些单词可以按照英语简单句主谓结构进行连词成句,主要思路是: 疑问副词+助动词+主语+谓语+状语(这里包含地点状语和时间状语)。参考答案: Why is he going to school so early? 他为什么要那么早去上学?

2. 知识积累: 英语学习中常常遇到连词成句的题型。一组顺序错乱的单词常常要组合成一个语法明确、语义正确的简单句。做这种题型有什么规律呢?主要有两点: 一是要熟悉英语简单句的基本结构类型。英语简单句绝大部分属于主谓结构,也就是主语在前,谓语在后的结构模式。如果有定语,一般放在被修饰名词的前面或后面。短小精悍的定语放在被修饰名词之前,复杂冗长的定语一般放在被修饰名词的后面。句子如果有状语,通常应该把状语放在主谓结构的后半部分。一般的做法是地点状语在前,时间状语在最后。如果有方式状语,方式状语一般也位于句末。第二点是要根据语义对语序进行调整。比如一般疑问句需要把注重词放在句首,特殊疑问句需要把特殊疑问词放在句,后面再跟一般疑问句。如果连词成句得到的句子是感叹句,那么就要考虑感叹句两种不同的结构类型: ① how+形容词或副词+主语+谓语,或者② what+名词(短语)+主语+谓语。当然了,连词成句还要注意句子的标点符号,避免粗心出错。

3. 举例说明:

① I often get up very early in the morning.我早上常常起床起得很早。

② My grandfather was born in Lanzhou in 1950. 我爷爷1950年出生于兰州。

③ We are planning a trip to Sanya for the summer holiday. 我们暑假计划去三亚旅行。

④ What a fine day it is today! 今天是多么好的一天呀!

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澳门特别行政区17756716576: so he is和so is he so does he和so he does的区别 -
佐到甘维: 对于这两者的区别,涉及到了如下知识点: 在表示“A如此”,“B也如此”时用so+助动词+主语,如 1、He goes to school every day.So do I.他每天上学,我也如此. 2、He is fourteen.So am I.他十四岁,我也十四. 3、He can speak English.So ...

澳门特别行政区17756716576: 补全单词,是句子完整:Ben's home is next to his school. So he w( ) to school every day. -
佐到甘维: walks

澳门特别行政区17756716576: is he late for school是什么意思 -
佐到甘维: 您的问题很简单.呵呵.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:is he late for school 翻译:他上学迟到永远给您最专业的英语翻译.

澳门特别行政区17756716576: 补全单词,是句子完整:Ben's home is next to his school. So he w( ) to school every day.
佐到甘维: walk 本的家在学校的隔壁,因此他就每天走着去上学

澳门特别行政区17756716576: 1.我家离学校最近,所以我步行去上学 My home is the ()()the school,so I () ()school -
佐到甘维: nearest from,walk to 2.was like 3.well-behaved,naughty 4.close to

澳门特别行政区17756716576: Finally, the class is over, wanna have dinner together? () - 上学吧
佐到甘维: so 表因果的,意思是因此他没去学校.or是并列连词,是或者的意思

澳门特别行政区17756716576: he is late for school同义句 -
佐到甘维: 答案:He is (not punctual)for school.说明: punctual [ˈpʌŋktʃuəl] adj. 严守时刻的, 准时的,正点的请采纳,谢谢支持!

澳门特别行政区17756716576: he is old enough .he can go to school.(合并成一句话) -
佐到甘维: He is old enough to go to school. He is so old that he can go to school.

澳门特别行政区17756716576: He is sometimes late for school和He sometimes late for school -
佐到甘维: 你好 He is sometimes late for school 正确的 be late for school 上学迟到.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!不明白请及时追问,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

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