
作者&投稿:进郝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is……that……不是主语从句结构,而是强调句结构。但是这个的确是主语从句。it 为形式主语,指代to read that…… and to find that……这个真正的主语结构。句子本应该是 To read that …… and to find that …… is a little upsetting,由于主语过长,为了避免头重脚轻才采用形式主语。


This is an apple tree .主系表;this作主语,is系动词,an apple tree表语,系动词后的是表语
Father returned home yesterday.主谓结构,在这里returned是不及物动词,home为副词做地点状语,yesterday时间状语
Teachers take good care of us student .主谓宾,us和student为同位语,都充当宾语
He gave the little boy a lot of help.主谓宾(双宾语)类似的句型还有teach sb sth也是接双宾语
We call that bird Polly .主谓宾(宾补)
Tom works twelve hours a day .主谓状
My mother often tells me to be careful with money .主谓宾状
The weather is getting cooler and cooler .主系表
My uncle bought me a mobile phone .主谓宾(双宾语)
I hope to make friends with all of you 主谓宾

This is an apple tree .主谓表
Father returned home yesterday.主谓
Teachers take good care of us student .主谓宾(同位)
He gave the little boy a lot of help.主谓宾(双宾)
We call that bird Polly .主谓宾(宾补)
Tom works twelve hours a day .主谓状
My mother often tells me to be careful with money .主谓宾状
The weather is getting cooler and cooler .主谓(系表)
My uncle bought me a mobile phone .双宾
I hope to make friends with all of you . 主谓宾(不定式做宾0)

This is an apple tree .主语+系动词+表语
Father returned home yesterday.主语+不及物动词
Teachers take good care of us student .主语+谓语+宾语
He gave the little boy a lot of help.主语+谓语+宾语(双宾语)
We call that bird Polly .主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语
Tom works twelve hours a day .主语+谓语(+状语)
My mother often tells me to be careful with money .主语+谓语+宾语(+状语)
The weather is getting cooler and cooler .主语+系动词+表语
My uncle bought me a mobile phone .主语+谓语+宾语(双宾语)
I hope to make friends with all of you . 主语+谓语+宾语(双宾语)

This is an apple tree 是陈述句
This是主语 is是谓语 an apple tree 是宾语

单挑很牛B 线上也很跳 团战不足就是控制不稳定外带因为基本都是上单半肉定位所以爆发不如其他上单高 推线太慢导致支援不及时 团战定位不清楚到底是突进后排还是保护自己后排 基本打法就是主Q副W有大点大一点E 线上狂Q和A对面 尽量少用W 一般W只留着拼命或者探草丛用 对面下半血蜘蛛形态Q上去W...

一路上老李惹来不少惊诧的目光,因为在所有人看来,以他的年纪做极限运动无异于送死。Along the way to many surprising provoke li eyes, because it is one that seems, at his age limit movement is doing infants.老李丢了钱包,身无分文,当地人想帮他,他却像受到冒犯冷眼相对,他从不...

很急~~谁能帮我解决一下这些英语题 在线等~~ 不好意思 分不够了 谢...
用A换取B exchange A for B 口语考试 the oral test 除了以上词组外,楼上1、3和5时态也用错了 1. He told me that he had passed the oral test . 已经通过 had passed 2. He asked me if i played games last night.3. He asked me if I had been to Beijing. 前a...

我的 谁能帮我总结一下《水浒传》里的英雄人物及他们的绰号和具体事迹谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 最好是按顺序的学习上的困难谢谢解决!... 最好是按顺序的 ...作者这样设计,是为了让读者清楚知道这些人物他们所赖以成名的兵器,有些则是让读者了解当时社会的一些背景,有些上文已有分析介绍,就不再叙述了。另外,梁山...

谁能帮我分析一下 tickly cough ,chesty cough,dry cough 的区别_百度...
tickly cough是喉咙眼很不舒服,好像被人挠痒的感觉,就是喉咙痒忍不住咳嗽 chesty cough是指肺部有很多痰的那种咳嗽,听得到胸腔里面痰。dry cough也就是干咳了,没有痰。趁着药店还没有关门,快去吧:D

...life will better happiness.帮我翻译一下这些英
真的吗 ?实际上如果你有一个很好的构思框架,生活中将会更有更多的快乐。

1,The field survey , done recenlty in Ningbo International commercial city, shows the situation about the standard on translation from English to Chinese of the local enterprise product package.We can see there are many mistakes in the translation to varying degree in grammar ...

以至于我们来不及做任何事情或者变成任何一种样子,只有疯狂,只有疯狂,我们才能暂时留住青春”,所以翻译成“再不疯狂我们就老了”,意思是抓住青春的尾巴好好疯狂吧!!!也可以英译成Just be crazy instead of being anything else for youth is too short!希望对你理解这句话有帮助!

可以帮我翻译下一下这些字的香港粤语拼音吗? 尹: 窗: 晨: 媛: 梁...
尹 - WAN.窗 - CHEONG.晨 - SUN.媛 - WUN.梁 - LEUNG.英 - YING.蝉 - SIM.清 - CHING.霞 - HA 杜 - TO.佳 - KAI.


肃州区13953614507: 英语分析一句话的句子成分 -
大狐鱼氢化: 简单句:主+谓+宾+宾补This disapperance主语 made谓语 the rise of mammals on the earth宾语 possible宾语补足语正常情况下宾语补足语是放在宾语后,但是由于次句中宾语过长,所以将宾补提前.

肃州区13953614507: 英语:分析句子成分 -
大狐鱼氢化: 1.so是用于句首的表结果的副词,后面是一个主谓宾的否定句借助否定助动词didn't 而as much是表程度的副词短语 2.it是代词指代上文所指的事情,It bothered me是一个主谓宾的简单句but后面是个that引导的宾语从句做think的宾语,从句中and...

肃州区13953614507: 分析英语句子成分!帮下忙! -
大狐鱼氢化: Finally(时间状语),tired but happy(形容词作状语的用法,比如Tired and thirsty, they couldn't even move),they(主语) took(谓语) the bus(宾语) back to school(定语,修饰bus) 有问题还可以继续问我.

肃州区13953614507: 怎么分析英语句子成分? -
大狐鱼氢化: 句子是按照一定的语法规律组成的,表达一个完整的意义.一个句子一般由两部分构成,即主语部分和谓语部分,这两部分也叫做句子的主要成分.句子的次要成分包括宾语,定语,状语,表语等.句子成分是句子中起一定功用的组成部分....

肃州区13953614507: 英语句子成分分析 -
大狐鱼氢化:[答案] [英语句子成分分析] [思路分析] 把句子的各个成分搞清楚,也就是把句子各部分的关系搞清楚,英语句子成分分析.做到这一点,才可以准确地理解句子的意思或造出结构正确、意思明白的句子.有一点要注意,在分析句子结构时,应该抓住主要成分....

肃州区13953614507: 英语分析句子成分 -
大狐鱼氢化: lobby v.t.&v.i. 游说.但不是一般的游说: (try to)influence the members of a law making body;get (a bill)passed orreject in this way,……1.在本句中,是作不及动词,介词短语 “on the issue……” 作表语,其中的 “of environment protection...

肃州区13953614507: 帮忙分析一下句子成分 -
大狐鱼氢化: I was amazed to hear (such a girl speak such a perfect english) 我很惊讶这样一个女孩能够说这口好英语. I 做主语 was amazed to hear谓语 such a girl speak such a perfect english宾语

肃州区13953614507: 请帮我分析英语句子成分!急!1.He once worked and lived here2.The students are on the playground3.They are discussing the problem of pulltion4.We made ... -
大狐鱼氢化:[答案] 1.He(主语) once worked (谓语)and lived here (补语)2.The students(主语) are(谓语) on the playground (地点状语)3.They (主语)are discussing (谓语)the problem of pulltion (宾语)4.We(主语) made...

肃州区13953614507: 请帮我分析一下这两句英语句子的句子成分He was elected monitor.He was advised to teach the lazy boy a lesson. -
大狐鱼氢化:[答案] 都是被动语态 他被选举为 他被建议去给那个懒孩子一个教训 被动语态的构成是be done 结构 这个部分做谓语 人称代词做主语

肃州区13953614507: 问一个英语句子,帮忙分析一下句子成分.The day are gone when physical strength was all you needed to make a living.帮忙分析下句子成分.谢谢啦! -
大狐鱼氢化:[答案] 这个句子分为三层. 第一层: The days——主语 are——系动词 gone——表语 when physical strength was all you needed to make a living——定语从句,修饰the days 第二层: 现在分析定语从句里面的成分: physical strength——主语 was——系动词...

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