表示“ 几乎”“尽管”“不管”“虽然”意思的单词和短语

作者&投稿:丛咬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

首先to begin with,总之to sum up/in conclusion,希望hope/expectation(单词),in the hope of(词组),尽管no matter(when,where,whom,who,which,what,how)(引导让步状语从句)。

虽然 1.although 2.in spite of 3.though 4.albeit 尽管,虽然 1.although 2.despite 虽然,尽管 1.although 2.though 虽然这样 1.after all 2.in spite of that 虽然如此 1.for all that 2.nonetheless


一。几乎:almost nearly
区别: 1)almost强调“差一点……就”(=very nearly),可用于no, none, nothing等前面,但nearly不可。almost不能用not修饰。 2)nearly表示“接近”。常可与almost换用,但在具体数字前常用nearly. not修饰nearly 意为“远非”,“远不及”。 如: He almost knocked me down before he saw me. 他看到我之前差点把我撞倒。 Almost no one(=Hardly anyone)believes her.几乎没有人相信她。 He said almost nothing worth listening to. 他说几乎没什么值得听的东西。 They are nearly at the end of their journey. 他们快结束旅行了。

二,尽管和虽然,在英语和中文里都很接近,因此一起讲;though ,although, even if ,even though

这四个词(词组)都有“虽然、即使、尽管”的意思。even if和even though带有较强的意味,语气比although和though强。though比although通俗,但不如although正式,都不能和but连用,但可以和yet, still或nevertheless连用。可以放在主句前面也可以放在主句后面。even if,even though所接的句子常用虚拟语气。

三。不管:no matter ,whatever
正:Whatever he did was right.
误:No matter what he did was right.
正:Goats eat whatever they find.
误:Goats eat no matter what they find.
正:Whatever you say,I won't believe you.
正:No matter what you say,I won't believe you.
正:Keep calm,whatever happens.
正:Keep calm,no matter what happens

四、尽管和虽然,在英语和中文里都很接近,因此一起讲;though ,although, even if ,even though

这四个词(词组)都有“虽然、即使、尽管”的意思。even if和even though带有较强的意味,语气比although和though强。though比although通俗,但不如although正式,都不能和but连用,但可以和yet, still或nevertheless连用。可以放在主句前面也可以放在主句后面。even if,even though所接的句子常用虚拟语气。


几乎 almost,nearly,pratically
尽管 even if ,although,in spite of,even though
虽然 尽管不就是虽然?

几乎,差不多 ad.
syn. almost nearly practically virtually about approximately very nealy ,just about, close to ,all but ,within an inch of
尽管 prep.
notwithstanding , despite ,in spite of
不管怎样地 ad
regardless , anyhow ,anyway,nevertheless,nonetheless,in any case,come
what may, for all that,in spite of everything
虽然,尽管 conj
syn.though ,although ,notwithstanding,eventhough,even if,in spite of the fact that

nearly,in spite of ,leave alone, in spite of

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