
作者&投稿:言临 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

SuFeiFei: smoking is harmful to the body, to persuade parents don't smoke.
Li Ming: small fart child a, parents smoking you won't know?
SuFeiFei: why?
Li Ming: my dad said, he used to see young people smoking, so learn to smoke, the second is relatively heavy, smoke cigarette can alleviate fatigue, have the mood can sorrows
SuFeiFei: now the school so many college students, it can often smoking
Li Ming: now college students not to smoke. Smoking affect your study and work, and it is also influence your body
SuFeiFei: since said influence college students' body, when the parents can be given up smoking?
Li Ming: now parents and young people don't have the habit of smoking, hard work, when smoking can refresh oneself.
SuFeiFei: now many middle-aged are in poor health, is smoking affected lung function and liver function, so should urge parents to body is heavy, began to give up smoking.
Li Ming: you so concerned about for parents, I am very happy.
SuFeiFei: although parents now can't suddenly give up smoking, but it can reduce the amount of every day after smoking and wait until after a period of time can give up smoking for.
Li Ming: yes, smoking does affect the body health, we should actively home to parents to give up smoking, parents it is important to keep healthy.
SuFeiFei: well, okay, I believe that through our persuasion, the parents smoke successful kick
Li Ming: ha ha, that we advised parents start from today, trying to quit smoking.
SuFeiFei, li Ming: come on

excuse me.
Would you please do me a favor please? I am looking for XXX, but I am kind of lost.
do you have a map?
sorry I don't.
mmmmm, I think I may know the direction, but I am not sure. You walk along the street, turn left at the first corner, then keep walking cross 2 blocks, until you see the trafic light, then turn left again. and you will be the right place.
so 1st corner turn left, then see the trafic light turn left again? sorry how many blocks did you say?
2 blocks.
All right, 2 blocks to the traffic light.
Great, thanks so much!
My pleasure.

A:hey.lixiao.long time no see. how are you?
B:I'm fine, thanks. and you?
A:im fine, too. how is it going?
B:everything is nice
A:wonderful.you know nowadays NBA players are quite free.
B:yes,everything is about money. damn it. i have no match to watch
A:don't worry about it! everything gonna be fine. and i got a great news
for you!
B:what news?
A:i should ask you first that are you free on Saturday night?
B:come on! tell me about it!
A:OK,kobe will lead a all star team to nanjing to give us a show!
B:which kobe?
A:the kobe bryant
B:no kidding me!
A:that's ture! so do you have time?
B:wow! Yes ! i got enough time for that!that makes me so excited!
A:that's great!
B:Where it is?
A:In the olympic stadium.
B:Oh, that's awesome. But I have been there before and the ticket
should be very expensive.
A:Don't worry about that. I have got an extra ticket and you can use it.
B:Excellent! thank you! Which teams competition?
A:It's between America all star and Australia all star. I bet on America.
Do you?
B:sure! A is always the best team in the world.
A:OK! so that's a deal. see you on Saturday night!
B:see you!

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