翻译英语句(1)、She was the only daughter and the youngest child of five. (2)、John and his brother

作者&投稿:谈昂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
她比她的弟弟更用功些用英语翻译:She is ____ ____ ____ ____ than her brother.~

much more hard working





英 ['dɔːtə(r)]  美 ['dɔːtər]    

n. 女儿;子代

adj. 女儿的;女儿似的

The death of their daughter was a cruel blow.




英 [ɡɜːl]   美 [ɡɜːrl]    

n. 女孩;少女;姑娘;女儿;女职员;女朋友;老婆;老母亲;老妇人

adj. 女的;女孩的;雌性的

My father left me forever when I was only a girl.


(1)、She was the only daughter and the youngest child of five.
(2)、John and his brother





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安丘市18723083691: 翻译英语句(1)、She was the only daughter and the youngest child of five. (2)、John and his brother -
尉信滋心: 1.她是5个孩子中最小的,还是唯一一个女儿2.约翰和他的弟弟(或者哥哥,没有上下文,brother的意思没法确定)

安丘市18723083691: 意译 翻译英文句子 -
尉信滋心: 1. she was born with a spoon in her mouth .she thinks she can do what she likes. 她出身显贵,所以她以为自己能为所欲为. 2.to break the ice . ted spoke of his interset in moutain climb-ing.and they soon had a conersation 为了打破僵局,泰德说...

安丘市18723083691: 英语翻译翻译英语句子1.she is a Swiss in so far as she was born in Switzerland,but she became an American citizen in 1978.in so far as 放在句子里怎么翻译... -
尉信滋心:[答案] 她是到目前为止她是天生的在瑞士,瑞士,但她成为了一名美国公民在1978. 到目前为止 in so far as 在…的范围内;as to:至于,关于;就……而论

安丘市18723083691: 翻译英语句子 1.she is a Swiss in so far as she was born -
尉信滋心: 她是到目前为止她是天生的在瑞士,瑞士,但她成为了一名美国公民在1978.到目前为止 in so far as 在…的范围内;as to:至于,关于;就……而论

安丘市18723083691: “当她听到这个不幸的消息后,她气得一句话都说不出来了”的英语翻译 -
尉信滋心:[答案] She was so angry and could not even say a word when she heard the bad news.

安丘市18723083691: 英语翻译she was shaking with fright as if she had seen a ghost还有一句话,我必须进告你我的耐心是有限的用英语怎么说? -
尉信滋心:[答案] 她吓得直哆嗦,就好像她看见了鬼似的 I must tell you my patience into is limited

安丘市18723083691: 英语翻译答案是She was going to take a trip to Europe this summer vacation,but she lost her job to the financial crisis.那为什么不是用have take a trip 我是说时... -
尉信滋心:[答案] take a trip to+somewhere···是去哪里旅行的意思······ 要不你就用have a trip to +地点···· 要不就·····go on a trip to ···· 没有have take a trip 这个用法哦·····

安丘市18723083691: 求英语句子翻译,“她是这样一个傻瓜,以至于相信了他说的话”求英语翻译
尉信滋心: 她是这样一个傻瓜,以至于相信了他说的话. She was such a fool to believe what he said. 从语境看用过去时最贴切. 辛苦一天了,我刚想上床睡觉突然电话响了. After a hard day, I just wanted to go to bed, but the phone suddenly rang. 这是地道的, 希望帮到了你,满意敬请采纳,谢谢.

安丘市18723083691: 英语翻译1.When she was done,she caught sight of her three running mates and saw that they were also troubled by emotion.2.“To have someone believe what... -
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