
作者&投稿:由怕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
人教版英语必修1unit5课后习题答案 百度文库~

Answerkey for Exercise 2:
1 Anne said that she did not know theaddress of her new home.
2 Anne told her father that she had gottired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows.
3 The girl said that she needed to pack upher things in the suitcase very quickly.
4 Her father asked her why she chose/hadchosen her diary and old letters.
5 “Are you very hot with so many clotheson?” Mother asked/said to her.
6 “What else have you hidden under youovercoat?” Margot asked her.
7 “When shall we go back home?” Anne askedher father.
8 “Why did you talk so much to that boy?”Father asked Anne

第2题upset;go through;calm down;concerned;outdoors;loose;face to face
第3题in order to;dusty;sat down;at dusk;add up;entirely;curtain;on purpose

Answerkey for Exercise 2:
1 Anne said that she did not know theaddress of her new home.
2 Anne told her father that she had gottired of looking at nature through dirty curtains and dusty windows.
3 The girl said that she needed to pack upher things in the suitcase very quickly.
4 Her father asked her why she chose/hadchosen her diary and old letters.
5 “Are you very hot with so many clotheson?” Mother asked/said to her.
6 “What else have you hidden under youovercoat?” Margot asked her.
7 “When shall we go back home?” Anne askedher father.
8 “Why did you talk so much to that boy?”Father asked Anne.


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