That boy is ___.Today is his __birthday.选择A.five,five.B.fifth,fifth.C.five

作者&投稿:贠松 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 填写: five / fifth:
That boy is five. Today is his fifth birthday.
这个男孩五岁了, 今天是他的五岁生日。

That boy is five. Today is his fifth birthday.年龄用数字来表示,第五个生日用序数词,即数字后面加th,fifth.

B.five ,fifth

The boy is five. Today is his 5th birthday.

five/ fifth
选 C

龙湾区15645227160: That boy isn't - -------the teacher. A.listen B.listens C.listening D.listening to -
历烟强力: That boy isn't________the teacher. A.listen B.listens C.listening D.listening to 选D 因为前面有isn't,所以用现在进行时【listen to sb】听... 【to】不能省略的 有不会的可以再问我

龙湾区15645227160: thatboyisgood.变一般疑问 -
历烟强力: 这句话可以按照如下的两种方式变成疑问句哈: 方法一:Is that boy good?(变为一般疑问句) 方法二:That boy is good isn't it?(变为反身疑问句)

龙湾区15645227160: '那个男孩太小以至于不能去上学'和so...that...的用法 -
历烟强力:[答案] 1.That boy is too young to go to school 那个男孩太小以至于不能去上学( 2.That boy is so young that he can't go to school 那个男孩太小以至于不能去上学(so...that...) 解析: young [jʌŋ] adj.年轻的;初期的;没有经验的 n.年轻人;(动...

龙湾区15645227160: that boy is as worried as me.改为否定句 -
历烟强力: 第一时间为你提供正确答案:That boy isn't as worried as me.************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!**************************************************************************

龙湾区15645227160: that boy is so tall boy .同意句 -
历烟强力: 我觉得:That boy is so tall boy. 这个句子是有问题的.至少很别扭.这样写比较好些: That boy is so tall. 或 That boy is a tall boy. (boy 是可数名词,单数前面要加冠词) 同义句,大概可以这样: That boy is so tall. -> That boy is very tall. so tall, 是如此的高,不一定是高个子,也可能比说话者矮些. very tall, 是很高,一定是高个子,至少比说话者高.不理解可以追问.

龙湾区15645227160: That boy is Tom一般疑问句,肯定回答 -
历烟强力: yes ,he is

龙湾区15645227160: That boy is about twelve - year - old.错在哪?为什么错 -
历烟强力: That boy is about twelve years old. ( twelve-year-old 是一个形容词,后接名词)

龙湾区15645227160: That boy是第三人称吗? -
历烟强力: That boy can dance. 那个男孩会跳舞.That boy 是第三人称, 一般时态,后面的动词要加s.这句话里有了能动词can,所以dance用原形.下面这句就用单数 That boy dances well. 那个男孩跳舞很好.供参考,谢谢.

龙湾区15645227160: that boy is running street有什么错误 -
历烟强力: 有错误,在running和street中加个in the才对! that boy is running in the street才是正确的. 希望能帮到你,满意请采纳.

龙湾区15645227160: 那个男孩正坐在那里哭.怎么翻译成英语 -
历烟强力: That boy is sitting there and crying

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