
作者&投稿:琦饲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 【 #三年级# 导语】元宵节,又称上元节、小正月、元夕或灯节,为每年农历正月十五日,是中国的传统节日之一。以下是 整理的《小学三年级元宵节英语作文范文》,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】

  Lantern Festival is a China's traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year.

  I,antern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns. Lanterns are made in the shape of different animals, vegetables, fruits and many, other things. While making lanterns people usually write riddles on lanterns. On the eve of Lantern Festival, all the lanterns are hung up.

  On Lantern Festival people go outside to have a look at the lanterns and guess the riddles on the lanterns. Perhaps you call see some wonderful folk performances,Dragon Dance and Yangko. Everything is very interesting and everyone is very happy. Our life is rich and varied. 【篇二】

  The Lantern Festival, which occurs on the 15-th day of the First Month of the Chinese Year, marks the end of the New Year's Holidays.   Lanterns are everywhere. A most interesting tradition is the posting of riddles called 'Lantern Riddles.' Riddles are written on pieces of paper and posted on lanterns or wall. Any one solving the riddle is awarded a prize. And the food for lantern festival is Tang Yuan, i have made some Tang Yuan in a ginger soup, my wife got a serious cold, so i cooked a pot of ginger soup for her. I look forward to the next spring festival. 【篇三】

  The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called Night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China.

  According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out for people to appreciate.

  At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere.

New Year新年 Christmas圣诞节 Spring Festival春节 Children’s Day儿童节 Thanksgiving感恩节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Flag Day国旗日 Lantern festival元宵节 Mid-Autumn festival 中秋节PEP英语三年级(上册)三会单词Unit 1小学英文单词和音标下载点!pen 钢笔pencil 铅笔pencil-case 铅笔盒ruler 尺子eraser 橡皮cr...

小学元宵节三年级作文怎么写精选篇1 正月十五就是元宵节了,元宵节是最开心的、也是难忘的节日。 我们这里元宵节不像其他地方那样一定要吃上汤圆,但是我们这里有比吃汤圆更有趣的活动。 在元宵节的今日晚上,我们这里都会有舞龙活动,就是有两条人造的龙,一条的布龙,一条是草龙,龙体长是五十米。在晚上从十九点到...

有关三年级元宵节作文1 “东风夜放花千树,更吹落,星如雨,宝马雕车香满路。玉壶光转,一夜鱼龙舞。”这是辛弃疾的诗,是描写唐代正月十五晚上的热闹景象。关于元宵灯节还有一个传说。在多很多年以前,有一个村庄,飞禽走兽常来到这个村吃人。人们不想让这些飞禽走兽来吃他们,于是他们开始了打猎。 一天,一只神鸟飞...



篇一:元宵节猜灯谜作文300字三年级2023最新 元宵节到了,我们的小区举行了一场热闹非凡的猜灯谜活动。 我一大早就起床了,洗洗脸、刷过牙,吃饭了,碗里一个个白色的小汤圆正在等着我品尝呢!吃过汤圆,我和奶奶赶紧下楼,我真害怕去晚了。因为妈妈昨天再三叮嘱我,一定要早儿点去,猜灯谜还有奖品可以领呢!奖品里有...

三年级元宵节作文700字(精选篇1) 在元宵佳节那一天,老妈带我来到了中山公园观灯,一进门,我信就发现这时已经成了人的海洋,灯的世界。有手挽手的情侣,有手牵手的你子或母女,还有坐着轮椅的老人。这里什么灯都有:树上挂着的灯,地上摆着的灯,水中漂着的灯。每一盏灯都栩栩如生。 刚进公园大门,第一眼看到的...

【 #三年级# 导语】如欧阳修亦有诗云:“去年元宵节,花市灯如昼,月上柳稍头,人约黄昏后”。因此,元宵节亦称为“中国情人节”。 为您整理了《小学三年级作文热闹的元宵节300字九篇》,供您参考。 【篇一】小学三年级作文热闹的元宵节300字 春节刚过,元宵节又踏着欢快的步子向我们走来,吃完元宵看灯会,数花...

玩()历()潮()忘() 顽()厉()嘲()望() 三、这些关联词语我分得清。 因为……所以…… 不但……而且…… 一边……一边…… 如果……就…… 1、海底世界()景色奇异,()多产丰富。 2、()今天是元宵节,()到处灯火通明。 3、()你能承认错误,()会...

★ 元宵留言简短语录大全 ★ ★ 元宵节用英语怎么说 ★ ★ 为什么元宵节不是法定节假日 ★ 写元宵节的作文300字1 元宵节,我十分喜欢这个节日,因为有好吃汤圆吃、又有好看的节目看、还有美丽斑斓、五彩缤纷的烟花可以观赏。可是这一次的元宵节,我却十分的不开心。 惹我不开心的“罪魁祸首”就是酒。这天...

民勤县19563281453: 关于元宵节的英语作文 -
包裘力坦: The Lantern Festival is a tradiobal festival in China.On that day,people often like to eat a kind of food which is called YUAN XIAO,It is sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour.郁闷了..不会了.你可以再抄段历史故事.我的朋友

民勤县19563281453: 关于元宵节的英语作文80词 -
包裘力坦: The Lantern Festival is January 15 on the lunar calendar. the lunar January is the first month of a year and 15th is the first day of full moon. During lantern festival,people go along the street to watch lanterns for some fun. The biggest and most ...

民勤县19563281453: 小学生元宵节英语小作文 -
包裘力坦: 你好 我在美国上大三 有较强论文水平 希望能够帮助你 Festival of Lanterns. I spent the Festival of Lanterns with my grandparents this year. My family went to my grandparents' home and had dinner with them. We had lots of sweetdumplins. After the ...

民勤县19563281453: 描写元宵节的英语作文,⑤句 -
包裘力坦: Lantern Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, the first month of the Lunar New Year celebration of the fifteenth day. Lantern Festival is one of the largest festivals. A few days before the arrival of the Lantern Festival, people begin to make lanterns, ...

民勤县19563281453: 英语小作文myday元宵 -
包裘力坦: Lantern Festival is a China's traditional festival.It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year. Lantern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China.Several days before Lantern Festival,people begin to make lanterns....

民勤县19563281453: 元宵节英语作文 -
包裘力坦: 元宵节-Lantern Festival Lantern Festival is a China's traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year. I,antern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before Lantern Festival, people ...

民勤县19563281453: 关于元宵节的英语作文80词 -
包裘力坦:[答案] The Lantern Festival is January 15 on the lunar calendar.the lunar January is the first month of a year and 15th is the first day of full moon.During lantern festival,people go along the street to watch lanterns for some fun.The biggest and most beautiful ...

民勤县19563281453: 求一篇描写元宵节的英语作文一定要带翻译,大家能不能不要再发来贺第一篇、第三篇一样的英语作文了?这篇我已经写过了,其余的一定要带翻译!不然一... -
包裘力坦:[答案] The 15-Day Celebration of Chinese New Year The first day of the Lunar New Year is "the welcoming of the gods of the heavens and earth."Many people abstain from meat on the first day of the new year because it is believed that this will ensure long ...

民勤县19563281453: 一篇介绍元宵节的英语小短文 -
包裘力坦: Thefirstlunarmonthonthe15th,isChina'straditionalLanternFestival.ThefirstmonthforJanuary,theancientssaidthatnightas"night"andonthe15thisalsotheyearthefirstfullmoonnight,itsaidfifteenthdayfortheLanternFestival.Alsoknownasthe"SpringFestival....

民勤县19563281453: 过元宵节的英语作文 -
包裘力坦: Lantern Festival Lantern Festival is a China's traditional festival. It is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first month of the lunar year. Iantern Festival is one of the biggest holidays in China. Several days before Lantern Festival, people begin to ...

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