
作者&投稿:古窦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


鸟,身体淡褐色,多黑斑,头部有角状的羽毛,有两只向前看的大眼,短而弯曲的喙,强有力的钩爪,能翻转的外趾。Birds, body light brown, more spots, horned head feathers, there are two big eyes looking ahead, short, curved beak, strong hook claws, can flip the outer toe。

The snake is the non-full reptilia cold-blooded animal's general name. The body is tall and slender, the four limbs degenerate, do not have the eyelid which the foot, does not have may move, does not have the earhole, does not have the four limbs, before not having the limb girdle, the body surface cover has the scale. The part is virulent, but majority non-toxic.

头部略像鼠,上唇中间分裂,尾巴和脚一样长而且向上翘,前肢比后肢短,善于跳跃,跑得很快The forehead slightly looks like the mouse, the upper lip middle fission, the tail and the foot is equally long moreover to goes up, the foreleg is shorter than the hind legs, is good at jumping, runs very quickly.

虎的体毛颜色有浅黄、桔红色不等。它们巨大的身体上覆盖着黑色或深棕色的横向条纹,条纹一直延伸到胸腹部,那个部位的毛底色很浅,一般为乳白色。Tiger's pili color has light yellow, the nacarat different. On their giant body is covering the black or the nigger-brown crosswise stripe, the stripe has extended to the chest abdomen, that spot's wool bottom color is very shallow, generally is the cream color.

cat,dog,mouse,ox,tiger,monkey,chick,duck,bird,pig apple,pear,oringe,stawberry,banbana,pinenaple,lemon,peanut,watermelon, papaya, grapes, orange, cherry black,red,yellow,brown,green,gray,white,blue

Canada加拿大、beaver海狸。大熊猫是中国特有种,主要栖息地是中国四川、陕西和甘肃的山区。大熊猫(学名:Ailuropoda melanoleuca):属于食肉目熊科大熊猫亚科大熊猫属唯一的哺乳动物。仅有二个亚种。雄性个体稍大于雌性。体型肥硕似熊、丰腴富态,头圆尾短,头躯长1.2-1.8米,尾长10-12厘米。体重80-...

用英语描写熊猫的特征:The panda is fat and plump like a bear. Its head is round and its tail is short. Its head and body are 1.2-1.8m long and its tail is 10-12cm long. It weighs 80-120kg, with a maximum weight of 180kg. Its body color is black and white. Its ...

考拉的英文介绍:Koala, Australia's national treasure, is also Australia's unique primitive arboreal animals. Because koalas get 90% of the water they need from the eucalyptus leaves they eat and drink only when they are sick and dry, the locals call it "Kvalle", meaning "no ...

熊猫panda 藏羚羊Tibetan antelope 金丝猴 golden monkey 东北虎manchurian tiger 中华鲟Chinese sturgeon

7.大凉疣螈:学名Tylototriton taliangensis 英文名Liu Taliang Knobby Newt 8.贵州疣螈:学名Tylototriton kweichowoensis Fang and Chang 英文名Red-tailed Knobby newt 9.大熊猫:学名: Ailuiopodidae melanoleuca 英文名: Giant Panda 10.藏羚羊:学名:Pantholops hodgsoni 英文名:Tibetan ...

动物园里动物的英语单词有:1、猴子:monkey 英 ['mʌŋkɪ] 美 ['mʌŋki]例句:Which monkey do you like?你喜欢哪一只猴子?2、老虎:tiger 英 ['taɪgə] 美 ['taɪɡɚ]例句:He came at me like a tiger.他像老虎一般地向我...

The tiger is the strongest meat eater. It has the sharpest teeth in the cat family. It has the strongest paws. It is really quick.熊是一种可爱的动物。它吃肉,圆胖,腿很粗,圆头短颈,善于爬树,腿很粗壮,听力很强。老虎是最强的食肉动物,在猫科动物中牙齿最锋利,爪子也最强,行动...

分布范围: 原产澳大利亚东部、新几内亚的热带森林中。中国是在二十世纪五十年代由澳大利亚引进,目前为世界许多国家饲养的观赏鸟。 保护级别: 动物简介: 别名:斑马纹草雀、金山珍珠、锦花鸟、锦华鸟、珍珠鸟、小珍珠、锦花雀。 体长10cm,雄鸟头顶青灰色,眼前方灰白色,眼后下方有棕红色圆形大斑,上体大部羽毛棕灰色;...


蓝山县15057214701: 用英语介绍10中动物随便写10个动物的外貌谢谢大家 -
安新伊达:[答案] 猫头鹰Owl 鸟,身体淡褐色,多黑斑,头部有角状的羽毛,有两只向前看的大眼,短而弯曲的喙,强有力的钩爪,能翻转的... 蛇Snake 蛇是无足的爬虫类冷血动物的总称.身体细长,四肢退化,无足、无可活动的眼睑,无耳孔,无四肢,无前肢带,...

蓝山县15057214701: 用英语介绍10中动物随便写10个动物的外貌 -
安新伊达:[答案] 猫头鹰Owl 鸟,身体淡褐色,多黑斑,头部有角状的羽毛,有两只向前看的大眼,短而弯曲的喙,强有力的钩爪,能翻转的... can flip the outer toe. 蛇Snake 蛇是无足的爬虫类冷血动物的总称.身体细长,四肢退化,无足、无可活动的眼睑,无耳孔,...

蓝山县15057214701: 用英语介绍10中动物 -
安新伊达: bird 鸟 chicken 鸡 dolphin 海豚 shark 鲨鱼 butterfly 蝴蝶 bee 蜜蜂 deer 鹿 penguin 企鹅 dinosaur 恐龙 gecko 壁虎

蓝山县15057214701: 用英语形容动物用英语描述10种动物(从体态,体重,大小等方面),谢谢了~ -
安新伊达:[答案] 兔子(rabbit):it is very small and cute,it has long ears, a short tail, and red eyes.大象(elephant):it is very big,its ears are like two big fans.长颈鹿(giraffe):it has a long neck.猫(cat):it is a ...

蓝山县15057214701: 用英语形容动物 -
安新伊达: 兔子(rabbit):it is very small and cute,it has long ears, a short tail, and red eyes. 大象(elephant):it is very big,its ears are like two big fans. 长颈鹿(giraffe):it has a long neck. 猫(cat):it is a lovely animal.it likes to eat mice. 老鼠(mouse):it is small.it is afraid with cats.

蓝山县15057214701: 求动物介绍!要10种动物(最好是新鲜的),用英文描述,两三句就可以,编成谜语的形势. -
安新伊达:[答案] 1.It has long ears .It likes eating carrots. 2.It is very beautiful.It lives in the river but people often have it at home. 3.It walks very ... 8.It is the biggest animal on land.It has big ears and a long nose. 9.It lives in cold place.it is black and white. 10.It jumps very far...

蓝山县15057214701: 用英语介绍十种野生动物 -
安新伊达: 是要名字还是全面介绍它们的分布、习性等. 如是前者,giant panda(大熊猫), antelope(羚羊), kangaroo(袋鼠), giraffe(长颈鹿), rhinoceros(犀牛), gorilla(大猩猩), chimpanzee(黑猩猩), crocodile(鳄鱼), baboon(狒狒), gibbon(长臂猿)==== 如是后者,那可是十篇大文章,还是求救专家写的书吧.

蓝山县15057214701: 动物英文介绍!大概10句要两种! -
安新伊达:[答案] Dolphin (aquatic mammal),fast-swimming animal related to whales and porpoises.Sleek and powerful swimmers found in all seas,dolphins are distinguished from porpoises by well-defined,beaklike snouts and conical teeth.The porpoise has a blunt ...

蓝山县15057214701: 用英语写介绍动物的字数80 - 100字~``````````介绍动物:鲨鱼,海豚,老虎,鹿(选其中一个)注意:用英语~```````````急啊要翻译的 -
安新伊达:[答案] Tiger is to,on world,be close to the one of animal that becomes extinct ,as our China ,now,northeast of China has had no Northeast Tiger(in China) on genuine meaning ,now,the tiger that we see runs fr...

蓝山县15057214701: 根据要求写英语单词用英语写出十个在海洋公园里的动物,并标明中文意思 -
安新伊达:[答案] FISH 鱼 whale 鲸鱼 shark 鲨鱼 turtle 海龟 coral 珊瑚 tunny 金枪鱼 seaweed 海草 anthozoan珊瑚虫 sea-maid美人鱼

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