
作者&投稿:祗诞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  Anna was riding her bike to the park at 11:00 last Sunday morning. When she got to the park, she saw some kids swimming in the water, she also want to do that. While she was taking off her clothes, a strange man took her bike away. Anna couldn't find her bike anywhere. While she was crying, she called the police.

  One day a girl rode her bike to a park at 11 am. She put her bike behind a bush and went away, but she didn't know a man was hiding in the bush. At 11:15 the man got out of the bush and stole the girl's bike then he ran away. After 5 minutes, the girl was looking for her bike, she was very worried, then she called the police.

2.a Chinese
3.b Friday
4.c Wednesday
5.c ComputerStudies
C Look and complete

Unit3 Last weekend 四会词汇:last weekend上一个周末 watched TV看电视 washed the clothes洗衣服 cleaned the room打扫房间 played football踢足球 visited grandparents看望祖父 went to a park 去公园 went swimming去游泳 read a book看书 went fishing去钓鱼 went hiking 去...

1、I want to buy a foreign language bookshop.2、I have a small dictionary now and it doesn't have many words.3、I'll come with you.4、It's nice but it's too thick.5、How about this brown one or this pink one?6、How much is it?7、I don't like it either.8、I ...

七年级下册英语书第3单元Reading课文A lucky eacape的翻译 跪求...

a traffic accident 一次交通事故 an accident 一次事故 be hurt 受伤 That’s terrible. 太可怕了 after a while 过一会儿 get used to (doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事 a little more confident 更舒适一点 obey the traffic rules 遵守交通规则 avoid sth.\/ doing sth. 避免(做)某事 spit e...

初二英语下册第三单元2b,课文译文(基本意思),仅供参考。亲爱的先生,我不明白为什么一些家长让他们的孩子在家做家务。现在的孩子 们已经承担了足够多的学习压力。他们没有时间学习,也没有时间做家务。做家务是浪费他们的时间。我们可不可以让他们只做学生的事?他们应该将时间花在学业上,为的是取得...

六年级英语怎么变过去式,复数,第三人称单数,ing形式,形容词,缩写。_百 ...
黑人英雄尝试着,西红柿地里偷土豆)第三人称单数:一般直接加s, 情态动词 may can must will 不用变。ing, 一般直接加ing;如果是单音节,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的单词,双写最后一个字母再加ing.变为形容词,一般直接加y,如果是单音节,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的单词,要双写最后一个字母再加y ...

人教版七年级下册英语单词的所有的动词的第三人称单数 现在进行时...
;are --- were ;do--- did;go--- went ;say --- said ;write--- wrote;get--- got ;live--- lived ;like--- liked;love--- loved;come --- came;help--- helped;finish--- finished ;clean--- cleaned;wash--- washed ;cook--- cooked;listen---listened ;play--- played...

PEP小学英语三年级下册单词表 Unit 1 boy男孩 girl女孩 teacher教师 student学生 this这,这个 my我的 friend朋友 I’m=Iam 我是 nice好的 good mornig上午好 good afternoon下午好 meet遇见,碰见 goodbye再见 too也,太 welcome欢迎 back回来 new新的 where哪里 you你,你们 from从,...

人教版七年级下册英语第三单元知识点 每一个单元都有一个“Grammar Focus”,这是讲这个单元主要句型的. 新目标解读七年级下册第三单元知识点解析 ::blog.sina..\/s\/blog_52e8732f0100dh7a. 七年级下册人教版英语语法1-12单元 help *** . to do sth. get *** . to do sth. tell *** . to do sth...


东山区18637052559: 英语五年级下册第28页怎么做? -
梅娣重感: 对应的回答如下: January-新年, October-中国国庆节, November-感恩节, December-圣诞节, June-儿童节

东山区18637052559: 五年级下册英语第三单元第28页怎么造句 -
梅娣重感: 参考答案1.bMonday 2.a Chinese 3.b Friday 4.c Wednesday 5.c ComputerStudies 6.Thursday C Look and complete

东山区18637052559: 五年级下册英语书26页 28页翻译成中文是什么 -
梅娣重感: 一场场

东山区18637052559: 小学五年级下册牛津英语第三单元课文翻译 -
梅娣重感: 第三单元 在一堂音乐课上 现在是下午两点.学生们正在音乐教室里.他们正在上一堂音乐课. 格林先生:同学们,你们会唱《我们会唱歌和跳舞》这首歌吗? 所有学生:我们不会. 格林先生:你们会唱什么? 高山:我们会唱《在教室里》. ...

东山区18637052559: 五年级下册英语三单元l一12月单词分段 -
梅娣重感: 英文原文: 一月:January二月:February三月:March四月:April五月:May六月:June七月:July八月:August九月:September十月:October十一月:November十二月:December 英式音标: [ˈdʒænjʊ(ə)rɪ][ˈfebrʊər...

东山区18637052559: 五年级第三单元英语翻译 -
梅娣重感: 只知道第1课的,不一定对: oranges pears peaches grapes tofu butter 橘子 梨子 桃子 葡萄 豆腐 奶油(黄油) potato chips candy 薯片 糖果 Wow!It's huge! Yeah it's cool! I like this supermarket. 哇!这真大! 是的,这真酷! 我喜欢这个超市. ...

东山区18637052559: 五年级下册英语第三单元B部分let's learn翻译. -
梅娣重感: 朋友,我任务,望采纳!Zip:你在干什么?zoom:我正在给奶奶发电子贺卡.Zip:她的生日在七月吗?zoom:是的.Zip:哪天?zoom:7月9号.她有电脑吗?zoom:哦,没有!她没有电脑.Zip:那么她就不能看到你发的电子贺卡.让我们为她制作一个纸版的生日贺卡.zoom:好主意.每个人都喜欢收到生日卡片.

东山区18637052559: 五年级下册英语第三单元read and write -
梅娣重感: we can ___the wood from trees to make many _____. we build houses with ____,iron,ang steel. can you ____some of the fruits form trees? yes. we have oranges ,apple,_____,and also many nuta.

东山区18637052559: 英语人教版五年级下册38页课文翻译 -
梅娣重感: 小学五年级下册英语书人教版第38页翻译

东山区18637052559: 五年级英语下册三单元 -
梅娣重感: My birthday will come.I will have a birthday part.My birthday is on ....(几月几号) . My friends will arrive at my home.We will play "muscal chairs".We will eat a cake.We will sing "Happy Birthday".We will have a good time.自己写的 全手打 希望采纳

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