
作者&投稿:谷牲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

People's Republic of China in the Asian continent in the east, the western Pacific Ocean.Its land area of about 9.6 million square kilometers, second only to Russia and Canada, is the world's third largest country.Mohe Chinese territory north of Heilongjiang middle of the river to the north (latitude 53 ° 30 ').Cengmuansha south to the southern tip of the Nansha Islands (4 ° latitude), the inter-more latitude 49 degrees;Heilongjiang and Wusuli River confluence of the East (east longitude 135 ° 05 ').West of the Pamirs (N 73 ° 40 '), cross-over 60 degrees longitude.From south to north, from east to west, more than 5,000 km in distance.China's 22,800 km long land border, east of North Korea, bordered to the north by Mongolia, Northeast neighbors Russia, Kazakhstan Northwest neighborhood,Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and the western and southwestern Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan and other countries bordering.South and Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam linked.Eastern and south-eastern South Korea, Japan, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Indonesia, across the sea.Air China to view the Loess Plateau in northern Shaanxi coastline of about 18,000 km.Flatness of the coast, many fine Harbor, most of the year for the ice-free port.China's eastern and southern verge of the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea.4.73 million square kilometers of sea areas.China's Bohai seas, the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea is on the verge of Pacific sea.In Chinese waters, distributed 5,400 islands.One of the biggest for the island, with an area of 36,000 square kilometers; Second, Hainan Island, with an area of 34,000 square kilometers.Located northeast of the island off the island of Lantau red tail, is the most eastern island.Scattered in the South China Sea islands, reefs, islands are collectively known as the South China Sea, China's southernmost island group.according to their different positions as the Dongsha Islands, the Xisha Islands, the Pratas Islands and the Spratly Islands.China is the world's most populous country.According to the National Bureau of Statistics on February 28, 2005 "issued by the People's Republic of China in 2004 national economic and social development statistics"the end of 2004 China's total population of 1.29988 billion people.China's population aged 60 years and over 145 million.2 at 0:00 a.m. on January 6, 2005, China's 1.3 billion citizens born in Beijing Maternity Hospital.This day has become "China's 1.3 billion population."Male citizens of this small and weighing 3,660 grams or 52 centimeters in length."" January 2005, the latest statistics show Beijing's public security authorities,Beijing's actual population (including residence and mobile populations), has reached 15.244 million people.July 26, 2006, DING Xiang-Yang, director of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission disclosed that at the end of June 2006.Beijing's permanent population reached 11.865 million people.Henan is China's first Population Large, as at the end of 2005 the province's population of about 97 million.In August 2006, the Hong Kong SAR Census and Statistics Department released the latest figures show that by mid-2006.Hong Kong's population of 699.45 million (provisional figures), an increase of 58,600 people, with a growth rate of 0.8%."" Macao Statistics and Census Bureau, the latest information shows that on June 30, 2006.Macao's resident population was estimated at 503,000, representing an increase of about 26,000 people in 2005.This is the first time Macao resident population over 500,000."" According to Taiwan's statistics department statistics, as of the end of September 2006, Taiwan's total population of 22.84 million.year, an increase of 94,000, to 2.26 million people over 65 years.The average one person every 10 elderly people."" November 9, 2005, the Chinese Ministry of Construction Liu Zhifeng, vice minister said that China's current urban population of about 540 million.41.8% of the total population."" Since ancient times, China is a unified multi-ethnic country.After the founding of New China, and through the identification of a total of 56 ethnic groups recognized by the central government.Since Han Han population of the other 55 ethnic groups is relatively small, usually referred to as "minority."China is a multi-religion country.There are religious followers in China believe in Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Protestantism.According to incomplete statistics, China now has more than 100 million religious believers, religious activities 8. 5 million,religious about 300,000 people, more than 3,000 religious organizations.Violate a train clergy of religious institutions 74.The main characteristics of religion in China, "" In China, the Chinese Buddhist Association, a national religious organization, the China Taoist Association.China Islamic Association, the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association and Chinese Catholic Bishops College, the Three-Self Patriotic Movement Committee of Protestant Churches of China.China Christian Association.All religious organizations in accordance with their constitution elections, leaders and leadership."" Buddhism and Buddhist history of the major factions -- the history of Buddhism in China for 2000.China now has more than 130 Buddhist temples, with about 200,000 monks and nuns, monks, including Buddhist lamas in the Tibetan-language.nun about 120,000 people living more than 1,700 people, organizers said more than 3,000 blocks; Barrie, the author of Buddhist monks.Elders of nearly 10,000 people, organizers said more than 1,600 blocks."" China Taoist history and its major factions -- Taoism originated in China, has over 1,700 years of history.China now has more than 1,500 Taoist temples, with road-kun Road. 5 million people."" Islam and Islamic history -- the history of Islam was introduced to China in the seventh century AD.Islam returned to China, the Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in the belief 10.More than 2,000 people are Muslim, more than 30,000 blocks of existing mosques, the imams, Imam 4 million people."" Catholic history -- the history of the Catholic Church and the Catholic Church in China since the seventh century AD onwards into China several times.After the Opium War in 1840 imported large.China now has about five million Catholics, about 4,000 teaching staff, church, club buildings in 4600."" Christianity and the history of Christianity -- the history of Chinese Christian (Protestant) was introduced to China in the early 19th century AD.After the Opium War in large cases.China now has about 10 million Christians, church missionary personnel. 8 million people, the church is one. Block 2 million.Simple activities (meeting point) 2. 5 million Department."" China statutory holidays are : New Year (January 1), the national holiday; Spring Festival (Lunar New Year), the three-day holiday;International Women's Day (March 8); Arbor Day (March 12); International Labor Day (May 1st).National day holiday; Chinese Youth Day (May 4); International Nurses Day (May 12);Children's Day (June 1st); anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (July 1);PLA Army Day (August 1); Teacher's Day (September 10); National Day (October 1st).National day holiday; Journalist's Day (November 8).Deputies to China's traditional festivals into a statutory holiday is a major traditional holiday for the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival.Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and so on.In addition, minorities have retained their traditional festivals, such as Dai Water-splashing Festival, the Mongolian nationality.Yi's Torch, the Facilities section Yao, Bai March Street, Zhuang's Folksong, Tibetan Tibetan calendar year and Wangguo Festival,Miao's Flower Festival, etc. jump.

  新年-New Year’s Day

  春节-Spring Festival

  三八节-International Working Women’s Day

  五一节-May Day

  五四节-Chinese Youth Day

  六一节-International Children’s Day

  八一建军节-Army Day

  中国共产党成立纪念日-Aniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China

  国庆节-National Day

  春联-Spring Festival Couplets

  年画-New Year pictures


  除夕-the New Year’s eve

  守岁-stay up late on the New Year’s eve

  放鞭炮-let off fire crackers

  拜年-pay a New Year visit

  团圆饭-family reunion dinner

  元宵节-Lantern Festival

  元宵-sweet dumplings

  花灯-festival lantern

  灯谜-lantern riddle

  龙灯-dragon lantern

  扫墓-sweep graves of one’s ancestors or loved ones

  祭祖宗-offer scarifices to the ancestors

  踏青-go for an outing in spring

  赛龙舟-dragon-boat racing

  赏月-appreciate the glorious full moon

  九九重阳节-Double Ninth Day

  赏菊-admire the beauty of chrysanthemum

China has one of the world's longest periods of mostly uninterrupted civilization and one of the world's longest continuously used written language systems. The successive states and cultures of China date back more than six millennia. For centuries, China was the world's most advanced civilization, and the cultural center of East Asia, with an impact lasting to the present day. China is also the source of many great technical inventions developed throughout world history, including the four great inventions of ancient China: Paper, the compass, gunpowder, and printing.

Ladies and Gentlemen,I'm form China.I'm Chinese.I'm proud of my country, and I'm proud of being Chinese.China has changed tremendously in the past twenty years.China has become a member of the world community.China is changing evry day.Chinese people are embracing changes.Chinese people are also facing many challenges now. We are eager to learn from the world.I am here today to learn from you .I'm sure wewill learn very much from each other.Thank you very much for your attention.Thank you very much for giving me the chance to speak to you tonight.

九月中旬,驱车行走在晋西北大地。放眼望去,是一片醉人的绿色:沟沟峁峁里是绿草,旱地薄田里是盛开紫色小花的绿草,曾经羊儿爬满坡的山上也是绿草。在欣赏晋西北风吹草低、天蓝水碧的同时,记者采撷到了老百姓养牛养羊中的几个小插曲。羊舍不比人房差 养羊是晋北人的传统,以前的饲养方式是放牧。老百...

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一定要有自己的主见,通过实践总结出适合自己的学习方法,这样才能有收获。 还要在这里强调一点:学习不是苦差事,做好学习中的每一件事,你就会发现“学习,是一块馍,你能嚼出它的香味来。”(此句引自肖复兴肖铁的《我教儿子学作文》1996年4月第一版211页) 这一切都是我个人的一些想法、经验。我的思想也许比较...



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