Water and Electrolytes

作者&投稿:希政 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

水和电解质平衡(water and electrolytes balance)是指机体每日摄取和排出的水量及钠量(细胞外液主要的电解质)是否保持平衡和如何保持平衡。



⊙吃消夜的人体质容易变酸。晚上8:00再吃晚餐就算 “宵夜”了! 你是不是也常忙到 8:00 才吃饭呢?时常交际应酬的生意人,通常寿命较短,易患糖尿病、高血压。吃宵夜隔天会疲倦,爬不起床,肝也会受损,因为睡觉时,人体各器官活动力低,处于休息状态,因此食物留在肠子里会变酸、发酵、产生毒素伤害身体。


碱性食物: 恰玛古、蔬菜、茶叶、水果(高糖水果除外)、牛奶等。
酸性食物: 肉、蛋、鱼、动物脂肪和植物油、米饭、面食、糖类甜食等。
纯净水 纯净水之所以“纯净”,是因为它最大限度地除去了水中杂质和各种人体必须的矿物元素,它的PH值一般在5.0-7.0之间,偏酸性,有的甚至比酸雨还低。长年累月喝这种水,人会越喝越老。
加了矿物质的纯水 通过在纯净水里人工添加矿物质的方法,已经被许多饮用水厂家使用。
天然水 天然水的PH值一般在7.0-8.0之间,呈弱碱性,人体长期饮用,能够维持身体保持弱碱性。各种动物实验证明,天然水可以提高小白鼠对缺氧、疲劳的耐受力,增强机体抗氧化衰老的能力。
白开水 白开水的来源是市政自来水,因当地的水质不同而有不同的PH值。建议:在水烧开后要把壶盖打开烧3分钟左右,让水中的酸性及有害物质随蒸气蒸发掉。而且烧开的水最好当天喝,不要隔夜。

I ran some hot water and washed up.
The fish are on sale from our own coastal waters.

n. 水;海水;雨水;海域,大片的水
例句:Get me a glass of water.
vt. 使湿;供以水;给…浇水
例句:He went out to water the plants.
vi. 加水;流泪;流口水
例句:His eyes watered from cigarette smoke.
n. 水(water的复数);海域;近海
The ship will remain outside Chinese territorial waters.

Water is formed by the union of tw o hydrogen atoms w ith one oxygen atom. The oxygen atom is bonded to the hydrogen atoms unsymmetrically,w ith a bond angle of 105° . This unsymmetrical arrangement gives rise to an unbalanced electrical charge that imparts a polar characteristic to the molecule. Water in the liquid state,although given the formula H2O or HOH,is composed of molecular groups w ith the HOH molecules in each group held together by hydrogen bonding. Each group or molecular cluster is estimated to have an average of 130 molecules at 0℃ ,90 molecules at 20℃ ,and 60 molecules at 72℃ . H180O90is an approximate formula for the cluster at 20℃.

Water is unusual in that the density of the solid phase,ice,is substantially low er than the density of the liquid phase,w ater. In the liquid phase the maximum density is achieved at 4℃ 。 With further cooling below this temperature there is a significant density decrease.

All chemical elements have tw o or more isotopes. In this book,how ever,w e w ill be concerned only w ith the isotopes that provide useful hydrological or geochemical information. The formula H2O is a gross simplification from the structural view point and is also a simplification from the atomic view point. Natural w ater can be a mixture of the six nuclides listed in Table 11. 1. The atomic nature of the hydrogen isotopes is illustrated in Figure 11. 1. Eighteen combinations of H—O—H are possible using these nuclides.2H216O,1H218O,3H217O are some examples of the molecules that comprise w ater,w hich in its most common form is 1H216O. Of the six isotopes of hydrogen and oxygen in Table 11. 1,five are stable and one, 3H,know n as tritium,is radioactive,w ith a half-life of 12. 43 years.

Pure w ater contains hydrogen and oxygen in ionic form as w ell as in the combined molecular form. The ions are formed by the dissociation of w ater:

w here the plus and minus signs indicate the charge on the ionic species. Hydrogen can occur in vastly different forms,as illustrated in Figure 11. 2. Although the ionic form of hydrogen in w ater is usually expressed in chemical equations as H+,it is normally in the form H3O+, w hich denotes a hydrogen core surrounded by oxygen w ith four electron-cloud pairs. In discussions of groundw ater mineral interactions,a process know n as proton transfer denotes the transfer of an H+betw een components or phases.

Table 11. 1 Natural isotopes of hydrogen,oxygen,and radioactive carbon and their relative abundance in water of the hydrologic cycle

Figure 11. 1 Isotopes of hydrogen e—electron; n—neutron; p—proton

Figure 11. 2 Four forms of hydrogen drawn to relative scale a. The hydrogen atom,a proton with one electron; b. The hydrogen molecule,two separated protons in a cloud of two electrons; c. The hydrogen core,or H+,a proton; d. The hydronium ion,oxygen with four electron cloud pairs,three of which are protonated in H3O+

Water is solvent for many salts and some types of organic matter. Water is effective in dissolving salts because it has a very high dielectric constant and because its molecules tend to combine w ith ions to form hydrated ions. The thermal agitation of ions in many materials is great enough to overcome the relatively w eak charge attraction that exists w hen surrounded by w ater,thus allow ing large numbers of ions to dissociate into aqueous solution. Stability of the ions in the aqueous solution is promoted by the formation of hydrated ions. Each positively charged ion,know n as a cation,attracts the negative ends of the polar w ater molecules and binds several molecules in a relatively stable arrangement. The number of w ater molecules attached to a cation is determined by the size of the cation. For example,the small cation Be2 + forms the hydrated ion Be ( H2O)42 +. Larger ions,such as Mg2 +or Al3 +,have hydrated forms such as Mg ( H2O )62 +and Al ( H2O )63 +. Negatively charged species,know n as anions, exhibit a much w eaker tendency for hydration. In this case the anions attract the positive ends of the polar w ater molecules. The sizes of the ions in their hydrated form are important w ith respect to many processes that occur in the groundw ater environment.

As a result of chemical and biochemical interactions betw een groundw ater and the geological materials through w hich it flow s,and to a lesser extent because of contributions from the atmosphere and surface-w ater bodies,groundw ater contains a w ide variety of dissolved inorganic chemical constituents in various concentrations. The concentration of total dissolved solids ( TDS ) in groundw ater is determined by w eighing the solid residue obtained by evaporating a measured volume of filtered sample to dryness. The solid residue almost invariably consists of inorganic constituents and very small amounts of organic matter. The TDS concentrations in groundw ater vary over many orders of magnitude. A simple but w idely used scheme for categorizing groundw ater based on TDS is presented in Table 11. 2. To put the concentration ranges in perspective,it may be useful to note that w ater containing more than 2000 - 3000 mg / L TDS is generally too salty to drink. The TDS of seaw ater is approximately 35000 mg / L.

Table 11. 2 Simple groundwater classification based on total dissolved solids

Groundw ater can be view ed as an electrolyte solution because nearly all its major and minor dissolved constituents are present in ionic form. A general indication of the total dissolved ionic constituents can be obtained by determining the capability of the w ater to conduct an applied electrical current. This property is usually reported as electrical conductance and is expressed in terms of the conductance of a cube of w ater on a side of 1 cm2. It is the reciprocal of electrical resistance and has units know n as siemens ( S ) or microsiemens ( μS ) in the SI system. In the past these units have been know n as millimhos and micromhos. The values are the same; only the designations have changed. The conductance of groundw ater ranges from several tens of microsiemens for w ater nearly as nonsaline as rain-w ater to hundredses in deep sedimentary basins.

A classification of the inorganic species that occur in groundw ater is show n in Table 11. 3. The concentration categories are only a general guide. In some groundw aters,the concentration ranges are exceeded. The major constituents in Table 11. 3 occur mainly in ionic form and are commonly referred to as the major ions ( Na+,Mg2 +,Ca2 +,Cl,HCO3,SO2 -4) . The total concentration of these six major ions normally comprises more than 90% of the total dissolved solids in the w ater,regardless of w hether the w ater is dilute or has salinity greater than seaw ater. The concentrations of the major, minor, and trace inorganic constituents in groundw ater are controlled by the availability of the elements in the soil and rock through w hich the w ater has passed,by geochemical constraints such as solubility and adsorption,by the rates ( kinetics) of geochemical processes,and by the sequence in which the water has come into contact w ith the various minerals occurring in the geologic materials along the flow paths. It is becoming increasingly common for the concentrations of the dissolved inorganic constituents to be influenced by man's activities. In some cases contributions from man-made sources can cause some of the elements listed as minor or trace constituents in Table 11. 3 to occur as contaminants at concentration levels that are orders of magnitude above the normal ranges indicated in this table.

Table 11. 3 Classification of dissolved inorganic constituents in groundwater

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