求三小段英译汉 谢谢

作者&投稿:诗谢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





1. 无论体力劳动还是脑力劳动,中国女性工作比美国女性更加勤奋。中国女性工作远比美国女性艰苦,而她们表现出了更为强大的意志力。

2. 中国女性更乐于承担繁重的工作。美国女性喜欢抱怨,而中国女性在受到不公待遇时很少抱怨,更能容忍,尤其是那些生活在乡村的中国女性。

3. 与美国女性相比,中国女性对丈夫更宽容。很少中国妻子因为丈夫有外遇而离婚。然而,对美国妻子来说,不衷是绝对不可宽恕的,离婚是唯一的解决办法。

4. 中国女性比美国女性更相信命运,尤其是当丈夫对她们不忠的时候。在这时,她们首先会怨自己命不好。相比之下,美国女性更喜欢找个能在离婚官司中为她们争得更多财产的好律师,极少抱怨她们命苦。

5. 比之美国女性,中国女性以丈夫为重心。而美国人,不论男女,最重视的是他们自身的自由与快乐。女人爱男友永远不会超过爱自己。在这点上,中国女性恰恰相反——她们对丈夫的爱远远超过对自己的。据上周一项报告显示,中国妇女自杀率居首位;而不是纯粹自杀的首位。想想中国众多的人口,你会发现这一数字更为可怕。仅由于丈夫抛弃她们这一原因,每年有成千上万的中国女性(尤其是农村女性)感到绝望继而自杀。

6. 在中国女性看来,一份职业意味着在外工作。相反,美国女性认为家务与在外工作同等重要;有时候,她们认为在外工作更辛苦,对家庭更有价值。

7. 中国女性的爱情阶段比美国女性短。


8. 中国女性过了20岁还没有结婚,就会面临来自社会和家庭的巨大压力。美国女性一点也没有这种压力。不管多大年纪,她们总是有追求者。中国女性上了年纪就很少有追求者了。

9. 中国女性年轻的时候喜欢化妆,老了就不化了。美国女性老了化妆更多。

10. 中国女性崇拜男性,尤其是那些受教育少的女性;而美国女性赞赏男性。

11. 中国女性的恋爱率比中国男性低。即使没有数据,我也能猜出这一差距在10倍以上,尤其在广大的农村地区。发现一个男人有外遇很容易,这没什么稀奇。然而,发现一个女人有外遇就是个大事了,而且很快坏事传千里。最后,这会成为全家的耻辱。这一比率的数据在美国也差不多。

12. 尽管性别歧视在美国仍然存在,美国女性需要很长时间去争取公平对待。然而与中国女性相比,美国女性对家庭和丈夫的付出要少得多。
Chinese women are beautiful. So are American ones. Actually, all women are beautiful. However, the way to express beauty is quite different due to the disparity of culture and national conditions.

1. Chinese women are more hardworking than American women whether in manual work or brainwork. Chinese women work far more toughly than American women and they show a stronger power of will.

2. Chinese women are more willing to bear the burden of hard work. The American women prefer complaining, while the Chinese ones, especially those women who live in the rural areas, are more contained with few complains when treated unfairly.

3. Chinese women are more tolerant to their husbands compared with their American counterparts. Few wives in China will divorce with their husbands who have love affairs with other women, while, to American wives, cheating is absolutely intolerant and divorce is the only solution.

4. Chinese women believe more in fate than American women, especially when their husbands cheat on them。On this occasion, they first blame all to their unlucky fate. Comparatively. The Americans first prefer to find a good lawyer ,who can bring them more possession in the divorce, with the slightest idea of complaining their poor destiny.

5. Compared with the American female, Chinese female lay much emphasis on their husbands. However, the Americans, male or female, value their own freedom and happiness most. Female will never love boyfriends more than themselves. In this term, Chinese women are quite opposite--they love their husband far more than themselves. According to a report released last week, China ranks the first in terms of female suicide; however, it is not the first in pure suicide. Just think about the large population of China, you will find the figure even more terrible. Thousands of female in China (most live in rural areas) feel desperate and then commit suicide every year just because their husbands leave them.

6. In the eye of Chinese women, a job means working outside. Oppositely, American female regard housework as important as working outside; sometimes, they think working outside is harder, more valuable to their family.

7. Loving period for Chinese women is shorter than that for the American women.

An American woman can fall in love with a man in their tens and keep such kind of enthusiasm till they get old. While Chinese women can only last from their tens to thirties.

8. Chinese women will face huge pressure from society and family if they haven't got married when they are over twenty. For American women, this kind of pressure is nowhere to find. No matter how old they are, they always have pursuers. Chinese women seldom have pursuers when they get old.

9. Chinese women like making up when they are young, but give up make-up when they get old. American women make up more when they are old.

10. Chinese women adore men, especially those who have a less education background; while American women admire men.

11. Chinese women will devote all to men when they fall in love with them, mentally and physically. American women love men and at the same time wait for responses.

12. Chinese female have a lower rate of love affairs than Chinese men. Even though i have no statistics, i can guess the gap is more than ten times, especially in the expansive rural areas. It is easy to find a man who has love affairs with other woman, which is no more strange. However, it is a big event that a woman has a love affair with another man and the bad news runs faster. Finally, it can be a shame on the whole family. This rate in America even out according to statistics.

Although sex discrimination in America still exists and it is a long way for American female to pursue the equal treatment. Compared with Chinese women, American women indeed do less than their Chinese counterparts for their family and husbands.

去在线翻译!自己想写什么就翻译什么! O(∩_∩)O~

Culture is a global topic. With globalization fulfilled every corner of the earth today, any kind of cultural development is bound to be multilateral and dynamic, and will be accompanied by social development hand in hand. As a part of the culture, sports culture will also be under the impact of globalization. Sports, an independent pattern of culture, its existence and development are good at improving and perfecting the culture of the society. Though the analysis of the functional structure, value conceptions and the development of the Western and the Eastern sports culture, this paper aims to find out the integration of sports culture, the future development direction of Eastern and Western sports culture through comprehensive discussion of various factors, and the most important is to make the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions.


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