
作者&投稿:星录 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 眼睛,耳朵,听到

元音(21个):元音字母a、e、i、o、u以及它们的字母组合,有一个或一个以上的发音。字母y为半元音,有时也可以作为元音字母用。\/i\/ (long e)e me he she we be we ye these (单音节词尾或重读相对开音节中)ee reeds eel peel bee see feet sweet meet ea eagle meat leaf pea peach...

ear [英][ɪə(r)] ei(二声) ye(一声 圈舌音)[美][ɪr]yi(一声 )ye(三声 圈舌音)bear [英][beə(r)]bai(二声拖音)[美][bɛr]bei ye(一声圈舌音)

my ear you'd think that she knew me.So we decided to chill Conversation got heavy,she had me feelin like she's ready to blow!(Watch Out!, Watch Out!)She saying come get me,come get me,So I got up and followed her to the floor,she said baby lets go,When I told he...

Enough! This wedding cannot take place until he is properly prepared. Young man, learn your vows. Well, he's quite the catch, isn't he? Oh, Victoria. She must think I'm such a fool. This day couldn't get any worse. Hear ye, hear ye! Rehearsal in ruins as Van Dort boy causes...

[ɔ:]――谐音为:噢(0);噢,这个音标就像个o。[u:]――谐音为:雾(wu);杯子上有很多雾。[ə:]――谐音为:饿(e);一只鹅饿得晕倒了。[ɑ:]――谐音为:啊(a);音标的读音跟拼音一样。[e]――谐音为:夜(ye);这只鹅喜欢走夜路。 二、双元音:[ei]、[ai]、[ɔi]、[iə]、[ɛə]...

I saw shorty she was checkin' up on me, from the game she was spittin' in my ear, thank that she knew me. (KNEW ME)So we decided to chill (OKAY)Conversation got heavy, she had me feelin' like she's ready to blow! (Watch Out!,oh, Watch Out!)She's sayin' come ...

...一起只读一个音现象? al ar are air ea ee ear ir
1.重读开音节 [i:] me ;he ;she ;these ;evening2.重读闭音节 [e] hen ;get ; set ;tell ; echo3.非重读音节 [i] useless ;ticket ;basket ;pocket ;before ;below ;(三)元音字母i或y1.重读开音节 [ai] China ; try ; my ; hi ; time ; guide ;2.重读闭音节 [i] sit ; hit ; ill...


kirkward shall carry ye. who makes the bridal bed, birdie, say truly? The gray-headed sexton That delves the grave duly. The glo the tempests of the life. Love is the teacher"s persistence in giving lectures when he is ill. Love is passing a cup of tea to teachers during the break...

The Finer Things 歌词
He Send Flowers,I Send Mercedez,Like Ye, Say, Heaven Is Anytthing That Heaven It is,And Yes, I Guess, I'm Into Trick'in Of Buiss,But Shit, If You Had It Like I Got It,The You Got It As A Kid,You Say The Same Thing To A Girl,That I Just Said Ne-Yo:Keep ...

梅列区17283659049: ear和eye的 读音,翻译 -
赏柳德济: ear : [ iə ] n. 耳朵 例句与用法: 1. Don't shout into my ears like that, I can hear you perfectly well. 别那样对我大声嚷嚷,我能听清楚. 2. The corn will soon ear. 玉米不久就要结穗了. eye : [ ai ] n. 眼睛 v. 看,注视 例句与用法: 1. Her children have blue eyes. 她的孩子的眼睛是蓝色的. 2. He is blind in one eye. 他一只眼睛失明.

梅列区17283659049: watch,see,hear的用法 -
赏柳德济: see,hear,watch是视觉动词. 它们后面常跟动词原形(表示那动作的整个过程都见到了;后跟doing形式,则表示当时的一舜间的动作). 只能在被语态中,那后面才能跟to do形式,

梅列区17283659049: ear的正确读音是什么 -
赏柳德济: ear的音标是英 [ɪə]或美 [ɪr] ,句中作为名词和动词使用. 一、词汇分析 earn. 耳朵;穗;听觉;倾听 vi. (美俚)听见;抽穗 二、短语 1、inner ear 内耳 2、middle ear 中耳,鼓室 3、play it by ear 随机行事;无计划地进行 4、give ear to 倾...

梅列区17283659049: hear,eye和ear谁是不同类的单词 -
赏柳德济: hear不同类.是动词 另两个是名词 请采纳

梅列区17283659049: ear是什么意思 -
赏柳德济: 耳朵

梅列区17283659049: 感观动词watch,see,find,hear的用法(包括有例句) -
赏柳德济: watch TV.看电视,固定搭配,也可与观看比赛之类作搭配.(另可作名词,计为“表”.) I see you.我看见你的意思,去掉you,则可译为“理解”,表我理解你,我懂你. I find it .我找到了它.这个容易理解. I hear that they talk about you.我听到他们在谈论你.主要是表听觉上的.小编英语专业的,希望能帮到你,谢谢.

梅列区17283659049: 八年级上册英语单词 -
赏柳德济: 展开1全部 Unit1 how often 多久一次exercise v.& n.锻炼skateboard v.踩滑板hardly adv.几乎不ever adv.曾,曾经once adv.一次twice adv.两次time n.次,次数surf v.在…冲浪Internet n.网络program n.节目,表演high school 高中,完全中学result n....

梅列区17283659049: We hear with our e - --and see with our e--- -
赏柳德济: ear eye 我们用耳朵听,用眼睛看.

梅列区17283659049: 带有air,ear,ere,er,的英语单词.要中文意思 -
赏柳德济: 1.air 空气 hair 头发 air 空气 2. ear 耳朵 hear 听 tear 眼泪 near 附近 dear 亲爱的 bear 打败;熊;承担 fear 担心,害怕 pear 梨子 3. ere were are的过去式 有 “是”的意思 here 这里 there 那里 4. er mother 妈妈 father 爸爸 grandmother 外祖父 ...

梅列区17283659049: hear什么意思 -
赏柳德济: hear的意思:听见,听到,听,注意听,倾听,听说,得知. hear的音标:英 [hɪə(r)],美 [hɪr]. hear的变形:第三人称单数:hears,现在分词:hearing,过去分词:heard,过去式:heard. hear的造句: You can hear commentary on the ...

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