求翻译 英语 中文翻译成英语 不要软件翻译的啊 谢谢啦

作者&投稿:势晴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
求翻译 英语 中文翻译成英语 请不要软件翻译啊~

The address is correct, can you mail it again? I will pay you the transportation expenses by Paypal.

图书馆界是保护‘思想自由’(Intellectual Freedom的准确解释是:每个人都有不受限制地寻求和接收各种观点的信息的权利)和保护用户私密的先驱。图书馆有机会成为使用‘基于射频识别(RFI=Radio Frequency IDentification)的图书馆馆藏流通系统’与‘整合图书馆系统(ILS=Integrated library system)‘的社会领袖和行业典范.

My school my school of the air constantly loud with laughter. The principal is often said to learn to work and rest, so I carefully in class, class crazy. Without knowledge is illiterate. The school is to give our wisdom and knowledge of God. In this Cuntucunjin place, the school often group activities, let us feel the strength of the team

南江县15226273127: 求一段中文翻译成英语(不要翻译机的)
邴菁甲状: Hello,although i get a good score,actually i'm not a good student,for i often contradict the teachers ,think about something strange and break the discipline.so i may not be a good student.

南江县15226273127: 翻译中文成英文(不要中式英语) -
邴菁甲状: 当一个女人的嘴里反复出现一个男人的名字时,无论是夸那个男人还是骂那个男人,潜台词都是我爱他.When a man's name come up again and again from a woman's mouth, the subtext is that I love him, whether I praise him or scold him.

南江县15226273127: 求翻译:把中文翻译成英文,有点小文采就行,不要网上翻译器. -
邴菁甲状: 你好,新老师.我即将进入这所学校进行我高中三年的学习生活.相信我与您会相处的很好.下面请允许我介绍一下我自己.我是xxx,像一般的学生一样我不是超爱学习.但是学习是必须的,不过除了学习以外作为学生的我们还有其他的事情...

南江县15226273127: 求英语高手把中文翻译成英文,不要使用翻译工具!!! -
邴菁甲状: Online shopping is attracting more and more customers for its diversities, convenience and preferential prices. Although the online shopping in China started a bit late, it has been developing rapidly, and the trend of such development, particularly ...

南江县15226273127: 请高手帮我把下列中文翻译成英文.(要地道的英文,不要在线翻译的)
邴菁甲状: 地道翻译: 我也永远不会忘记在那个夏天那个陌生的城市和我一起迷路的你. I will never forget that summer,the day we lost in the strange city. (切成两句,翻成一句的话英文看起来会很长显得很废话) 也许我早就该放弃了, Perhaps I should ...

南江县15226273127: 求翻译 请翻译成英语 不要网页和软件翻译的 -
邴菁甲状: Here I have only one telephone number: ****. Please tell me the phone number of the driver if you have it. I can also contact him. Thanks.

南江县15226273127: 求翻译成英语:你不想因为你是外国人而被接近急求,不要机器翻译! -
邴菁甲状:[答案] 你不想因为你是外国人而被接近 You don't want to be close to because you are foreigners

南江县15226273127: 【急求】帮忙把我的这封信翻译成英文,不要用翻译器不要用翻译器需要翻译的内容如下:现在我只是一个初一学生,还在努力学习英语,我也希望能通过... -
邴菁甲状:[答案] Now I am just a student, still trying to learn English, I also hope that through communication with you, let our English ability is stronger.

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