regulatory obligation什么意思

作者&投稿:谢闻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

obligation n.
1. [C] law, moral pressure, promise, etc that forces one to do sth (法律、 道义、 承诺等的)义务, 职责, 责任:
the obligations of conscience 良心上的责任
the obligations imposed by parenthood 为人父母者的义务
repay/fulfil an obligation, eg by returning hospitality that one has received 报恩[尽义务](如还人情).
2. [C, U] being forced or required to do sth (被迫或被要求做某事的)责任, 义务:
We attended the party more out of a sense of obligation than anything else. 我们参加那个聚会是迫於人情, 而并无别的原因.
3. (idm 习语) be under an/no obligation (to sb/to do sth)
(not) be compelled by law, etc; (not) have a moral duty (没)有义务; (没)有道义责任:
You're under no obligation to pay for goods which you did not order. 没有订购的货物就无须付款.
She's under an obligation to him because he lent her money. 因为他把钱借给她了, 所以她有偿还他的义务.
4. place/put sb under an/no obli`gation (to sb/to do sth)
(not) compel sb by law, etc (to do sth); (not) make sb indebted or grateful (to sb) (不)使某人有义务(做某事物); (不)使某人欠(某人的)人情或受(某人的)恩惠:
Damaging the goods puts you under an obligation to buy them. 你损坏了这些商品, 你就得都买下来.
His kindness places us under an obligation to him. 他待我们很好, 我们觉得欠着他一份人情.

obligation [,ɔbli'ɡeiʃən]
n. 义务;职责;债务
eg:The obligation of cohabitation of spouses is the basis of marital rights .




regulatory purpose是什么意思
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regulatory compliance是什么意思
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regulatory framework是什么意思
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监管机构 regulatory authority The Department of Health is the Government's health adviser and regulatory authority.卫生署是政府的卫生顾问,也是公众卫生事务监管机构。

regulatory compliance怎么翻译
regulatory compliance 法规遵从性 含义就是企业和组织在业务运作中,不仅要遵守自己的各项规章而且要遵守政府和行业制定的各项法律、法规及各种规章,同时又能证明自己确实做到了相关的要求。

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regulatory change是什么意思
change: vt. 1.改变,变更,变换,变革。 2.交换;兑换;把 ...例句与用法 1. Mike rake , international chairman of kpmg , said the creation of a single global partnership would depend on regulatory changes , including new protection for auditors against catastrophic negligence cla...

regulatory affairs是什么意思
regulatory affairs 法规事务;法规部门;立法事务 例句 1.After advice from its legal and regulatory affairs department, the company agreed to promulgate a dress code.听取了法规部门的建议后,该公司同意发布着装规范。2.Central creation of data entry masks for subsequent processing at local ...

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正蓝旗17286543063: 什么是Regulatory -
油腾盐酸: regulatory 做形容词有 adj. 管理的;控制的;调整的 意思 做名词有 “标准”的意思

正蓝旗17286543063: regulatory什么意思
油腾盐酸: regulatory ['reɡjulətəri] 基本翻译 adj. 管理的;控制的;调整的 网络释义 regulatory:调整的 | 规章的 | 按照规矩来的

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