大学英语作文我的理想社区 my ideal neighborhood 多一点,120字, 谢谢

作者&投稿:慈娅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
大学英语作文我的理想社区 my ideal neighborhood 谢谢~

Residents conversation civilized behavior where I, neighborhood harmony, a civilized community. Community cultural activities mainly stick notification, phone calls, etc. between the neighbors notice Huxiangzhuangao everyone to participate, I think you can also use broadcasting, meetings and other means. I think the characteristics of this community cultural activities are: a, activity series; Second, the content of high-grade; three, affecting a wide range of very attractive. I think this community there are no cultural construction vigorously music art and other cultural activities; there is no expansion of mass art team, to enhance the art team of literacy; not strengthen the community culture of institutional management, and create a pleasant natural environment; there is no proper expand the scope of paid services, establish a "text fill text, multi-industry co-text" of the operating mechanism; no building coverage, affecting strong community cultural networks and other issues. My community cultural activities 1 hardware facilities, hi-fi, cameras and other audio-visual equipment; 2, indoor fitness equipment, outdoor fitness path 2 sets; 3, conference tables, chairs, podium, blackboards, and other teaching equipment; 4, books cabinet , books and other library facilities shelf; 5, a basketball court, badminton courts, table tennis tables and four. I think the community culture construction should be strengthened community cultural activities, work organization, community and cultural management, community and cultural development of qualified personnel, system management, humanities environment. I think that interaction, puzzles, jokes, prizes and other activities contribute to the formation atmosphere. The existing community cultural activities, my overall feeling is good, I think the community should engage in more cultural events. Here is my word to highlight community-oriented style of the promotional language community intends: Green community, starting with me!

We live in good neighborhood with each other.

Residents conversation civilized behavior where I, neighborhood harmony, a civilized community. Community cultural activities mainly stick notification, phone calls, etc. between the neighbors notice Huxiangzhuangao everyone to participate, I think you can also use broadcasting, meetings and other means. I think the characteristics of this community cultural activities are: a, activity series; Second, the content of high-grade; three, affecting a wide range of very attractive. I think this community there are no cultural construction vigorously music art and other cultural activities; there is no expansion of mass art team, to enhance the art team of literacy; not strengthen the community culture of institutional management, and create a pleasant natural environment; there is no proper expand the scope of paid services, establish a "text fill text, multi-industry co-text" of the operating mechanism; no building coverage, affecting strong community cultural networks and other issues. My community cultural activities 1 hardware facilities, hi-fi, cameras and other audio-visual equipment; 2, indoor fitness equipment, outdoor fitness path 2 sets; 3, conference tables, chairs, podium, blackboards, and other teaching equipment; 4, books cabinet , books and other library facilities shelf; 5, a basketball court, badminton courts, table tennis tables and four. I think the community culture construction should be strengthened community cultural activities, work organization, community and cultural management, community and cultural development of qualified personnel, system management, humanities environment. I think that interaction, puzzles, jokes, prizes and other activities contribute to the formation atmosphere. The existing community cultural activities, my overall feeling is good, I think the community should engage in more cultural events. Here is my word to highlight community-oriented style of the promotional language community intends: Green community, starting with me!

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安振艾本: 每个年轻人都有自己的理想.理想来自崇拜.你对什么人怀有崇敬之情,你就可能有什么样的理想.而人们在小时候往往最崇敬的是自己的父母,因而你的理想就会是长大之后做一个和父亲或母亲一样的人,也许是工程师,也许是科学家,也许是教师等等.那么,你最崇敬的人是谁?你的理想是什么呢?请写一篇文章谈谈你的理想.

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