
作者&投稿:夕贱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

as soon as
“as soon as” 是“一……就……”最普通的表达方法,前一个“as” 是副词,后一个“as” 是连词,引导时间状语从句.
He got married as soon as he left university.他一离开大学就结婚了.
directly”可以用作连词,常用于非正式文体中,相当于“as soon as”.
I came directly I got your message.我一接到你的信就赶来了.
immediately“immediately”可以用作连词,主要用于英国英语中,相当于“as soon as”.
I came immediately I heard the news.我一听到这个消息,马上就来了.
once“once”用作连词,相当于“as soon as,from the moment that”,意为“一旦……就……”、“当……就……”.Once he arrives we can start.他一到我们就可以动身.

as soon as not再乐意不过的了
as soonadv.同样乐意,宁愿
as soon asadv.一…就,尽快
Soon ripe and soon rotten早熟早烂
soon as possible尽快
soon ripe and soon rotten.st.早熟早烂.
soon enoughphr. 很快
very soon很快(作为结尾的副词使用)
just as soon情愿地, 宁愿
as soon as...一…然…
参考资料来源:柯林斯词典-as soon as

I have two friends. One is Nellie, and the other is Jane. Jane is the same as me, while Nellie is different. Nellie is different from me, because she talks loudly and she is outgoing. Jane is the same as me, because she work as hard as I do. We are both quiet and like reading.

I have two good friends, one is Nelly, the other is Jane. Jane and I are much alike, and Nelly is very different from me, because nelly talks loud and she's more easy-going; Jane and I both are hard working in study, we are quiet and enjoy reading a lot.望采纳!

I have two good friends, Nani and Jane.Nali is same as me,but Jane isn't cause her sound is quite loud, also so she is out standing.jane is same as me,because she also try hard of study, we both very quiet, we love reading

There are four rooms in my house, one in the hall, a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet.我的房子里有四个房间,一进门厅,一间厨房,一间浴室,一间厕所

英文自我介绍 求翻译成英文: 大家早上好,我的名字是XXX。我来自中国...
您好,翻译为:Eevry one !,good morning my name is ✘✘✘ i am from china i am born in Xu zhou lam is a eleven years old girl my favorite is read novle and listen music my favorite color is blue my favorite ...

Of all dreams I have had up to now, the only one that I will never give up is to tour around the world.百度教育团队【海纳百川团】

你要的语句就是:There are two computers next to the box。这里的考点就是英语中 某地有某物的语法结构,There be + 某物+ 介词+地点,本句中某物就是两台电脑two computers,因为是复数所以be动词要用are,介词next 靠近,临近的意思,地点就是箱子 the box 。例句:There are two birds ...


但是这两者我都没有 英文:But I don't have either of these 或者:But neither of me is


“我有我自己的道路,没有人可以左右我的未来”I have my own path. Nobody can manipulate\/control my future.“所以够了,即使是这样的我,也有与一起生活的幸福的梦”求这两句比较准确的英文翻译 急啊急!So, that's enough. Even as a person I now am, I still have the dream of ...

when I have money, I buy lollipops, and bought two,, one then, you're watching me eat, the other does, you see I eat.

我想要两个汉堡包翻译成英文是:“I'd like two hamburgers”。重点词汇:hamburgers,hamburger的复数 一、单词音标 hamburger单词发音:英 [ˈhæmˌbɜːɡə] 美 [ˈhæmˌbɜrgər]。二、单词释义 n. 汉堡包;牛肉馅,碎牛肉 ...

平遥县19892938637: 请求英文翻译:我有两个好朋友,一个是内莉,一个是简,简和我很相同,内莉却与我不同.内莉与我不同是 -
经该冠心: I have two good friends, one is Nelly, the other is Jane. Jane and I are much alike, and Nelly is very different from me, because nelly talks loud and she's more easy-going; Jane and I both are hard working in study, we are quiet and enjoy reading a lot.望采纳!

平遥县19892938637: 我有两个朋友 用英文怎么说 -
经该冠心:[答案] I have two friends

平遥县19892938637: 我有两个朋友,一个是.另一个是.用英语怎么说? -
经该冠心:[答案] I have two friends,one is ...,the other is ...

平遥县19892938637: 初一的英语翻译!1我有两个朋友,一个名叫贝贝的小狗,另一个是小猫1我有两个朋友,一个名叫贝贝的小狗,另一个是小猫2这面包太好闻了注意1我有两... -
经该冠心:[答案] 1 I have two friends, one is a puppy called Beibei,the other is a kitten . 2 The bread smells nice.

平遥县19892938637: 英语翻译Hello!我的名字叫海伦,我有两个好朋友.他们是Lily and Tom,Lily很高但有一点胖,她有一张圆的脸和两个大的眼睛.Tom的头发是黑色的,他很矮,... -
经该冠心:[答案] Hello!我的名字叫海伦,我有两个好朋友.他们是Lily and Tom,Lily很高但有一点胖,她有一张圆的脸和两个大的眼睛.Tom的头发是黑色的,他很矮,但他不胖.这就是我的两个好朋友!你喜欢他们吗?==Hello.My name is Helen.I ha...

平遥县19892938637: 英语作文我的俩个好朋友 -
经该冠心: I have two good friends at school,one is Mary,one is john.They are all my good friends,John her ancient spirit demon,Mary be clever and sensible,let me say to everyone!

平遥县19892938637: 我的一个朋友英文翻译(2种) -
经该冠心: A friend of mine My friend

平遥县19892938637: 我有两个最好的朋友.她们和我很不一样.一个长的又高又瘦,一个长得又矮又有点胖,而我是中等身材中等体型.英文翻译,不要百度 -
经该冠心:[答案] I have two best friends .They are not same as me.One is tall and thin ,the other is short and kind of heavy,and i am medium hight and medium built.

平遥县19892938637: 我有两个最好的朋友.她们和我很不一样.一个长的又高又瘦,一个长得又矮又有点胖,而我是中等身材中等体 -
经该冠心: I have two best friends .They are not same as me. One is tall and thin ,the other is short and kind of heavy,and i am medium hight and medium built.

平遥县19892938637: 英语晕作文我的两个朋友 -
经该冠心: My friendI have a lot of friends, but I have only a few good friends. One of them is my best friend. We are both twelve years old. He is fat and tall. He likes to eat oranges and meat. He is very straight and generous. We always help each other. He is a ...

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