
作者&投稿:蒲贷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Unit 1 动词+介词或副词的短语

1. apply to
2. succeed in
3. major in
4. register for
5. drop out
6. graduate from
7. work for
8. concentrate on
9. associate with
10. carry out
11. deal with
12. lay off
13. differ from
14. look for
15. point out
16. result from
17. look into
18. infer A from B
19. look forward to
20. see…off
21. head for
22. pass by
23. drop in
24. call on
25. bring up
26. suffer from
27. die of
28. refrain from
29. look after
30. grow up
31. participate in
32. put off
33. happen to
34. compare A from B
35. end up
36. complete with
37. believe in
38. count for
39. look up to
40. look down on
41. care for
42. prefer A to B
43. complain about
44. insist on
45. object to
46. stand by
47. comment on
48. approve of
49. accuse A of B
50. prevent A from B
51. inform A of B
52. connect A with B
53. tell A from B
54. impose A on B

55. Unit 2 使用形容词、过去分词的短语

56. be absent from
57. be busy with
58. be supposed to
59. be eligible to
60. be devoted to
61. be indispensable to
62. be responsible to
63. be acquainted to
64. be content with
65. be likely to
66. be willing to
67. be reluctant to
68. be similar to
69. be based on
70. be relevant to
71. be equal to
72. be capable to
73. be liable to
74. be used to
75. be about to
76. be bound or
77. be famous for
78. be subject to
79. be worn out
80. be amazed at
81. be anxious about
82. be pleased with
83. be frank with
84. be grateful for
85. be determined to
86. be indifferent to
87. be tired of
88. be concerned about
89. be aware of
90. be eager to
91. be satisfied with
92. be sick of
93. be anxious for
94. be ashamed of
95. be absorbed in
96. be confident of
97. be worthy of
98. be inclined to
99. be consistent with
100. be insistent on
101. be convinced of
102. be opposed to
103. be independent of

Unit 3 副词作用的短语

104. not…at all
105. not always
106. little by little
107. from time to time
108. to some extent
109. for good
110. on purpose
111. to make matters worse
112. once in a while
113. on second thought
114. for sure
115. at any rate
116. by all means
117. to start with
118. in common
119. by no means
120. in practice
121. in a nutshell
122. for a change
123. by accident
124. one after another
125. at random
126. by far
127. all but
128. day after day
129. all day long
130. in time
131. before long
132. on time
133. for the time being
134. in no time
135. every other day
136. day and night
137. in the long run
138. for a while
139. so far
140. back and forth
141. upside down
142. on the spot
143. face to face
144. side by side
145. back to back

Unit 4 具有相反意思的短语

146. speak ill of
147. speak well of
148. take…apart
149. put together
150. lose one’s temper
151. keep one’s temper
152. make little of
153. make much off
154. on duty
155. off duty
156. to the point
157. be surprised to
158. be inferior to
159. up to date
160. out of date
161. at (the) best
162. at (the) worst
163. in those days
164. these days
165. in private
166. in public
167. in general
168. in particular

Unit 5 用身体部位表示的短语

169. keep an eye on
170. have a sweet tooth
171. lose one’s head
172. hold one’s tongue
173. cannot make head or tail of
174. lose face
175. from hand to mouth
176. give…the cold shoulder
177. pull one’s leg
178. hand out
179. keep one’s fingers crossed
180. give…a hand
181. Unit 6 惯用语
182. Hang in there. / Stick to it.
183. I made it. / I did it.
184. Good for you.
185. What a shame.
186. That’s non of your business.
187. I can’t stand it.
188. So do i.
189. Same to you.
190. Take it easy.
191. Part two

Unit 1动词+介词或副词的短语

192. look over
193. begin with
194. come up with
195. burst into
196. hang on
197. run out of
198. negotiate with
199. call for
200. turn down
201. cope with
202. keep on
203. contribute to
204. refer to
205. consist of
206. account for
207. search for
208. stand for
209. depend on
210. pay A for B
211. benefit from
212. cooperate with
213. turn out
214. keep up with
215. amount to
216. pass away
217. attribute A to B
218. rob A of B
219. break out
220. burn down
221. compensate…for
222. derive A from B
223. distinguish A from B
224. owe A to B
225. relate A to B
226. adapt A to B
227. substitute A to B
228. succeed to
229. adjust A to B
230. regard A as B
231. protect A from B
232. subscribe to
233. attach importance to
234. pass on
235. tear up
236. put down
237. take A out of B
238. pack A into B
239. leave for

Unit 2 与常用动词搭配的短语

240. get along with
241. get rid of
242. get through with
243. get in touch
244. get to
245. get together
246. take over
247. take part in
248. take advantage of
249. take…for granted
250. take turns
251. take after
252. make up for
253. make fun of
254. make believe
255. make sense
256. make up one’s mind
257. make an attempt
258. come through
259. come to terms with
260. come over
261. come across
262. come up to
263. come about
264. give up
265. give in
266. give birth to
267. give away
268. give off
269. give one’s regard to

Unit 3 动词+名词短语

270. make a fuss about
271. have nothing to do with
272. run the risk of
273. find fault with
274. give way to
275. keep one’s word
276. take place
277. take pride in
278. make use of
279. ask a favor of
280. make a living
281. have an effect on

Unit 4 使用形容词、过去分词的短语

282. be proficient in
283. be engaged in
284. be concerned with
285. be curious about
286. be late for
287. be obliged to
288. be sold out
289. be destitute of
290. be in capable of
291. be beneficial to
292. be well-off
293. be composed of
294. be good at
295. be thankful to A for B
296. be suitable for
297. be sufficient for
298. be accustomed for
299. be free from
300. be ignorant of
301. be lacking in
302. be guilty of
303. be inconsistent with
304. be fed up with
305. be hard on

Unit 5 起副词作用的短语

306. in detail
307. in turn
308. in addition
309. in other words
310. at one’s convenience
311. in person
312. on one’s own
313. for one age
314. at all cost
315. in a hurry
316. no matter how
317. by nature
318. day in ,day out
319. not necessarily
320. more or less
321. by and large
322. in any case
323. no longer
324. at a glance
325. all of a sudden
326. on one’s way to
327. at last
328. at first hand
329. as a matter of fact

330. after a while

331. once and for all

332. without fail
333. from day to day

334. sooner or later

335. on the one hand…on the other hand…
Unit 6 起介词作用的短语

336. in exchange for
337. due to
338. as well as
339. in relation to
340. except or
341. at the end of
342. prior to in charge of
343. with regard to
344. in addition to
345. according to
346. for the sake of
347. in accordance with
348. as a result of
349. owing to with respect to
350. instead of
351. thanks to
352. in spite of
353. in comparison of
354. in memory of
355. along with
356. for lack of
357. as for
358. Unit 7
359. cling to
360. stick to
361. bear…in mind
362. keep…in mind
363. take down
364. write down
365. keep back
366. hold back
367. in terms of
368. as to
369. because of
370. on account of
371. be apt to tend to
372. be forced to
373. be compelled to

Part three
Unit 1 必须完全掌握的重要词语

374. from morning till night
375. get down to
376. be second to none
377. stand out one another
378. turn in
379. look up
380. be impressed by
381. come to
382. get over
383. be fresh from
384. hand in
385. think little of
386. far from
387. make arrangements for
388. give out put…into effect
389. behind one’s back
390. congratulate A on B
391. be fit for
392. break into
393. hold up
394. turn over
395. get away
396. put up with
397. make an effort
398. take out
399. in a little while
400. take the lead
401. on a charge of
402. check out
403. out of orderin use
404. take a ga\lance at
405. after all
406. pay for
407. do nothing but
408. not to speak of
409. in consequence of
410. coincide with
411. at times
412. at times
413. ahead of
414. run into
415. be full of
416. by degrees
417. as if
418. be carried away
419. all at once
420. call off
421. lead to
422. for keeps
423. nothing more than
424. might as well A as B
425. take care of
426. provide A with B
427. result in
428. from scratch
429. on top of
430. be tied of
431. set in
432. in support of
433. agree with
434. stand up for
435. vote for
436. be contrary to
437. dissent fromblame A for B
438. conform to
439. fight against
440. yield to
441. so as to
442. a large number of
443. look through
444. be familiar with
445. on the whole
446. both A and B
447. either A or B
448. neither A nor B
449. thousands of
450. the more…, the more…
451. take action
452. be conscious of
453. die out
454. turn into
455. a great deal of
456. at least
457. manage to
458. as far as
459. do with
460. so that
461. had better
462. enable A to B
463. read through
464. cannot but
465. think about
466. bring about
467. for instance
468. ought to
469. to one’s heart’s connect
470. go on

Unit 2 使用on、in的词语

471. on average
472. on occasionon schedule
473. on and off
474. on one’s account
475. in vain
476. in the way
477. in the meantime
478. in short
479. in proportion to

Unit 3 使用to、from的短语

480. pertain toadd A to B
481. next to
482. up to
483. to and frocome from
484. extract A from B
485. keep A from B
486. exempt A from B
487. from now on

Unit 4 使用with、for的短语

488. interfere with
489. comply with
490. share A with B
491. in conjunction with
492. with care
493. aim for
494. long for
495. run for
496. for a rainy day
497. for nothing

去星火英语网站看一下啊。那里的资源很多啊 !!






六级写作翻译一般能拿多少分 英语六级的翻译和写作一共可以拿到212分。六级考试单项成绩有四个部分,这四个部分以及所占的分值比例为:听力占35%,阅读占35%,翻译和写作占30%。各单项报道分的满分为:听力249分,阅读249分,翻译和写作212分。各单项报道分之和等于报道总分。

英语六级写作和翻译一共213分。英语六级各个部分的满分为:听力:248.5;阅读:248.5;翻译:106.5;写作:106.5,四部分共计710分。大学英语六级考试(College English Test-6,简称:CET-6)是由中国教育部高等教育司组织的全国统一的单科性、标准化英语教学考试,用以评定应试人的英语能力,每年各...

写作的体裁包括议论文、说明文、应用文等;翻译部分测试的是句子、短语或常用表达层次上的中译英能力。具体比例搭配如下:作文15%(有14分、12分、8分、6分、2分和0分四个档次,用时30分钟)翻译5%(一题1%。用时5分钟)写作: 30分钟, 107分(15%)快速阅读 15分钟,70分(10%)(写作与...



六级听力阅读写作翻译各多少分如下文:英语六级总分:710分、说明:写作部分占整套试卷的15% =106.5分、在这部分你要达到63.9分为及格。时间:30分钟。听力部分 =248.5分、听力部分占整套试题的35%,每个题都是7.1分。长对话 8% 8个题目 每小题7.1分。听力篇章 7% 共7小题,每小题7.1分...

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敞矿肠康: 想在六级考试中写出好文章?那么用词是非常重要的一个环节.词汇使用得当,不仅使文章更生动,也是评分时的加分亮点. 以下是我为你搜集的三十组考试中可频繁使用的优美词汇及例句.考试时用上它们,以替代你现有的普通词汇,可以瞬...

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敞矿肠康: a series of 一系列,一连串 above all 首先,尤其是 after all 毕竟,究竟 ahead of 在...之前 ahead of time 提前 all at once 突然,同时 all but 几乎;除了...都 all of a sudden 突然 all over 遍及 all over again 再一次,重新 all the time 一直,始终 all the same 仍然,照样的 as regards 关于,至于

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敞矿肠康: 大纲上没有明确要求那些是必须掌握的短语,只有“掌握一定量XXXX”这样的说法

榆阳区19615637882: 英语六级高频词汇有哪些 -
敞矿肠康: run out of 用完,耗尽 serve…right 给…应得的惩罚 turn up 开大,调大;出现,来到 use up 用完,用光 warm up (使)暖起来;(使)活跃起来,(使)热情起来;(使)做准备活动,(使)热身 wear off 逐渐消失;渐渐减少 wear out 穿破,磨...

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