[真诚] ~请求帮忙中译英~(不多,就几句。满意则追加分数)

作者&投稿:史使 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

People began to study the scientific attitude towards it, "Prince," the modern value is completely out of the excavation, the political scientist to be regarded as representative of the bourgeois theory of the state, while Machiavelli himself as the "modern political Father of ", as his work was engraved in the history of the rings being immortal.
Ironically, his best from his mercenary described as "lack of unity, cherished ambition, no discipline, disregard loyalty, which is Yaowu Young friends into, the performance of cowardice before the enemy is" seen. He proposed a "national army is the main basis of the king with his army major", and the need to use the law to aid management of the army, with its own national army, the monarch can really distress in the case of hiring a group of military involvement in the war , suspicious, dishonest, and dangerous, he immediately destroy them, turn around and rely on his own strength, without the fear into helpless circumstances.
The army was created to safeguard the national interest, such as Winston Churchill's famous quote: "We have no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests." Today's military is different from the 15th century, the military and the military related activities is not only the most simple to lose ground, but also in the political, diplomatic, economic, cultural and other aspects of construction and struggle, it is directly related to national security, national dignity and social development, there is also a need for military power as the core premise of the law as an auxiliary to the armed forces to achieve unity of will and irregularities, the formal order and rhythm to promote science and the country's armed forces are better able to shoulder the glorious mission of national development.
So sometimes the help of the power of the people, let them manage their own original land, and the monarchy supervisor at the appropriate time to implement the obligations of the city to maintain a free-living atmosphere to maintain the rule than to rely on any other hard-line approach to reform much easier. But when the special, such as Machiavelli described as "the conquest of the city if there is a strong vitality, greater hatred and vengeful than the cut and they cherish the memory of past freedom, not calm, but also can not calm down ", so the city will have to rely on a unified government and a unified policy for mandatory indoctrination-style management practices, because letting them continue to use the existing system, it is easy to form a counterattack situation is not conducive to national of stability.

Reflect the beauty of classical culture
Rhythm is strong, poignant
Like the fans of the country music to account for 27% of the whole class

百分数是Percent,1%就是ONE Percent

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没有一个一个字去译,大多是译字面上的意思。 可能会和楼上几位用program译的有些出入


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