歌唱比赛 英文怎么说

作者&投稿:银乖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

take part in the competition of singing.

past的同音词 passed

get on the bus

on the way to the post office

on the sheet

on the newspaper

go shopping

do more exercise


bring back

in the centre of the room

唱歌比赛英文是Singing competition。例句:Meanwhile , I'd like to invite you to act as a judge for the singing competition.同时我想邀请你担当歌唱比赛的评委。There is going to be a singing competition this evening.今天晚上将有一场歌咏比赛。I have taken part in a singing competition of our school in the next Tuesday afternoon. Would you please come to see it?下周二下午学校有一个唱歌比赛,我参加了,请问你有空来看看吗?

1.singing competition
例:She bore away the first prize in the singing competition .
2.song contest
例:Several famous singers are invited to act as judge for a national song contest.

singing contest

Learning by singing或者
singing competition

singing competition

九台市17346236013: 歌唱比赛英文 -
哈思霸灵: 歌唱比赛 singing competition.她赢得了歌唱比赛一等奖.She bore away the first prize in the singing competition.----------------------------- 希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!

九台市17346236013: 唱歌比赛用英语怎么说 -
哈思霸灵: Singing contest希望能帮到你, 如有疑问,可继续追问

九台市17346236013: 歌唱比赛的英文? -
哈思霸灵: Singing Competition or Singing Contest

九台市17346236013: 跳舞比赛,歌唱比赛, 这些英语怎么说?跳舞比赛,歌唱比赛,演讲比赛,舞台剧,表演秀. 这些英语怎么说? -
哈思霸灵:[答案] Competition dancing,singing contests,speech contests,plays,performances show.

九台市17346236013: 跳舞比赛,歌唱比赛, 这些英语怎么说? -
哈思霸灵: Competition dancing, singing contests, speech contests, plays, performances show.

九台市17346236013: 歌咏比赛英语怎么说 -
哈思霸灵: 歌咏比赛英语 singing competition singing contest 在昨天的歌咏比赛中,玛丽亚获得了一等奖. Maria won first prize in yesterday's singing competition.

九台市17346236013: 合唱比赛用英语怎么说 -
哈思霸灵: chorus competition 合唱比赛

九台市17346236013: 急求现在初2下学期的英语66页那个歌唱比赛的翻译 急急急 -
哈思霸灵:[答案] In some science fiction films,the future of the people have their own robot.There will be robots have a human.They help with the housework and do the most unpleasant jobs.

九台市17346236013: 英语我在下午三点钟有一场歌唱比赛怎么说? -
哈思霸灵: 我在下午三点钟有一场歌唱比赛 I have a singing competition at three o'clock in the afternoon 注:competition 英 [ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn] 美 [ˌkɑ:mpəˈtɪʃn] n. 竞争; 比赛; 竞争者; [生] 生存竞争; [例句]There's been some fierce competition for the title.夺冠之争一直都相当激烈.[其他] 复数:competitions

九台市17346236013: 参加歌唱比赛的英文
哈思霸灵: Participate in the singing competition 『如有疑问 欢迎追问』或者说 Participate in a singing competition 用 a 是指任何一个歌唱比赛 the 则是指定的一个,而且 Singing Competition 一般都要大写 因为是专属名字

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