
作者&投稿:寇剑 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Happiness is anything, the different person has the different answer. Each people want happiness, but was not all people feels happiness. I thought that happy is in the life one kind of feeling, one kind of feeling of satisfaction. For example: When by good result through test, I will feel happiness. weekend can have a long lazy sleep, I will also think happiness. When my actions teacher are understood by schoolmate accepts the support, the happy heart will fill the whole body. The academic society feels the life attentively, happy can arrive at side naturally you. happy pays the joy, on the life path overcomes the setback one by one, turns head looked passes through the road, looks that the difficulty which crosses, the happy heart is arisen spontaneously one by one. the happiness is the academic society satisfies.

Of happiness I see
What can make a person happier? It depends on what he needs. Happiness is a feeling, get the desired thing of happiness. Some people think that happiness is a case of good feeling after, and these good things are beyond our control. But the opposite is true: happiness to a great extent in our control.
First of all, to achieve a happy life, we must overcome some obstacles. The most common obstacle is that compared with others. Most of us love to take their own with any of our well-being of people than we think to compare. Looking back at our previous life, you will find we often put the names of many successful people often talked about than his right, more than their money than their well-known, in our eyes how happy they are ah! One can imagine that it is difficult to exceed them, and thus doomed to our own misfortune.
Second, we should be happy, you have to be grateful. All happy people are grateful. Ungrateful people can not be happy. We used to feel unfortunate result in complaints, in fact more accurate to say that complaining would have become unfortunate.
For me, happiness is a simple pleasure. Every morning, and his breakfast with a loved one is happy; learning with the help of others are happy; holiday greetings to friends, was received well-being; work in the drip progress is happy; occasionally reward superior is happy. These are things I can get is what I want. Happiness is very simple, very easy to get, as long as the positive, optimistic view on life will live as I wish.

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参考 泰戈尔诗集英文版 there is only me who is willing to have sunburned eyes and frozen given by you we can get nothing from being obstinate for someone and something have no reason to be there.whenever people are thinking,they may misremember past,nowadays,future which couldn't...

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白司复方: One of the things I happiest occurs in this afternoon. In math class I finished Inge go bookstores and buy books, in casual, I found a Lee him self Junki calendars, I'm very happy, took it to redemptive home, this is one of my happiest thing.

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