
作者&投稿:嬴饼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.集邮__collect stamps__2.玩牌__play cards__3.打乒乓球__play table tennis__4.听音乐__listen to music__5.玩玩具__play with toys__6.擅长……__be good at__
1.Put the books on the __writing__ (write) desk.
2.His father has lunch at home,so does __I__ (I).
3.Throw ____ (she) frisby.
4.Look!The boy with his parnts __is flying__ (fly) a kite.
5.It's _Tom’s___ (Tom) turn ___to clean_ (clean) the blackboard.
6.Lucy is _interested___ (interest) in the __interesting__ (interest) story.
7._Playing___ (play) football is my favourite sport.
8.We want _to help___ (help) her with her English.
9.Would you like __to eat__ (eat) bread?
10.Every country __has__ (have) rules.
11.Everyone should ___keep_ (keep) our classroom clean.
1.I like listening to music.(一般疑问句)
__Do__ you __like__ listening to music?
2.I'm interested in collecting toy cars.(否定句)
__I’m__ __not__ interested in collecting toy cars.
3.He likes piaying football.(对画线部分提问)
What does he like?
4.Tom's hobby is drawing.(对画线部分提问)
What is Tom’s hobby?
5.He knows everyone is here.(否定句)
He __doesn’t__ __know__ __everyone__ __is__ __here__.
1.My parents are __both__ teachers.
2.They __both__ work hard.
3.Thank you all the __same__.
4.__What__ is wrong with my bike.
5.My _cup’s___ colour is red.
6.Please write __it__ soon.
7.Here is a card __with__ my best wishes.
8.Do you enjoy __yourselves__ , children?
9.They often throw the ball __at__ the wall.
10.He likes playing volleyball,but he doesn't like playing __the__ piano.

和right 同音的不知道咧
i like playing but i don't like play wolleyball
sometimes mike's parents listen to music
let's buy some candles and masks

too也 good 好 moon月亮food食物 foot 脚look看 noon中午 cool凉爽的
pear梨 bear熊 dear亲爱的 ear月亮 fear害怕 learn学习 rear后面tear眼泪

ooblast 成卵细胞
oocyan 蛋壳青素
oodles 许多
oof <俚>钱, 现钞, [拳击]力量
oogamy [生]卵式生殖,异配生殖
oolachan 太平洋细齿鲑
oomingmack [动]麝牛
oomph 性感, 性的魅力, 精神, 精力
oomiac (爱斯基摩人所用的)木架蒙皮船

ear 耳朵, 倾听, 听觉, 听力, 穗
earlandite 水柠檬钙石
earldom 伯爵的身份
earless 无耳
earliness 早熟
earlier 早地,初期的
earn 赚, 挣得, 获得
earnings 所得,收入

3、脑溢血急救方法 患者突发脑溢血,要立即拨打120并采取相应的急救措施。让患者平卧床上,保持周围环境安静,不可猛烈摇动昏迷者,密切观察体温、脉搏、呼吸、血压等指标;将患者的头偏向一侧,防止分泌物或呕吐物阻塞呼吸道出现窒息;如伴有发热,可用冰袋、冷毛巾敷在患者额头,降低局部温度,有利于脑保护。

1.欲/代子/相 单句 想要/代替你/做相 2.非/梧桐/不止,非/练实/不食,非/醴泉/不饮。不是梧桐不止,不是熟的实不吃,不是甘甜的泉水不喝 3.子(之)不知/鱼之乐/全矣!你完全不知道鱼的快乐啊!之 取独


定语从句啊 急救啊!!求正详解
1 定语从句中缺少宾语 选B 因为where和in which作状语,the one不是关系词 2 定语从句缺少先行词。改成陈述句就清楚了 the factory is (_) you once visited 3 定语从句中的live是不及物动词,不需要接宾语,从句成分完整,因此要选择表地点的关系副词 ...

include<stdio.h>#include<string.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define N 5fun(int a[],int c[]){int i,j,k; for(i=j=0;i<N;i++){for(k=0;k<j;k++) \/\/判断a[i]是否重复{if(a[i]==c[k]) break;}if(k!=j) continue;c[j]=a[i];j++;}c[j]=-1;for(k=0;k<=j...

擀面棍吹火---一窍不通 千里送鹅毛--礼轻情意重 茶壶里煮饺子--心里有数 茶壶里煮饺子--肚里有货倒不出 茶壶里煮饺子--有口说不出 茶壶里煮饺子--有嘴倒(道)不出 (均可)!!!老虎挂念珠---假慈悲 做一天和尚撞一天钟---得过且过 围棋里下象棋---不对路数 太平洋警察(会议)-...

1. 答案:to be told.2. 翻译:他在那里等了将近两个小时,(结果)只是被告知说他可以明天再来一趟。3. 解释:1)only在此题中引导的并非主语从句,而只是一个结果状语。只不过该状语中含有一个宾语从句that he could come the next day而已。2)在英语语法中,如果表示的是出乎意料的结果,则...

1. which (which引导的定语从句指代前面的traveling to Canada or the United Statesto attend a school)2. it; feel(it指炎热的天气;feel at home表示“感到舒适、习惯”)选择 1. 选B(从句表示客观事实,所以无论前面时态如何,从句均用现在时)2. 选B (固定搭配)翻译 1. During this ...

1.假手于人 2.一心一意、全心全意 3.冷眼旁观 4.怒发冲冠

急救啊,C语言编程题。 求:X、Y,使XY-YX=35成立。
这个命题本身存在不明确的地方。我假设X,Y都是数字0,1,...9,此编程问题可以转化为一个数学问题:求10以内的正整数X,Y,使得(10*x+y)-(10*y+x)=35 经过简单的运算,等式可以化成9*(x-y)=35,很明显,35不能被9整除,所以不存在满足条件的x和y。

柘荣县15512029771: 英语题啊啊啊!!急求答案!! -
尾泉甲磺: too也 good 好 moon月亮food食物 foot 脚look看 noon中午 cool凉爽的pear梨 bear熊 dear亲爱的 ear月亮 fear害怕 learn学习 rear后面tear眼泪year年龄

柘荣县15512029771: 一些英语题 求高人解答 急啊1 He wants to buy a computer but he hasn't——a——where to buy it 2 The snow was so heavy that everything was——withsnow 3 ... -
尾泉甲磺:[答案] 1 He wants to buy a computer but he hasn't known a place where to buy it / but he hasn't made a decision where to buy it.(这题不确定.)2 The snow was so heavy that everything was covered withsnow3 Giv...

柘荣县15512029771: 急急急急,简单的英语题啊啊,急求学霸解答 -
尾泉甲磺: 1, at the age of2, if...spend3, taller...any other4, in case not5, trouble learning

柘荣县15512029771: 简单的英语题嗷嗷嗷,急求啊啊啊啊 -
尾泉甲磺: 5 changing , for6 for company7 is dressed in8 stayed awake *******************************************************************加油!不明白再问!如果帮到你,请及时采纳,谢谢!*******************************************************************

柘荣县15512029771: 英语题啊啊,急求啊啊啊 -
尾泉甲磺: To his surprisehersyour,minemine,it满意请给分!谢谢

柘荣县15512029771: 急求下面英语题答案啊啊啊 -
尾泉甲磺: 1.after school (放学后) 2.on Sunday moring(在周日早上) 3.beside the house (在房子旁) 4.at night(在晚上)5.on the bed (在床上) 6.in the bag(在书包里)7.under the desk(在课桌下) 8.in front of the classroom(在教室前)9.in the river(在河里) 10.behind the tree(在树后)Ⅱ.用适当的介词填空.at at to by to in with through in at under

柘荣县15512029771: 英语练习题,急求答案!1.Different people - __ - different hobbies.A.has B.have C.is D.are2.The book - __ - music is very useful.A.in B.on C.from D.with3.Let ... -
尾泉甲磺:[答案] B B C C D

柘荣县15512029771: 英语题,急求啊啊啊 -
尾泉甲磺: 2 it's time to3 mind helping us finish4 didn't come back until5 stop people from smoking6 It's very important for the students to take exercise7 Why not stop to have a rest 8 are looking forward to 9 as soon as I finish reading 10 won't close until *******...

柘荣县15512029771: 急求下面英语题目答案啊啊啊~~ -
尾泉甲磺: 1.my 2.It's 3.your 4.her 5.He1. We,her,she 2. my,I(大写的爱,我) 3. our ,we,her 4. your,it 5.itsBCDCD


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