
作者&投稿:宗政池 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

传统家庭一般是一夫一妻制,大多数是一家三口的传统模式。现在也出现了很多新的非传统家庭,比如单亲家庭、单身家庭、同性恋家庭等 。
Traditional family is generally monogamy, most is 3 the traditional model. Now also appeared a lot of new nontraditional home, such as single-parent families, single family, homosexual families, etc.

"" My university life ""
At the university I have spent two fallen autumn, the two fallen autumn I received a lot of friends and learned a lot of expertise, but also growth in a number of insights felt he was very happy that the very substantial !~ At the university, I am most happy thing is that my friends together and we are staying together through thick and difficult when, let me understand what true !~ I will always treasure the friendship between us !~ At the university I learned independence, what are relying on the previous home, but now things are different, so I feel that their own grown up mature ~! There are two years, it is very short, I will study hard in the past two years, and my friends in the struggle, to spend two fallen autumn


Hello everybody, I'm xxx. I'm local. So glad to be here and join such an excellent team.

I have been in the company for two months. During this peroid, I find that all of the colleagues are excellent at work, who are diligent, professional.
进入公司已经2个月了,在这期间我看到了周围的同事都很优秀,勤奋 和专业。

Although I've been here a some time, I realize that there are still a lot to learn and Ihave a lot to improve. Ihope that ,from now on, we can learn from each other and make the company more successful.
虽然我已经来了一阵了,但我意识到还有很多东西要学习,有很大的进步空间。 希望以后大家相互学习,使得公司更为成功。


Hello everyone, my name is XXX, the local people. and I am very gald to join this company and be a member of this excellent team

I has 2 months since being this company, I saw all of my colleagues are very outstanding, so many things need to learn for me. I saw the hard work, professional from them, Although it has been 2 months, I still have many shortcomings, hope we can learn from each other and make a better tomorrow.

Hello,I'm---,I'm a native.I'm glad to join the company,and become one member of this excellent team.During this two months,i learned diligence and speciality from my excellent colleagues,i notice that there are many things for me to learn,i hope we can learn from each other and make the better achivement.

Dragon’s Dawn 龙之黎明 Roaring fills the air,天空中满是怒吼。reverberating through the night.一阵阵划过夜空。Distant roaring echoes the first.远处的传来第一声回响。Dragons call to one another.那是龙的呼唤。Reverberating through the night,一阵阵划过夜空。deep and calming are these ...

雇圭们不再认为员工的雇主数目是衡量其忠诚度的最好方法。相反,他们更加看重的是员工是否在供职时全身心地投入工作,因为他们相信这样更有可能取得好的工作效果。这也就意味着,今天的雇员们可以相对容易地改变自己的工作,按自己的节奏来管理自己的职业发展。Job hopping is largely caused by the huge ...

英文好的 ,帮我翻译一下啊。
I hope my writen you can't konw forever 我希望你永远不知道我所写的 I do not know if really want to do 我不知道是否真的想去做 August is good to say that the drink 八月很适合说去喝酒吧 Why today's Come drink 为什么今天来喝酒 Iam sorry because Isee that love you?对不起...

One day, parents send me to school. Although I was wearing new clothes but I am not very happy, I think that parents sent me to school me in the punishment. There are many trees on the playground, there are many with the boys and girls my age. Bell rang, a lady came ...

符合原文语气的翻译应为“我看他们最好还是把上衣穿上”,而不是“他们难道不应该穿上外衣吗?”另外,在英语中,虚拟语气常被用以表示否定或谴责,如: (5)You could have helped me with my luggage.符合语用的译文是“你(刚才)为什么不帮我拿行李呀?”而不是“你本来可以帮我拿行李的。”(含义似乎是客观原因...

现在我已经不再去打搅你了。也尽量不给你看见我。I will no longer go and disturb you now and will try not let you see my face any more.但每天看见你。我的心就好痛。But I still feel hurt when I see you every day.我知道在你心里我一点地位都没有。心真的好痛。I know I have...

求英语好的大虾帮我翻译一下这段话啊,有分!:“如今越来越多的人学英 ...
More and more people begain to learn English nowadays. The reason why learning English so important are as follows. Someone is to travel around the world,communicating with foreigners by the language. Someone is to listening English songs or watching English movies. In a word, ...


为了吸引观众的注意力,常常会利用一两个追光灯照在人物上,这时舞台上其它背景因为没有直接受到光线照射,几乎呈现为黑色,所以两者反差极大,除非表演者恰好位于画面中心位置而你又采用了点测光模式,不然务必作曝光负补偿,否则容易出现曝光过度。累死我了 剩下得不翻译了 给后面的做做贡献吧我 ...

20分悬赏~ 请帮我把下列中文翻译成英文(英语好的进)。语法一定要对啊...
complex, second day level, grammar a don't wrong! Had better not too stiff. Don't use translator translation, so it is not accurate, please English good people help! Please ~ speed!!! Genuflect is begged ~ ~ ~ thank you all in advance!有道翻译出来的英语,必须中式 ...

钦州市18813549708: 英语好的来帮我翻译一个简单的句子!急! -
左丘看溶菌: nothing is important for me but your stay with me i will try my best to make our story go on!

钦州市18813549708: 英语好的帮我翻译句英语下
左丘看溶菌: Not neccessary.The friends ever,enemy now, I abominate earthing,In fact I don't like this status ,just you are too shabby!

钦州市18813549708: 英语比较好的来了,帮我翻译一段话! -
左丘看溶菌: In order tounnecessarymisunderstanding, today thelast times to give you brushthe message, article tenthousand from a distanceand, even if I owe you,have the opportunity toreturn you! Ha ha!

钦州市18813549708: (高分急)请英语口语好的朋友帮忙,帮我翻译一小段对话,谢谢! -
左丘看溶菌: 1.I like pop and jazz.When I hear your song,I find your voice very beautiful,and the performance is perfect. 2.I met your music teacher before,and she said that you are excellent when she talked about you.3.I want to know what subbjects do you have ...

钦州市18813549708: 请英语口语好的朋友进来帮我翻译下这段对话 考试要用 谢谢~! -
左丘看溶菌: 我觉得我的比一楼的朋友好点,呵呵,不是炫耀,我是英语专业的.1.Hello. Can we have a talk?2.Sure.1.Where are you from?2.Xin Jiang. What about you?1.I'm from Fujian.2.Oh, that's really far away.1.yeah...How old are you?2.I'm 19, and you?1....

钦州市18813549708: 英文好的朋友进来帮我翻译一段话好吗? -
左丘看溶菌: 嗨,我的笔记本电脑因为某些怪异的原因瘫痪了,所以我把我的ipod插到我爸爸的电脑上,并打算将你发给我的歌添加进去,然后当我把ipod拔下来时,我所有的歌都不见了,大概有611...

钦州市18813549708: 帮我用英语翻译一段话(英语好的进) -
左丘看溶菌: Hello, everyone. My name is XX. My English name is Eric. I graduated from XX middle school. I am open and i like to make friends. If you have any trouble, please come to me. As for PE, I like play badminnton. But i am not good at basketball and ...

钦州市18813549708: 请英语好的来帮我翻译一下吧!!...
左丘看溶菌: 1.禁Forbid 2.禁地Forbidden ground 3.因为精神崩溃,所以此路不通!Because of the nervous breakdown, so road closed! 4.因为对血的极度渴望,所以变的非常狂暴!Because to the extreme desire of blood, so change of very wild! 5.因为长时间陷入疯狂,导致记忆丢失,所以愿望是找回记忆.Long time get bogged down in madness, cause the memory throw to lose, so the wishes find back memory.

钦州市18813549708: 要翻译一段英语的口语小对话,要演一段英语的短剧,求哪位英语好的帮帮忙 -
左丘看溶菌: 女:开完会了吧Woman: after the meeting.男:恩,开完了,打电话有事吗Man: Well, after the call, do anything女:没有,只是想你了,给你打...

钦州市18813549708: 请英语好的兄弟姐妹们帮我翻译下句子!! -
左丘看溶菌: 1.May I beg your pardon?2.I enjoy English very much because I think it is that interesting.3.Just like it,soso.4.I don't think I could reply because for my poor English.

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