
作者&投稿:夷滢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Belgium is located on the western coast of Europe, bordering Germany in the east, the Netherlands in the north, France in the south, Luxembourg in the southeast and Britain in the west. The coastline is 66.5 kilometers long.

Two-thirds of the country's area is hilly and flat lowlands. The whole territory is divided into three parts: the northwest coastal Flanderland Plain, the central hills and the southeastern Aden Plateau.
The highest point is 694 meters above sea level. The main rivers are the Mas and Escow rivers, which belong to the climate of marine temperate broad-leaved forest and have four seasons.
Belgium is a highly developed capitalist country with foreign trade as its economic lifeline and one of the world's top ten commodity importers and exporters. About two-thirds of the country's GDP comes from exports.
Belgium has perfect infrastructure such as ports, canals, railways and roads to create conditions for closer economic integration with its neighbours.
Belgium is one of the founding members of the European Union and NATO, and also a member of the United Nations, the World Trade Organization and other international organizations.


Belgium is a highly industrialized country with only 5 percent of the working population involved in agriculture. Even so, they produce 165 different kinds of cheeses and many notable food products. Through history, the country has been invaded and ruled by many other people-the Romans, Vikings, French, Spanish, Austrians, Dutch, English, and Germans-and many great and famous battles have been fought on Belgium soil. This land has become a meeting point for the Germanic cultures of northern Europe and the Latin cultures of the south, and this has influenced their cuisine.

Cooking techniques and ingredients of the invaders were acquired by the natives, who by the Middle Ages developed a cuisine of their own. Today Belgians proudly say their food is cooked with French finesse and served with German generosity.

The country is famous for its mussels and frites (French-fried potatoes), waffles, and endive. Fine chocolates are a passion and exquisite chocolatiers dot the marketplace of every city. More beer is consumed than wine by the populace. Many beers are crafted by small artisanal brewers whose family recipes and techniques go back generations. Beer laces the national dish, carbonnades flamandes, a Flemish beef stew.

Belgians love potatoes and are fond of game and meat. Charcuterie, a basket of bread, and beer often make a meal. Fish and seafood are important. Hearty soups play a big role, and the so called waterzooies are the most typical.

Medieval cookery still influences the cuisine with today's prevalence of condiments, mustards, vinegars, and dried fruits that lend a sweet-sour and sweet-salty flavor to dishes. Almonds and spices are used in abundance, and fresh herbs lace appetizers, salads, meats, and even desserts.

Few cookbooks exist, but the newly published volume, Everybody Eats Well in Belgium by Ruth Van Werebeek (Workman) covers recipes from three generations of her family.

Visiting Belgium today, one is easily captivated by the endive, mussels, and chocolates, and each has a story behind it.

Belgian endive, or chicory, has a place of honor in dining and a unique style of cultivation. This vegetable was accidently discovered by a Belgian farmer, Jan Lammers, in 1830, when he returned from war and found his chicory (used for coffee and stored in the barn) had sprouted white leaves. He was captivated by its tangy, distinctive flavor. It was another 30 years before endive, known as witloof, became a successful crop. In 1872 it was introduced in Paris, to rave reviews, so popular it was called white gold.

Today it is still cultivated as a labor-intensive crop, either in soil in gardens or sheds, or hydroponically. Visiting Belgian in October 1996, I had the pleasure of seeing both methods harvested, and what a fascinating production it is. There are two phases to its growth. First the roots, or chicory, is harvested in July or August. Then the grower forces the endive to sprout the leaves. To achieve this, on small farms the roots are buried in damp sand-filled trenches inside a cellar or heated metal corrugated covers. The roots then produce thick, pale conical buds in 20 days and are hand pulled and the leaves cut. The roots become fodder for animals.

More recently, endive is also produced by hydroculture, by growing in water, and this is done year around. Today endive production has spread to California. We were told that the red endive now available in the States was accidentally produced from a disease of the seed. In the past, it used to be thrown away. Very little of the red strain is grown in Belgium.

A restaurant famous for its fifty endive dishes is Traiteur Restaurant Veilinghof, located at Lewensesteenweg 22, 1910 Kampenhout, Belgium. This bistro means "garden of the auction" as it is situated close to the auction house for produce that is marketed world-wide.

Dining at the bistro with Rudi Coosemans, the charming young president of the Belgian Endive Marketing Board and owner of Coosemans Belgium Specialty Produce, we savored superb endive dishes-a luscious creamy potato soup and braised endive gratin, the leaves sealed in ham and a rich cheese sauce, and we learned about this delicious leaf.

"In Belgian 99 out of 100 times endive is served hot, whereas in the States more likely it is served raw," said Coosemans. There is only 1 calorie per leaf and considerable nutritional value in its mineral content. The fresher it is, the sweeter and less bitter. Belgium now exports 3,000 tons a year to the United States. The price paid for endive grown in the traditional soil method is higher than for the water method.

In Brussels one evening, we delved into another food specialty-mussels at Chez Leon. Located in the Galerie de la Reine, a shopping street and market square with 60 restaurants, this is a bustling 100-year-old fish restaurant. It has expanded over the years into a row of eight old houses and is said to average 1,500 covers a day. It offers 12 different mussel preparations ranging from mussels escargot made with parsley butter, to a huge pot of mussels steamed in broth. Gratineed mussels with tomatoes and cheese and cold marinated mussels are other specialties. The busy restaurant also offers chicken, fish, and meats. It is smart to choose the beer over the house wine. The address is Rue des Bouchers 18, tel: 02/511-14-15. No reservations are necessary. There are dozens of other restaurants alongside, each displaying a fancy array of seafood and fresh produce on tables outdoors. Even in late October, night-time patrons were enjoying dining outdoors under canopies and heat lamps at many establishments.

On an afternoon food walking tour, we learned there are 90 breweries making 400 beers in the city. There are 2,00 restaurants in Brussels and 20 brands of chocolate shops. Among them, Leonidos is considered "the fast food of Belgian chocolate." Godiva and Neuhaus are popular and top-of-the-line, and Wittamer is considered the ultimate. Belgian praline is a general term for filled chocolates. In the shops, each candy has a name. It helps to know that gianduja is a milk chocolate and hazelnut paste blended while hot. Praline also means a mixture of milk chocolate and finely ground nuts or toffee. Nougatine is the same as praline, only larger pieces of nuts or toffee are used for a slight crunch. True Belgian chocolates have no preservatives and use no artificial flavors or coloring. The best ones are made with fresh cream and last only a few days. The chocolates are beautifully packaged and sold in boutiques decorated with gold, crystal, and mirrors.

Street food in Belgium means frites or French fries. Stands serve them in a paper cone accompanied by mayonnaise, bearnaise or curry sauce. Another popular fast food is the Belgian waffle. Stands in outdoor markets bake them with crunchy bits of pearl sugar in the batter. Roasted chestnuts are an aromatic item heating in outdoor stalls in the winter months.

Belgium museum exhibition covers an area of rendering Belgium will reach 5250 square meters, including the exhibition hall. "The main exhibition hall will adopt a brain structure. It also implies brain ", "three traditional culture in Belgium as Europe - Latin, the Germanic and Anglo-Saxon culture -- HuiJuDe mix and play important roles.
展馆名称: 中国2010年上海世博会比利时国家馆
展馆位置: 世博园区C片区
展馆主题: 比利时馆:运动和互动
造型亮点: 脑细胞(神经元)
建筑面积: 5250平米(1000平米给欧盟)
开工时间: 2009年8月5日
设计者: JV Realys(AOS集团)与Interbuild
场馆类型: 自建馆
国家馆日: 6月13日
确认参展时间: 2006年10月
签订合同时间: 2008年8月5日
Hall name: the world expo 2010 Shanghai, China national museum in Belgium
Position: expo garden exhibition area C
Theme: exhibition hall: sports and interaction in Belgium
Modelling of brain neurons) (highlights:
Building area 1,000 square meters, 5250 square meters (to the)
Working hours: on August 5, 2009
Architect: the JV Realys (AOS group) and Interbuild
Venue: self-built museum
National library: June 13
Confirm the time: October 2006
Sign the contract time: on August 5, 2008


Belgium - the museum is mild, calm and novelty, charming architectural appearance of interior decoration make contrast. Main USES "brain" exhibition, "the structure of neurons in the brain" inspiration from Belgium abundant art and science, as well as the achievements of European political center. Positive external exhibition will use transparent glass material, the other three will be closed using exterior surface of metal plate wall. Hall has two entrances, a Belgian galleries, one is the area of the entrance.


Hall appearance
"Brain" structure is the museum of Belgium - the overall design concept, "brain" can show "European capital" in Belgium, it can cause the curious visitors, let them with interest to explore the cultural forms and Belgium rich connotation. "Brain" also signify Belgium as Europe, Latin and traditional culture Germanic and Anglo-Saxon culture -- HuiJuDe mix and play important roles. Building exterior, huge ceiling will hold a and outdoor completely unicom public space, the design of new and flexible both zheyu wind practicability.
首先,比利时-欧盟馆将是一个生机勃勃的时尚展馆,展现比利时以其友好的投资环境构成的理想居住地。比利时-欧盟馆将通过美食来分享这些经验,展馆内比利时啤酒咖啡馆供应各类啤酒,现场还可以品尝享誉世界的巧克力,馆内同时还将开设一家米其林比利时VIP餐厅。其次,比利时-欧盟馆将举办超过150个研讨会和大型会议,并常设精美且享受盛誉的钻石展。比利时探险家Alain Hubert远征南极洲的第一手经验、比利时大学有关未来绿色经济的学术研究成果、前沿的科技等也都是展馆的精彩内容。
Display content
Firstly, the Belgian - eu pavilion will is a vibrant, fashion show, with its friendly Belgian investment environment constitute the ideal residence. Belgium - eu pavilion will come to share the experience through gourmet coffee in the Belgian beer, the exhibition of beer, the site also supply can taste the world famous chocolate, also will open a Michelin restaurant in Belgium VIP. Secondly, the museum will be held in Belgium - more than 150 seminars and conferences, exquisite and enjoy high reputation and permanent exhibition of diamonds. Belgian explorers Alain Hubert expedition Antarctica first-hand experience, Belgium university relevant future academic research achievements of green economy and technology, etc are also the contents.

钻石光芒闪耀展馆 为了展示超过550年的“钻石之都”安特卫普,参观者可在展馆中欣赏到来自安特卫普钻石博物馆的10件最负盛名的钻石珠宝,以及世界闻名的ECC奖杯。ECC奖杯是一个价值超过100万欧元的钻石网球拍,由6公斤的黄金和1600颗钻石打造而成。馆内还设有“裸钻厅”。参观者不仅可以当场购买裸钻并请技师将钻石镶嵌到饰品上,而且还将获得含有世博元素的钻石证书。此外,每天还将设有2小时的打磨钻石“表演”。

Diamonds shine light exhibition in order to show more than 550 years "diamond" Antwerp, visitors can enjoy in the exhibition in museum of diamonds from the royal Antwerp the 10 most prestigious diamond jewelry, and the world famous ECC trophy. ECC trophy is a value of more than 100 million euros from the tennis racket, diamond 6 kg of gold and 1,600 diamond building. The library is equipped with "naked drill hall". Visitors can not only on the bare drill and please buy diamonds inlaid engineer to jewelry, but also will contain elements of diamond expo. In addition, every day will have 2 hours of polishing diamonds "performance".


Chocolate factory delicious scent

For hundreds of years, the Belgian chocolate owing to its unique flavor and excellent design all over the world. The expo, Belgium - the stadium will build a dreamy "chocolate factory". Some chocolate will be made in Shanghai, such as the Oriental pearl landmarks. The top four from Belgian chocolate brand manufacturers GeDi watts, cobolli gigli Ephraim, Howe, Barry, jia le beau to garrison, 70 chocolate technician will make the chocolate. The museum every day Belgium - 2.5 million is expected to provide independent packing Belgian chocolate, let visitors free taste authentic Belgian chocolates.
June 2009, 3 days afternoon, Shanghai world expo Belgian national museum seminar was held in Shanghai. Reporter in promotion meeting understands, covers an area of 52.5 square pavilion will include 1,000 square meters in Belgium, the exhibition hall of the European Union by "brain" as the main structure and performance of Europe and Belgium and rich artistic connotation of the development of human civilization and wisdom crystallization of scientific achievements.
The Belgian theme "movement and interactive exhibition", the side wall will use transparent glass material, the other three will extend the sheet metal forming, the exhibition is not enclosed facade European hall, Belgium hall and the community and area of exhibition location, provide various social and meeting place, including restaurants, bars and VIP exhibition center, in the slippery course will hang on, moving in the exhibition hall, which show different areas inside and outside the image and Belgium open attitude and cultural harmonious coexistence, hall inside an atmosphere, no internal and external boundary square, who know how to enjoy life in Belgium, "the concept of".
比利时政府总代表Leo F.W. Delcroix饶有兴致的告诉记者比利时以巧克力和钻石闻名于世,因此在上海世博会期间,顶级钻石展将亮相比利时馆,届时,来自世界各地的钻石设计师们将带来他们的作品,其中更包括了十几位来自中国的设计师,两国的时尚模特也将登场助兴,他表示钻石展不用于商业目的,接下来他们将与中国相关部门沟通,通过钻石展为建设希望小学募集资金,当记者提到保险问题时,他表示比利时已经在“认真考虑这一问题”。
The Belgian government always represent the interest Delcroix F.W. Leo told reporters in chocolate and diamond in Belgium, so famous in Shanghai world expo, top diamond will debut, Belgium, from around the world will bring the diamond designers of their works, including a dozen more from China, the designer of the two countries will debut christmas-to fashion models, he says diamond not used for commercial purposes, then they will communicate with related departments in China, through the diamond exhibition for building the hope school raise funds and insurance when reporters mentioned in Belgium, he said in "seriously considering this problem".
另一个记者非常感兴趣的话题则是Leo F.W. Delcroix提到的“巧克力工厂”,据他介绍,比利时馆将复制一个梦幻般的“巧克力工厂”,在工厂中,参观者能看到巧克力的制作过程,甚至能免费品尝比利时巧克力,一些巧克力将被做成上海地标建筑如东方明珠的形状,说到这里,他调皮的眨了眨眼睛,表示“参观者能免费尝到正宗的比利时巧克力,但他们必须控制自己的胃口”。
Another reporter is very interested in the topic is Delcroix F.W. Leo mentioned "chocolate factory", according to him, Belgium pavilion will copy a dreamy chocolate factory ", "in factories, visitors can see the production process, even chocolate can taste the free Belgian chocolate, some chocolate will be made Shanghai landmarks such as the Oriental pearl shape, here, he naughty blinked, said" visitors can free taste authentic Belgian chocolate, but they must control appetite.
Leo F.W. Delcroix告诉记者,比利时馆每天下午将举行抽奖活动,就欧洲和比利时概况问答比赛的优胜者进行抽奖,每天将有一名幸运儿赢得去比利时旅游的机会,而每周也将举行一场类似活动,优胜者有机会赢得比利时出产的钻石。
Leo F.W. Delcroix tells a reporter, Belgium hall will be held every afternoon, Europe and lucky winners of Belgium quiz on general every day, there will be a lucky win a lucky chance to Belgium tourism, and will hold a similar activities, the winner has a chance to win the Belgian produce diamond.
“脑细胞”结构是比利时馆的整体设计理念,Leo F.W. Delcroix表示用该形象代表比利时最为恰当,因为“脑细胞”能表现出比利时“欧洲首都”的独特地位,同时它能够引起参观者的好奇,让他们饶有兴致地探索比利时丰富的文化形式和内涵。
"Brain" structure is the overall design concept of Belgium, Leo Delcroix F.W. with the image represents Belgium said the most appropriate, because "brain" can show "European capital" in Belgium, it can cause the curious visitors, let them with interest to explore the cultural forms and Belgium rich connotation.
"Brain" also signify Belgium as Europe, Latin and traditional culture Germanic and Anglo-Saxon culture -- HuiJuDe mix and the role of brain ", "the light and color changes will naturally in Shanghai at night.
The external design to reveal the belgians peculiar pragmatic and rigorous spirit, which brought exuberant, organic "brain" design to form bright contrast. Huge ceiling will hold a and outdoor completely unicom public space, the design of new and flexible both zheyu wind is practical, in the public square, designed for planting trees to provide a comfortable visitors, to hold a series of square in here.
On August 5th in 2009, the Belgian national museum in the afternoon at the park pudong ceremony. By 2010, an area 5000 square meters, with "brain" as the main structure of the exhibition will appear on the huangpu river. Visitors can see in the exhibition hall, top diamond "chocolate factory" and the polar research etc, experience the wonderful show in Belgium and throughout Europe and generous artistic heritage.
比利时副首相兼商务部长Didier Reynders,上海市政府副秘书长、世博局局长洪浩,比利时展区总代表戴明哲,比利时驻上海总领事裴泽东,欧盟驻华代表团政务参赞孟葛岚等出席奠基仪式,并与比利时馆的中国建设者们一起按下手印,比利时馆内将有一堵墙用于这些手印的展示。
Belgium's deputy prime minister and minister of commerce, Didier Reynders Shanghai municipal government, deputy secretary-general of the expo, hong DaiMingZhe general representative area, Belgium, Belgium in Shanghai, the general PeiZeDong delegation attended GeLan meng e-government counselor etc, and Belgium foundation stone laying ceremony of China with the builder press handprint, Belgium museum will have a wall used for these fingerprints.
Belgium museum in 2009, complete construction before the end of March 2010. Finish layout Belgium hall overall design concept for the "brain", the exhibition will be adopted to structure, easy disassembly and recycling of architecture. In order to adapt to the Shanghai warm humid climate, the exhibition will be spread by three external appearance of closed. The European Union, not only contain exhibition will also provide including restaurants, bars and VIP center, comfortable meeting place.
比利时展区总代表戴明哲介绍说,比利时非常有信心向公众呈现一个迷人的展馆。首先,比利时馆将是一个生机勃勃的时尚展馆,展现比利时以其友好的投资环境构成的理想居住地。比利时馆将通过美食来分享这些经验,展馆内比利时啤酒咖啡馆供应各类啤酒,现场还可以品尝享誉世界的巧克力,馆内同时还将开设一家米其林比利时VIP餐厅。其次,比利时展馆将举办超过150个研讨会和大型会议,并常设精美且享受盛誉的钻石展。比利时探险家Alain Hubert远征南极洲的第一手经验、比利时大学有关未来绿色经济的学术研究成果、前沿的科技等也都是展馆的精彩内容。
Belgium DaiMingZhe said chief representative of exhibition, Belgium very confident to present an attractive public exhibition. Firstly, the Belgian museum is a vibrant, fashion show, with its friendly Belgian investment environment constitute the ideal residence. Belgium pavilion will come to share the experience through gourmet coffee in the Belgian beer, the exhibition of beer, the site also supply can taste the world famous chocolate, also will open a Michelin restaurant in Belgium VIP. Secondly, the Belgian exhibition will be held for more than 150 seminars and conferences, exquisite and enjoy high reputation and permanent exhibition of diamonds. Belgian explorers Alain Hubert expedition Antarctica first-hand experience, Belgium university relevant future academic research achievements of green economy and technology, etc are also the contents.


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化隆回族自治县17768658091: 英语翻译:我们参观了比利时馆,荷兰馆以及其他一些馆,这些馆虽然不大,但可以从中学到许多,它们向我们展示了西方社会的文明以及对于未来的种种设想. -
老索三七: With the pleasant weather,we visited many excellent museums,such as the museum of Dutch and the Belgium Museum.In fact,these museums were not very large,however,we did learn a lot from them.They showed us the civilization and culture of the ...

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老索三七: The Kingdom of Belgium (Dutch: Koninkrijk Belgi; French: Royaume de Belgique; German: Knigreich Belgien) is a country in northwest Europe bordered by the Netherlands, G...

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化隆回族自治县17768658091: 世博会欧盟馆(比利时馆)尺寸 -
老索三七: 比利时欧盟馆占地面积是5000 平米,其中还设有1000平米的欧盟展览专区.在展馆中,游客可以发现“脑细胞”建筑结构: 比利时欧盟馆的主要设计理念展示了比利时国家的科学创造性和社会文明,也象征了高度的全球化和综合的世界沟通能力.它标志着是我们在知识经济,生物科学领域 、化学、纳米技术领域的革新.“脑细胞”也寓意了比利时和整个欧洲的丰富的艺术融合. 简而言之,这个设计 理念吻合了比利时作为欧洲文明的十字路口和核心的地位.

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老索三七: The China Pavilion represents the Chinese presence in Expo 2010.China Pavilion is located at the projecting area near the main entrance of Pudong Site,within Zone B of the Enclosed Area.It comprises the Chinese National Pavilion,Chinese ...

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老索三七: 法国馆 Pavilion Features The "Sensual City" itself is impressive with a large, classical roof garden and a pond. The walls of the square-shaped structure, which is made from a special concrete, are covered in plants and it looks like a white floating...

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老索三七: 当然是单独的 展馆:比利时馆 地点:世博园C片区 距离:秘鲁馆往东北走大概750米

化隆回族自治县17768658091: 比利时的英文怎么说 -
老索三七: 比利时 Belgium*************************************************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你健康,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!***************************************************************************************************************顺便给个赞,O(∩_∩)O谢谢!

化隆回族自治县17768658091: 世博会场馆 - 泰国冰岛罗马尼亚比利时 - 欧盟馆各位好!<br/>我搜
老索三七: 1.泰国馆:进去后有一个好看的电影,排队:90分钟;2.冰岛馆:进去后就是一个360度银幕,演火山爆发,排队30分钟;3.罗马尼亚馆:进去后看表演,150人一场,排90分钟;4.比利时-欧盟馆:里面的展示内容很多,还有巧克力赠送,排队90分钟.比利时-欧盟馆和泰国馆还行...

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