急求高一牛津英语What should I do?这篇课文!!!

作者&投稿:锻苇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
九年级全一册What should i do?的课文~

What should I do? 
At Debbie‟s school, students can write to Ms Robbins,the school counselor about their problems. Here are extracts from there she received recently. 
在戴比的学校,学生可以写信给罗宾斯,学校辅导员自身的问题。这是她最近收到的提取物。 I had not seen my friends Amy for a long time ,so last Sunday I went to visit her new high-rise flat. While I was there,she knocked a flower pot from her window by accident. It broke on the ground below and narrowly missed some children at play. No one was hurt, so we said noting and left for the cinema. 
When we  got home, We learnt that the police had just been to the flats and questioned everyone about the pot. 
Amy was too afraid to talk to the police. Now I feel guilty and don‟t know what to do… 艾米非常害怕和警察交谈。现在我感到内疚和不知道做什么… 2.  
By nine o‟clock yesterday evening, I had finished my piano lesson and was taking the underground home. Three strong boys got on my almost empty carriage. They sat down beside a young boy who was travelling alone. 
They began to bully him. The boy was so frightened that he moved to another seat. However ,the bigger boys just followed him and continued their bullying. 
Then the train stopped at my station . I got off the train and walked home. I felt very sorry for the boy, but I did not know how to help him. I ‟m not strong enough and I hate violent behaviour. What could I do?...
然后火车停在火车站。我下车回家。我觉得很对不起这个男孩,但我不知道如何帮助他。我没有足够强大和我恨的暴力行为。我该怎么办呢?… 3. 
The checkout assistant at my local supermarket is always rude and unhelpful. Yesterday, I gave her a 100-yuan note to pay for a bottle of water. she gave me an extra 20-yuan note in my change by mistake. 
When I noticed the error, I went back and tried to tell her about it. 当我发现错误,我回去了,想把这件事告诉她。 
„Excuse me,‟ I said .but before I could continue, she stopped me . „Can‟t you see there is a queue?‟she shouted . „go to the end and wait your turn‟  
I‟d had enough! I left the shop with the 20 yuan. Because she was rude, I decided to keep the money.Was I wrong? 


Lesson 6
T: Look at the picture, please. What can you see in the picture?
Ss: A blackboard, a teacher,a teacher's desk, teacher's notes, four cups...
T: Anything else?
S: A stick in a cup.
T: What is the teacher doing?
Ss: He is giving a lesson to the class.
T: Is he a maths teacher or a chemistry teacher?
Ss: A chemistry teacher.
T: What is he like?
Ss: He is a middle-aged man with a pair of glasses. He isshowing one of his fingers to the class with a smile on hisface...
T: As you see, there are three small cups and a big cup onthe teacher's desk. What can you g uess they hold?
Ss: Water, chemicals...
T: Now, I'll lead you to an interesting chemistry class.You should pay attention to the fa cts how the teacher gavehis students an interesting lesson, how the students learnedtheir l essons and what the students thought about the lessonand the teacher.
Lesson 14
T: Look at the picture carefully and tell me what yousee in the picture.
Ss: We can see many tall trees, a river, a boat, a hilland six people...
T: What are the people doing?
Ss: Five people on the top of the hill are having a rest.They are talking about something. O nly one person near theriver is cooking meal.
T: Quite right. The five people are travellers. The manwho is cooking supper is a guide. They are on their travelsin a forest. The river is the famous Amazon River in southAmeric a. Today we're going to read a travel diary. Pleasefollow what the travellers saw and what
they heard and howthey felt in the forest.
Lesson 18
T: Just take a look at the picture. What can you see init?
Ss: Two women, some young trees, many big trees on thehills...
T: What are the two Indian women doing?
Ss: They are planting trees.
T: OK. Today we're going to read a story. The storyhappened in Tangsa Village in nort h India. In the past peoplethere destroyed the forest. A forest programme was carriedout by
teams of women in this village. In order to grow a newforest, the women plant trees every year
and made some rulesto protect the forests. Now, thanks to their effort, thevillage take s on a new look. Let's go and visit the village,shall we?
Lesson 26
T: Look at the picture, please. What has come to yourmind when you look at it?
Ss: Terrible... very sad...
T: Does this picture show us the countryside or a largecity?
Ss: A large city. We can see many tall buildings, manystreets, several crossingbridges a nd many cars...
T: What happened to the roads and the crossing-bridges?
Ss: Some roads are broken. Some crossingbridges fell downand some cars broke down...
T: What happened to the city? Can you guess?
Ss: An earthquake!
T: Well done! In this lesson we're going to discuss thenew topic ——earthquakes. W e'll learn what damagean earthquake can bring about and how the people feel inearthq uakes. We'll also learn how an earthquake happens. Wecan't stop earthquakes happening but we can take somesteps to reduce the damage to a lower degree.
Lesson 34
T: Have you travelled by air?
S: My father and I flew to Beijing last summer.
T: Is it the first time for you to travel by plane?
S: No. My family travelled by plane three years ago.
T: Is it difficult for you to get the plane tickets?
S: Not exactly. Three years ago we booked the ticketsahead of time, but this time we go t the tickets easily.
T: Well, look at this picture. What do the two men wantto do?
Ss: They want to buy air tickets.
T: What are the three girls doing in the office?
Ss: They are operating computers. They are sellingtickets.
T: Good! The CAAC has bought new computers and thecomputers have joined all the offi ces. The using of computersmakes the buying and selling of tickets much easier thanbefore . Travellers and business people have been greatlyhelped by the computers. At present, computers are widelyused in many fields. Computers are touching everyone's dailylife even in
faraway villages.
Lesson 38
T: Look at the picture, please. What does this pictureshow us?
Ss: A stadium.
T: There are thousands of people on the grand- stands.Some are waving small flags, some
are cheering, some arewhistling. Do you think so?
Ss: Yes, many many fans... much more noise...
T: What is it over the stadium?
Ss: A large Olympic flag.
T: There're five colourful rings joined together in theOlympic flag. What do they stand f or?
Ss: They stand for five continents.
T: Right. The Olympic flag stands for the friendshipamong people from all parts of the
world. Can you list thedifferent colours?
Ss: Yes, yellow, black, red, blue and green.
T: Do the five colours stand for the five continents?
Ss: Yes, yellow—Asia, black—Africa, red—America, blue—Europe, green—Australia (Oceania) .
T: All right. Today we'll deal with an interesting topic—the Olympic Games.
Lesson 42
T: What can you see in the picture?
Ss: A singer is singing with the guitar.
T: Do you know what kind of songs the singer is singingand what kind of music he is playi ng?
Ss: We have no idea.
T: There are many kinds of music in the world such aspopular music, country music, clas sical music, light music,rock, jazz and so on. What kind of music do you like best?
Ss: Pop music, rock...
T: Have you heard of American country music?
Ss: Yes.
T: In this lesson, we're going to learn something aboutAmerican country music.

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