
作者&投稿:陶弘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
stress和pressure都是压力的意思 有什么区别吗~

有区别。stress 和 pressure 在表达压力的意思时有词义的区别。
stress 和 pressure 在英汉词典里的注释都是“压力”,但在实际应用中这两个并不是同义词。它们最大的词义差别是“压力”的形成源。stress 的压力产生于自身,而 pressure 指来自外部的压力。物理学在使用这两个词上就分得很清楚,物质材料因外力作用而产生变形,外来的力量称作 pressure,而材料内部的变化,无论是拉扯还是挤压,称作 stress。例:
A body collapses if pressure exceeds stress. Though stress, or internal resistance is due to external forces, or pressure, it needs to be equal to it. (当外部压力大于材料本身的张力时,物体会垮塌。尽管张力(内部抗压力)是因为外力(外部压力)而产生,但这两个力需相等。)
在引申词义上,stress 和 pressure 也同样有词义和使用的差别。stress 用于精神压力。尽管这种压力可能因外部事物造成的,但却是自身内部的压力。pressure 则是造成 stress 的外部压力,如工作压力,人际关系压力,经济压力等等。这些都有可能造成人的精神压力,即 stress。例:
Stress may be caused by the pressures of examinations or work deadlines. (精神压力可能是因考试或工作期限的压力所造成的。)


英 [stres] 美 [ strɛs]
1、Of course, the British will suffer such daily stresses patiently.
2、Stress, both human and mechanical, may also be acontributing factor.
3、He laid special stress on analysing the particularity of the contradiction.
英 [ˈpreʃə(r)] 美 [ˈprɛʃɚ]
1、Its government is under pressure from the European Commission
2、The political pressures to do something are pretty enormous.
3、Even if I had the talent to play tennis I couldn't stand the pressure

两个词都可以用在精神上,也都可以用在物理上。你可以自己看看词典的解释来证实: 在物理学上,stress 翻译成“应力”,特别指一种使材料变形的压力,而 pressure 则翻译成“压强”,一般指“垂直作用在物体单位面积上的压力的值”。 应用在精神层面,stress 的着重点是主体本身的感受(使主体精神状态“变形”的力),比较指主观感受。而 pressure 一般是指环境的压力,就像大气一样压得人喘不过气来的那种压力,比较指客观环境。一般心理学上说的“精神压力”用 stress。对别人施加“压力”,只能用 pressure。

stress是精神压力 pressure是物理压力 可以从他们所对应的的动词意义来区分:stress作动词表示“强调”,而Press作动词则表示“按,压”

差别不大 stress: pressure or tension exerted on a material object 压力,重压 the distribution of stress is uniform across the bar. 杆上压力分布是均衡的。 ■the degree of this measured in units of force per unit area 压强 a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or very demanding circumstances 精神压力,紧张 he's obviously under a lot of stress. 显然,他的压力非常大。 pressure the continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by something in contact with it 压力;压迫 the slight extra pressure he applied to her hand. 他往她手上微微多加的压力。 ■[count noun]the force per unit area exerted by a fluid against a surface with which it is in contact 压力;压强 gas can be fed to the turbines at a pressure of around 250 psi. 燃气可以约每平方英寸250磅的压强注入燃汽缸。 the use of persuasion, influence, or intimidation to make someone do something (经劝说、影响或胁迫施加的)压力 back-benchers put pressure on the government to provide safeguards. 普通议员向政府施压以提供保障措施。 [count noun]the many pressures on girls to worry about their looks. 让女孩担心长相的诸多压力。 ■the influence or effect of someone or something 影响;影响力 oil prices came under some downwards pressure. 油价面临下跌的压力。 ■the feeling of stressful urgency caused by the necessity of doing or achieving something, especially with limited time 压迫感 he resigned due to pressure of work. 他由于工作压力而辞职。

stress是精神压力 I must stress that what I say is confidential. 我要强调我说的话是保密的。 I can't bear the stresses and strains of modern life. 我不能忍受现代生活的压力和紧张。 pressure是物理压力 The tyre is too hard reduce the pressure a bit. 这轮胎太硬,要减少一点压力。 The water pressure may need adjusting. 水压可能需要调整。

tress [tres] n.&v. 一绺头发, 卷发, 发辫, [植]枝条, 把(头发)梳理成绺 高● 3g09.5 actress ['aektris] n. 女演员 benefactress ['benifaektris] n. 女捐助人, 女施主, 女恩人 高waitress ['weitris] n. 女服务生 arbitress ['a:bitris] n. 女仲裁人 enchantress [in't∫a:ntris]...

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树木常青 化工厂 建厂前 分别用英语怎么翻译 谢谢
evergreen trees ,chemical plant,began building建厂前,discharge of sewage排放污水,off gas废气,Plants and trees all died花草树木都死亡,a fictitious land of peace 世外桃源 ,influence影响serious 严重

My Favourite Engliah Teacher
My Chinese teacher is Zhao Shuang. She is young and nice.She has tress hair. She has big eyes and a small mouth.Her class is very interesting. She is always happy with the smile on her face. We like her very much .Because she is not only our teacher, but also our ...

Thirdly, we could re-pick up our handkerchiefs, and use tissues as little as possible so we can stop more tress from cutting down. Last but not least, please try to walk if you have more free time, and ride bikes or take buses as often as possible. Best wishes. Li Bing 话题英语...

Still, for those of you who want to know how much your executive peers’ at said private tech and life sciences companies were compensated this year (or at least the pre-meltdown part of the year), your cup runneth over with the recently completed 2008 Compensation and Entrepreneurship ...

【adj】放洋屁前 pre-fangyangpic 【adj】放洋屁后 post-fangyangpic 【adj】一起放洋屁的 confangyangpic 【vt.\/vi.】去洋屁化 disfangyangpilify 哦漏【oulou】哦漏的 oulouic 变成哦漏的行为 oulouification 没有哦漏的 oulou-free 哦漏QAQ oulouqaq ...

【adj】放洋屁前 pre-fangyangpic 【adj】放洋屁后 post-fangyangpic 【adj】一起放洋屁的 confangyangpic 【vt.\/vi.】去洋屁化 disfangyangpilify 哦漏【oulou】哦漏的 oulouic 变成哦漏的行为 oulouification 没有哦漏的 oulou-free 哦漏QAQ oulouqaq ...

荣县13436772062: stress和pressure有什么区别(意思上及用法上) -
骑闻广迪: 差别不大stress: pressure or tension exerted on a material object压力,重压the distribution of stress is uniform across the bar.杆上压力分布是均衡的.■the degree of this measured in units of force per unit area压强a state of mental or emotional ...

荣县13436772062: 作为压力stress 和pressure有什么区别?具体的用法..无限感激 -
骑闻广迪:[答案] pressure 压力.名词.有精神上的压力的意思,也有物理学上压力,压强的意思. stress: n. 1.压力,紧张2.强调,重要性3.重力4.重音5.曲调(或节奏中)的强调部分,加强;节拍6.紧迫,紧张;造成紧张的因素7.【语音学】重音,重读;重读音节8.【韵...

荣县13436772062: stress和pressure的区别是????? -
骑闻广迪: pressure和stress的区别 stress [stres] n. 重压, 逼迫, 压力, 重点, 着重, 强调, 重音 vt. 着重, 强调, 重读 pressure n. 压, 压力, 电压, 压迫, 强制, 紧迫pressure只可作名词,stress既可作名词,又可做动词 stress做名词时,意思偏于精神方面的压力 pressure做名词时,意思偏于物理方面的压力

荣县13436772062: pressure stress都表达“压力”之意时有何区别?pressure stress都有“压力”的意思,当它们都表达这层意思的时候,具体在语义上有哪些区别呢? -
骑闻广迪:[答案] pressure表示压力的时候 既可以表示心理上的压力,更主要的是强调其物理方面的效应,气压用的就是pressure 而stress主要强调一种心理上的焦虑,没有物理方面的意思

荣县13436772062: pressure stress press有啥区别 -
骑闻广迪:[答案] pressure 压力.名词.有精神上的压力的意思,也有物理学上压力,压强的意思.stress:n.1.压力,紧张2.强调,重要性3.重力4.重音5.曲调(或节奏中)的强调部分,加强;节拍6.紧迫,紧张;造成紧张的因素7.【语音学】重音,重读...

荣县13436772062: pressure 与stress 有什么区别 -
骑闻广迪: pressure 与stress 的区别 1.物理学上,pressure指将物体朝同一方向推的力,stress指将物体朝两个不同方向牵引的力. 2.用于人时,pressure指强制或促使某种行动的外部压力,stress指使人感到内心痛苦的各种原因.因此pressure意思偏于...

荣县13436772062: stress和pressure有什么区别(意思上及用法上)到底哪个之精神上的,哪个指物理上的?为什么每个人回答都不同?、 -
骑闻广迪:[答案] 差别不大stress: pressure or tension exerted on a material object压力,重压the distribution of stress is uniform across the bar.杆上压力分布是均衡的.■the degree of this measured in units of force per unit area压强a state of mental or emotional strain or ...

荣县13436772062: stress和pressure都是压力的意思 有什么区别吗 -
骑闻广迪: 有区别.stress 和 pressure 在表达压力的意思时有词义的区别. stress 和 pressure 在英汉词典里的注释都是“压力”,但在实际应用中这两个并不是同义词.它们最大的词义差别是“压力”的形成源.stress 的压力产生于自身,而 pressure 指...

荣县13436772062: pressure和stress的区别 -
骑闻广迪: 两个都有压力的意思,都可以作名词和动词,stress还有“强调”的意思,pressure作名词意思是大气压,压力(一般所说的压力人与人之间相处的压力),作动词意思是“说服”,如:If you pressure someone to do something, you try forcefully to persuade them to do it.

荣县13436772062: pressure 和 stress 的区别1.pressure ,stress这两词的区别和它们连用的固定短语2.现代社会里越来越多的人面临着很巨大的压力.More and more people are ... -
骑闻广迪:[答案] pressure和stress的区别stress [stres] n. 重压, 逼迫, 压力, 重点, 着重, 强调, 重音 vt. 着重, 强调, 重读 pressure n. 压, 压力, 电压, 压迫, 强制, 紧迫 pressure只可作名词,stress既可作名词,又可做动词 stress...

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