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~ honour1 (US honor) / ˈɔnə(r); ˋɑnɚ/ n
[U, sing] source of pride and pleasure; privilege 光荣; 荣幸: the seat of honour at the head of the table 上首席位 * It is a great honour to be invited. 承蒙邀请, 十分荣幸.
[U] (a) good personal character; strong sense of what is morally right 节操; 正义感: a man of honour 品德高尚的人 * Honour demands that he should resign. 为了保持气节, 他应该辞职. (b) reputation for greatness, good behaviour, truthfulness, etc 荣誉; 名誉; 信誉: fight for the honour of one's country 为祖国的荣誉而战 * My honour is at stake. 我的名誉利害攸关.
[U] great respect; high public regard 崇敬; 公众表示的敬意: They stood in silence as a mark of honour to her. 他们肃立向她致敬.
[sing] an ~ to sth/sb a person or thing that brings credit to sth/sb 给某事物[某人]增光的人或事物: She is an honour to her profession. 她是同行的光荣.
[C usu pl 通常作复数] thing given as a distinction or mark of respect, esp an official award for achievement or bravery 作为荣誉或尊敬的标志而授予之事物(尤指为表扬成绩或英勇行为而正式授予的): bury a person with full military honours, ie with a special ceremony to honour the dead soldier 以隆重的军葬礼埋葬死者 * Birthday/New Year Honours, ie titles, decorations, etc awarded in Britain by the Sovereign on his or her birthday or on 1 January each year 英国国王或女王在其诞辰或元旦之日授予的荣誉称号﹑ 勋章等.
honours [pl] specialized course for a university degree or high level of distinction reached in it (大学)荣誉学位课程, 优等成绩: [attrib 作定语] an honours degree course in French literature 法国文学荣誉学位课程.
your/his/her Honour [sing] (used to or about certain judges or people of importance as a title of respect 用作对某些法官或显要人士的尊称): I plead innocent, your Honour. 我不认罪, 法官大人.
[C esp pl 尤作复数] (in card-games) any of the cards of highest value (纸牌戏中)最大点数的牌: hold five spades to (ie of which the highest is) an honour 手中有五张黑桃, 其中有一张大牌.
[U] (in golf) right of driving off first (高尔夫球 的)先打权: It's `your honour, partner. 伙伴, 该你先打.
(idm 习语) a debt of honour => debt. do sb `honour (fml 文) show respect for sb 向某人表示敬意或致敬: Fifty heads of state attended the Queen's coronation to do her honour. 五十位国家元首参加了女王的加冕典礼, 向女王表示敬意. do sb an honour; do sb the honour (of doing sth) (fml 文) give sb a privilege 给某人以特权; 使某人有特殊的荣幸: You do us a great honour by attending. 你肯光临使我们感到无比荣幸. * Will you do me the honour of dining with me? 可否赏光与我一起吃饭? do the `honours (infml 口) act as host or hostess; perform some social duty or small ceremony 尽主人之谊; 履行某种社交责任; 执行某种小礼仪: Who's going to pour the tea shall I do the honours? 谁管斟茶--我来斟好吗? have the honour (of sth) (fml 文) be granted the privilege specified 获得某种特权; 获得某种特殊的荣幸: May I have the honour of this dance? 可以赏光和我跳这个舞吗? * To whom do I have the honour of speaking? 能跟您谈话十分荣幸, 请问尊姓大名? (there is) honour among `thieves (saying 谚) criminals often have their own standards of behaviour that they live by 罪犯往往也有赖以生存的行为准则; 盗亦有道. honours are `even the contest is level 比赛打成平局: Both teams have won the same number of games so honours are even between them. 两队积分相同, 比赛结果不分胜负. (in) honour `bound (to do sth) required to do sth as a moral duty but not by law 道义上应做某事的; 理应做的(非硬性规定的): I feel honour bound to attend because I promised I would. 我觉得不参加不大好, 因为是我答应过的事. in honour of sb/sth; in sb's/sth's honour out of respect for sb/sth 出於对某人[某事物]的敬意: a ceremony in honour of those killed in battle 为纪念阵亡将士而举行的仪式. on one's honour (to do sth) under a moral obligation (to do sth) 在道义的促使下(做某事). on my `honour I swear it 我发誓; 我以人格担保: I promise I'll pay you back, on my honour. 我以人格担保, 一定把钱还给你. a point of honour => point1.put sb on his, etc `honour make sb promise solemnly to do sth 使某人郑重承诺做某事. one's word of honour => word.
# `honours list (Brit) list of people given titles, decorations, etc by the Sovereign (国君授予称号﹑ 勋章等的)荣誉名册.

honour2 (US honor) / ˈɔnə(r); ˋɑnɚ/ v
[Tn, Tn.pr] ~ sb/sth (with sth) show great respect for sb/sth; give public praise and distinction to sb 向某人[某事物]致敬; 表扬某人; 给某人以荣誉: I feel highly honoured by your trust. 我得到您的信任, 感到十分荣幸. * (fml 文) Will you honour me with a visit? 如蒙造访则荣幸之至.
[Tn] (commerce 商) accept and pay (sth) when due 承认(某事物)并如期支付款项; 承兑: honour a cheque/bill/draft 承兑支票[票据/汇票].


荣耀 róngyào [glory]∶应得或能够赢得崇高称誉,光荣;光彩或赞赏的习性 [honour]∶良好的名声或社会名望 [bright]∶花木茂盛鲜艳

honor没有祭拜的意思 honor英 ['ɒnə(r)] 美 [ˈɑnɚ]第三人称单数:honors第三人称复数:honors现在分词:honoring过去分词:honored过去式:honored honor 基本解释 名词荣誉; 光荣; 尊敬; 敬意 及物动词尊敬,给以荣誉 [英国英语] =honour honor 同义词 动词respect ...

honor英['ɒnə(r)]美[ˈɑnɚ]n.尊敬;敬意;荣誉;光荣 vt.尊敬,给以荣誉 [美国英语] =honour [例句]I want to thank harvard for this honor.我要感谢哈佛大学给我这个荣誉。

"Honour"和"honor"在意义和用法上完全相同,只是拼写方式不同,根据使用地区的习惯选择合适的拼写即可。大家可以先看下面的表格了解一下 honour和honor 吧:honour和honor的区别:a. 拼写差异:"honour"是英式英语中的拼写;"honor"是美式英语中的拼写。b. 词汇用法的区别:在英式英语中,“honour”通常...

honor单词的读法是英[ˈɒnə] 美[ˈɑːnər]1、As it is, sleep is so undervalued that getting by on fewer hours has become a badge of honor. 事实上,睡眠受到了极大低估,以至于少睡几个小时已经成为一种荣誉。2、UNESCO considers the entire cit...



1.荣耀(Honor)是华为旗下在2013年相继推出的互联网手机品牌,拥有荣耀3C,荣耀3X等系列产品。品牌追求更快变化来适应移动互联网时代,确认互联网本质:平等,开放,去中心化,具有高性价比。2. honor 英 ['ɒnə(r)] 美 [ˈɑnɚ] ;单词词性:n. 荣誉;光荣;尊敬...

这是同一个词,只是在英国英语和美国英语的拼写形式不同而已。其中,英式拼写是honour 美式拼写是honor.类似词汇:英式拼写 美式拼写 colour———color favour———favor humour———humor flavour———flavor favourite———favorite labour——— labor neighbour ——neighbor 祝你开心如意!


泊头市19711096813: honor什么意?honor什么意思
支兰新德: honor 英['ɒnə(r)] 美[ˈɑnɚ] n. 荣誉; 光荣; 尊敬; 敬意; vt. 尊敬,给以荣誉; [词典] [英国英语] =honour; [例句]He called for quiet and announced that the next song was in our honor 他叫大家安静,然后宣布下一首歌要送给我们. [其他] 第三人称单数:honors 复数:honors 现在分词:honoring 过去式:honored 过去分词:honored

泊头市19711096813: honor中文翻译?
支兰新德: [美] [ˈɑnər] n. 尊敬; 特殊荣誉; 贞节; 大牌 v. 敬重; 履行; 遵守 [变形] 过去分词:honored 现在分词:honoring 过去式:honored 第三人称单数:honors 复数:honors

泊头市19711096813: “荣誉”的英语是什么? -
支兰新德: glory 光荣;荣誉 honer 尊敬;敬意;荣誉 honour 各种荣誉称号 kudo 奖赏

泊头市19711096813: 荣誉英语单词怎么写? -
支兰新德: 荣誉 honour glory credit 三选一,希望可以帮助你,满意的话,希望采纳,谢谢!

泊头市19711096813: honor是不是有"诚实"的意思 .. -
支兰新德: 你好,honor并没有诚实的意思,它的意思有“荣誉,荣幸,尊重”等,honest 才是诚实的意思, 急求采纳,拜托了

泊头市19711096813: 光荣 的英语是什么? 最常用的那个 -
支兰新德: 光荣 honor(常用) 很光荣 be honored that 光荣称号 a title of honor 无上光荣 the highest honor

泊头市19711096813: “honor”的汉语意思是什么? -
支兰新德:[答案] n.荣誉,头衔,信用 v.尊敬,授予荣誉 [ 名词honorer ] [ 过去式honored 过去分词honored 现在分词honoring 第三人称单数honors ]

泊头市19711096813: 单词honor有没有祭拜的意思 -
支兰新德: honor没有祭拜的意思 honor英 ['ɒnə(r)] 美 [ˈɑnɚ] 第三人称单数:honors第三人称复数:honors现在分词:honoring过去分词:honored过去式:honored honor 基本解释 名词荣誉; 光荣; 尊敬; 敬意 及物动词尊敬,给以荣誉 [英国英语] =honour honor 同义词 动词respect honour 名词fame regard honour praise renown esteem respect laurels glory homage deference honor 反义词 名词dishonor

泊头市19711096813: 荣誉用英语翻译是什么
支兰新德: honor

泊头市19711096813: honor单词怎么读 -
支兰新德: 荣誉的音标是英语[n (r)]或美式[ι n],在句子中用作名词和动词.第一,词汇分析荣耀荣誉;信用;标题尊重(等于荣誉);向?致敬第二,短语1.荣誉学生;福见真纪;三好学生;优等生2.荣誉证书获奖证书3.荣誉医院荣誉医院;诊断和治疗设...

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